Acute erosive gastritis - symptoms of exacerbation, treatment, diet

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One of the causes of the bleeding of the digestive organs is acute erosive gastritis. It, unlike the chronic form of the disease, does not occur so often, but it is quite severe and can be treated only under stationary conditions.

This stage of the disease requires a lot of attention, as its development proceeds quite intensively. The resulting defects are very similar in appearance to small wounds with a diameter of up to 3 mm. The defeat of this type of jagged-like formations occurs in the distal part of the stomach. The causes of acute erosive gastritis are as follows:

  • Extensive mechanical injury of the main digestive organ;
  • Severe burns of mucous membranes by too hot food or chemicals taken intentionally or by misunderstanding;
  • Liver or kidney failure.

Sometimes the occurrence of this disease is possible after a severe emotional shock, eating poor-quality foods or prolonged fasting.

It is also not unusual for cases where acute erosive gastritis is caused by a herpetic virus, which can remain in the human body for a very long time in a latent( inert) state. Its activation occurs when radiation or chemotherapy was carried out, as well as when a malignant neoplasm appeared in a person.

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What are the symptoms of acute erosive gastritis?

This form of the disease is very difficult patient, when it is very difficult to detect any dyspeptic manifestations. The main signs of acute erosive gastritis in this case are tar-like stools and bloody vomiting.

It is also characterized by heartburn, eructations, heaviness in the abdomen, general weakness and dizziness. To properly diagnose it, a hysteroscopy is performed, and for a more effective treatment, a doctor develops an individual medication plan and a special diet that is suitable in this case.

There are also exacerbations of this form of erosive gastritis. They are characterized by the following symptoms, which manifest themselves dramatically and can not be overlooked:

  • Persistent or paroxysmal pains in the abdomen, significantly worse after ingestion. Also at this time there is nausea or heartburn;
  • Vomiting with the presence in the organism of the mucus and clots of blood extracted by the body;
  • Manifestation of bloody discharge during diarrhea, indicating that internal bleeding has begun.

For all these manifestations, an urgent medical attention is needed in order to quit the disease as soon as possible.

Principles of treatment of erosive gastritis in acute form

For the treatment of this type of disease, it is necessary first of all to wash the stomach and from the beginning from the beginning completely eliminate the food intake, limiting only to fresh, lukewarm water. If there is internal gastric bleeding, endoscopic manipulations are carried out to stop it.

Basically, an electrocoagulation method is used for this, during which the endoscope conducts high-frequency "welding" of damaged tissues during the conducted study.

But if you stop the bleeding in this way is impossible with an acute erosive gastritis, a surgical method is used in the name of saving the patient's life, in which the damaged part of the stomach is removed.

Further complex treatment is prescribed, in which, besides medicamental methods, diet is of great importance. It is prescribed for any exacerbation of erosive gastritis. Only thanks to it are created the optimal conditions for the digestive organ.

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