How to deal with constipation at home, methods and methods of struggle, how to overcome the people's means and exercises?

Speaking about how to deal with constipation in the home, specialists pay attention to a comprehensive treatment program. Some laxatives can not eliminate the problem. They will only help to get rid of the consequences, the reason, remaining, will again lead to the formation of a stony blockage. That is why the fight against constipation is conducted in several directions. We denote the most basic of them.

There are delays in stool of two types: one spontaneous, occurs one-time, as a reaction to stress, to improper nutrition, the other - chronic constipation - a constant phenomenon that poisons life for a person for six months. The ways to fight a one-time constipation at home are well known - cleansing enema or glycerin suppositories. But to treat chronic constipation will be a little more difficult. Treatment in this case should be conducted in several directions simultaneously. The patient should change:

  1. Power mode.
  2. Drinking regime.
  3. Motor mode.

It is important to learn to prepare laxatives in parallel - folk remedies that, unlike medicament preparations, do not become addictive with long-term admission. It must be remembered that the fight with chronic constipation is necessary under the supervision of the attending physician. And all because often the causes of their formation are diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, other internal organs. In this case, it will be possible to overcome constipation only when the underlying disease is cured.

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Do I have to go to the hospital? Often, the fight against constipation is carried out at home, but if the malaise does not pass, if the patient's condition is constantly worsening, it is important to get advice from a gastroenterologist or proctologist. Effective methods of treatment were listed above. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Control of constipation with the help of the diet

There are products, the use of which in itself can lead to the formation of fecal obstructions, so solving the problem of how to deal with constipation in the home, it is important to know what should be categorically excluded from the daily diet. Here is the list:

  • Muffins made from first and second class flour.
  • Fried potatoes, fast food.
  • Grinded rice and semolina.
  • Macaroni.
  • Kissels.
  • Milk.
  • Fat red meat.
  • Products that contain a lot of iron( buckwheat, liver, sausages, seafood).
  • Cakes.
  • Blueberries.
  • Dishes with a consistency of mashed potatoes.

And what to eat, wanting to fight with constipation at home? What will stimulate the peristalsis of the bowel. Stabilize the motor-evacuation functions can:

  • Bran.
  • Bread made from rye flour. Oatmeal porridge, corn cooked.
  • In its raw form, any cabbage, zucchini, zucchini, red beet. From green - celery and parsley. From fruit - bananas, pears, all citrus.
  • Sour-milk products.
  • Natural juices.

Removing from the diet some products, replacing them with others, it is easy to start an active fight with constipation, the methods will be effective if the sick person is on time to eat, do not allow hungry long pauses, eat balanced and delicious.

You can effectively overcome constipation at home by increasing the drinking regime. Drinking is important a lot, up to three liters, as a drink you need to use only pure mineral water without gas, preferably in a warm form. Water is taken on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. The total volume is divided into several receptions. Observe the drinking regimen during treatment at home should be very strict. Water, getting into the stomach, softens the stool masses, increases their volume, thereby stimulating the peristalsis of the colon. Without water, the feces quickly harden, move along the intestinal tract with great difficulty, wounding the mucous layer of the intestine. That is why the fight against constipation with gastrointestinal diseases is impossible without increasing the drinking.

Exercises to combat constipation

The sedentary lifestyle also often contributes to the formation of fecal blockages and often becomes the main cause of the formation of the indicated problem, therefore it is possible to successfully overcome constipation at home only if diet compliance is duplicated by the introduction of some physical exertion. Things to do:

  • Morning charging.
  • In the afternoon, light gymnastics.
  • In the evening or in the gym, or in the pool, or in the park for a walk.

During the morning exercises exercises are performed in bed. First, it's useful to just breathe deeply with your belly, lying on your back. Then it is necessary to lift the bent legs, press the knees to the stomach. Then twist the bike with your feet, shake the press. At lunch, before meals, you can even stand up in the workplace, put your hands on your hips and breathe deeply with your belly. Then release your hands on your hips, make the body slopes forward and breathe again with your belly. After that, put your hands on your lower leg and breathe your belly. If flexibility allows flexibility, the breathing exercise can be repeated, clutching his heels with his hands. It is useful to do squats and knee bends in the morning and at lunch, actively walking on the spot. Such methods of controlling constipation very quickly cause the smooth muscles of the intestine to work.

Wait for a quick result from complex therapy is not worth it. With her help, the fight against constipation is total, it gradually includes the motility of the intestinal tract. And how to deal with problems here and now, at home, using folk remedies, without going to the doctor? If the syndrome is not a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases, the following recommendations can be taken into account.

Combating constipation folk remedies

Cleansing the intestines at home helps the enema, as a solution used boiled water, which is mixed with a spoon of salt and baking soda. To perform it, you need to use special equipment( Esmarch's mug).If it is not at hand, it makes sense to go to the pharmacy and buy glycerin candles. There are other folk remedies, and ways to combat constipation: the use of oils, herbal decoctions, delicious drinks.

Castor and linseed oil helps to overcome the delicate problem with gentle means. Long-term use of this laxative at home without consulting a doctor can not, so before using oils it is better to consult a doctor. When there are no contraindications, this is an effective way to deal with constipation, but only if the oils are used in accordance with certain rules:

  • First, a single dose for an adult is no more than 30 grams, in children it is reduced by three times.
  • Secondly, it is important to drink oil on an empty stomach, washing it with water.
  • Thirdly, if necessary, drink oil at night, it is worth mixing it with milk or honey in equal quantities.

Please note! Olive oil and sunflower oil do not help fight chronic constipation, but it is the best method for prevention. They can fill vegetable salads.

The simplest and delicious drinks for fighting constipation - drinking a glass of kefir for the night, in which a spoon of vegetable oil, orange juice on an empty stomach is prevented before eating oatmeal, sweet syrup of mountain ash( prepared from berries and sugar).

The story of how to overcome constipation at home, using folk remedies, turned out to be complete and detailed. Without changing the diet and the motor regime, you will not be able to get rid of the delicate problem. And this must be taken into account when choosing effective methods of combating constipation.

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