Diet with sigmoiditis of the intestine, nutrition menu for inflammation of the sigmoid colon

Diet for inflammation of the sigmoid colon is one of the fundamental factors of recovery. So, from the diet should be excluded fried, smoked, hot, cold and hot dishes. It is worth considering the diet rules for sigmoiditis.

In the case of acute sigmoiditis, aggravated by diarrhea or constipation, compliance with diet No. 4 is prescribed. The goal of this diet is the elimination of inflammatory, putrefactive and fermenting processes, as well as the achievement of a normal state of the gastrointestinal tract and the supply of useful substances, in the case of digestive disorders.

Due to the fact that fats and carbohydrates are eliminated from inflammation of the sigmoid colon, the processes that cause putrefactive and fermenting processes are inhibited, the peristalsis of the intestine is intensified, and also the gastric juice is extracted in sufficient quantity for the digestion process.

Diet №4 is low-calorie, its energy value is only 2 000 kcal per day. In the diet with inflammation of the sigmoid colon protein products are predominant, and the consumption of fats and carbohydrates will be reduced to the minimum. The disadvantage of such a diet menu with sigmoid is insufficient amount of useful substances and vitamins in the composition of products, therefore specialists are not recommended to observe it for too long.

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The optimal period for the strictest diet with sigmoiditis of the intestine is no more than 7 days. During this time, the activity of the digestive tract is normal. To reduce the load on the intestine, nutrition with sigmoid should be fractional, about 6 times throughout the day, while observing small portions. Dishes in the diet with inflammation of the sigmoid colon should be warm, and in a liquid, puree and frayed condition.

What foods are allowed in a diet with sigmoiditis?

In the menu with sigmoid, you can use:

  • Breadcrumbs or stale white bread.
  • Dietary meat, which was cooked by boiling or steam. Here you can include chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal.
  • Mashed and slimy soups, where the basis was lean meat or fish broth.
  • Fish of low-fat variety.
  • Soft-boiled eggs.
  • The porridge is rubbed from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • From drinks of green tea, black coffee without sugar, broths of wild rose and other medicinal herbs.

In addition, with a diet aimed at treating inflammation of the sigmoid colon, the use of ground apples of acid varieties, jelly, kissels is permitted.

What is forbidden in the diet for inflammation of the sigmoid colon?

The patient will have to exclude from the diet all fatty and fried dishes, smoked products, spices, marinades. In addition, with sigmoid it is prohibited to include in the menu:

  • Fresh bread, sweet flour and bakery products.
  • Meat of a fat variety, lard of the whole species, meat products, for example, sausages or sausages.
  • Soups on a hard-boiled meat broth when adding vegetables and pasta. Milk soup is forbidden.
  • Fatty varieties of fish, caviar, canned fish.
  • All types of fats. Fried eggs.
  • Fresh vegetables, berries, greens and fruits.
  • Milk whole and fatty sour-milk products.
  • Pasta, beans, millet and pearl barley.
  • Carbonated drinks, cocoa and coffee with the addition of milk.
  • All spices, spicy sauces and spices.
  • All sweets, chocolate, honey and jam.

After dieting with sigmoiditis, a quick return to normal nutrition and the consumption of fatty, digestible and high-calorie foods is not allowed.

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