Pain with gastritis in the stomach, symptoms, the nature of the syndrome, localization, strong and hungry, how it hurts?

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If you observe prolonged, for several days or sometimes weeks of pain in the pit of your stomach, it is likely the onset of an inflammatory process of the mucosa in the stomach or gastritis.

Gastritis - today, a very common disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The manifestation and further development of the disease is often promoted by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Helicobacter pylori are bacteria that, when penetrated into the gastrointestinal tract, irritate the mucosa and, as a consequence, cause gastritis. The main carriers are cockroaches. Also, this kind of bacteria is transmitted on contact, for example, with the general use of dishes.

As a rule, gastritis reveals itself after eating and is accompanied by a weight in the abdomen. Frequent satellites of gastritis are nausea, decreased appetite, intolerance to certain foods, increased acidity, accompanied by heartburn and burning in the chest and stomach, bad smell from the mouth. There may be vomiting, but this usually happens when the illness worsens.

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Nature of pain with gastritis

Localization with gastritis is the patient's stomach. The nature of pain depends on the course and stage of the disease. With a long duration of the disease - the pains are usually aching and often go undetected.

In the case of chronic gastritis, patients experience a feeling of compression, excessive filling of the stomach after meals. Such signs are also inherent in poor acidity of the stomach.

With severe pain, you can talk about exacerbation, the manifestation of a stomach ulcer or even inflammation of other organs of the digestive tract. Strong, piercing pain indicates an ulcer.

Pain in gastritis symptoms

Pain syndrome can be mild, moderate, bright and strong. With gastritis, patients most often notice aching, burning characteristic pain symptoms.

Duration can be long, constant, with bouts, brief. It is very important to evaluate the nature and symptoms of pain when eating. As a rule, with this disease, the sensations in the stomach appear after the expiration of 20-30 minutes after eating and last about two hours. Often attacks of severe pain occur after taking hot, cold or hot food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, pickles.

Pain in different kinds of gastritis

There are two types of gastritis:

  • Chronic

It often happens that when an acute gastritis occurs the patient can not describe the pain and tries not to notice them. But in this case the disease does not disappear anywhere and flows smoothly into a chronic form. Mucous for a long time inflamed, there is a constant feeling of hunger. The patient constantly has a stomach ache, chest pain, heartburn, belching, and a decrease in appetite. There is a violation of secretions of gastric juice. With a large allocation - the patient is very sore stomach and chest, toshnit. It is mainly observed in young men. The appetite decreases, there is a feeling of fullness after eating, swelling and discomfort in the abdomen, which can take about 30 minutes.

With the gastritis described above, there is usually a periodicity of symptoms. Often, severe pain manifests itself in the autumn-spring period, and in winter and summer remission may occur.

  • Acute

In acute gastritis, the stomach is very sore. There are several varieties of acute gastritis:

  1. Catarrhal or simple. As a rule, it is caused by the intake of spoiled food, allergy to the food product, the reception of various kinds of medications that can affect the mucosa. As usual, with this gastritis, the gastric mucosa practically does not undergo destruction and with competent treatment, the disease can stop its course in a rather fast time with the disappearance of the cause of gastritis. Even in the photo after a gastroscopy, there is no lesion of the mucosa.
  2. Corrosive or erosive. It can be caused by the penetration of chemicals( alkaline acid, alcohol) into the stomach. In this case, a chemical burn of the gastric wall may occur, and deep layers of the mucous membrane are also affected. Over time, ulcers and burning sensations in the chest can often occur;
  3. Phlegmonous. Occurs when purulent lesions of the stomach. As an example - swallowing of a fish bone with the subsequent lesion of a wall of a stomach an infection. For this type of disease, urgent surgical intervention is necessary. If there is no operation, there may be peritonitis, and consequently death. The described type of the disease is accompanied by a rise in temperature and severe pain in the abdomen.

Localization of pain with gastritis

Usually, when gastritis is prescribed diet and taking medications that can remove spasms.

  • In the doctor's recommendation, there is an exception to the diet of fatty, salty foods. Drinks should be only warm, tk. Cold water causes additional irritation.
  • Food should be thoroughly chewed to alleviate the pain syndrome.
  • Eating - 5 times a day. You can not stay hungry during the day.
  • In gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a two-week course of antibiotic treatment is prescribed.
  • First aid is to take antacids( Maalox, Rennie and others).For prophylactic purposes, these drugs should be taken after a meal for a couple of days, fasting is strictly prohibited.
  • With infrequent pain syndromes, you can drink a glass of warm milk.
  • Any medication requires a doctor's prior consultation.
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