Laxative for gastritis

One of the common symptoms of gastritis is upset stomach and stool disorders, which are sometimes manifested by constipation, which can have mechanical, psychological and chemical causes.

There are general recommendations, the implementation of which will help to cope with constipation with gastritis, without resorting to laxatives.

The first of these is an increase in the menu of foods rich in fiber. This includes rye and whole wheat bread, cereals filled with a spoonful of butter( except rice).

It is desirable to increase the content of bran in the diet, providing the desired effect, provided sufficient water consumption.

The total volume of water drunk per day should be more than two liters. A good laxative effect is a one-day kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, fresh cottage cheese.

Natural products are beets, plums and dried prunes, currants and parsley cranberries. It is recommended to increase the share of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

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Regular and sufficient physical activity also has a laxative effect.

Folk laxatives for gastritis

Many of the folk remedies used for the treatment of the disease may act as such.

One of these is the adoption of decoction of flax seeds, which removes irritation of the mucosa. The remedy is used twice a day before meals, in the morning and in the evening.

As a natural soft product it is recommended to use honey bee, a tablespoon of which is bred in a glass of warm water and taken on an empty stomach.

Only when it is impossible to cope with gastritis with natural methods, laxative medications should be used, prescribed only by a doctor.

Laxatives for gastritis

In pharmacies, you can buy the following types of drugs that can be used for gastritis:

  • A drug with a softening effect, for example, docusate sodium in microclysters. This tool is quite safe, although not always convenient to use.
  • Stimulants of irritant bowel function( Guttalax, Regulax, Bisacodyl, buckthorn extracts and hay and the like).Means are not recommended for long-term use, as well as with concomitant inflammation of the intestine and bile ducts.
  • Probiotics( lacto- and bifidobacteria).Have a laxative effect with concomitant gastritis dysbacteriosis.
  • Means of osmotic action, most often produced on the basis of lactulose. Has a mild and effective effect and is quite safe. The product is almost not absorbed by the intestines, so it is recommended for gastritis and can be prescribed even to pregnant women and children.

In each specific case, when choosing a drug and the method of treatment, one should consult a gastroenterologist and not allow self-treatment.

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