How many worms live in a person and outside the body, how long are they excreted, treated, after what time they die( die), pass, what is the lifetime of helminths in the air?

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Worms are parasitic worms that live in the body of the carrier and feed at its expense. The number of their species as well as the modes of infection is enormous. Different types of worms, differently fall into the organs of the host, go through certain stages of development, have a different life span. How long can they exist outside the carrier's body? How long are they taken out and how many die in the air? Let's try to understand.

All parasitic worms are divided into three main classes:

  • tape;
  • are round;
  • are flat.

Representatives of various groups of worms have their own developmental features and stages of life. How long the worm will live depends on the species and habitat.

How long live bandworms, how they are derived?

There are more than three thousand species of tapeworms in the world. They differ from other parasites in the absence of the digestive system. These worms feed on the method of absorption of nutrients from the carrier organ, where they live, by all parts of the body.

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The onset of ripening of the tapeworm comes from the egg that the female lays in the intestine of the person. The larva enters the ground or water. An embryo is formed in the egg, which continues to develop in the intermediate host - a herbivore: a cow, a goat, a horse. In the animal, the larva continues to develop, turning into a vesicle with a parasite inside. From the intermediate carrier banded worms get to the person and live in the intestine. At the new habitat, the worm is fastened to the intestinal wall, begins to develop, turning into a matured individual and waiting for the appearance of a representative of the opposite sex. Next, the female fertilizes and lays eggs that go out. Before fertilization takes place, a huge amount of time can pass, while the amount of worm lives in the host, so much is fed by it. Pass ribbon parasites a few days after their detection and adequate medication.

Outside of the intermediate host, in the water, soil or air, development of the embryo from the egg does not occur. Each larva "waits" its victim as much as it takes.

How many live round worms live in the body?

Nematodes are round parasites with developed digestive, nervous, excretory and reproductive systems. These worms are of different sexes or hermaphrodites. This feature allows them to multiply in any case.

The egg enters the digestive tract of the carrier from soil or water. The parasite develops in the intestines of the host, after which time "travel" through numerous systems and organs of the carrier. Adult individuals return to the intestines before laying their eggs before they die. How many worm nematodes die? If parasites are not found, they can live more than a year in the carrier. After detection and treatment are withdrawn with feces. How long does the therapy last? For complete recovery it will take from one day to seven days, depending on what the patient is treated with helminthiasis. The larva, under favorable conditions in soil, water or air, can lie down to 7 years, "waiting" for an opportunity to enter the body.

How many live flat worms, how to withdraw and die?

Trematodes are flat worms, which during a lifetime change several carriers. They begin the life cycle in the form of a larva that lives in water. The egg swallows a molluscum in which the trematode continues to develop into the fetus. In the human body, the helminths enter with water or when eating infected shellfish for food. Flat worms live in the digestive tract and other organs. Eggs are grown in the intestines, where the larvae leave the host with feces and enter the water. Upon detection and after effective treatment, adult trematodes die and are excreted.

How many worms live outside the body

On how much the larva or worm is, its life span depends:

  • In the soil, adult round helminths, for example, pinworms live for a month. Eggs, as already written before, can be in the ground for many years. When ingested, the egg develops for three weeks. The life of the worm in the host is from 2 months to a year, if the parasites are not detected earlier, and no therapy is performed.
  • Numerous studies have shown that some nematodes can live in the body for years, often as long as the carrier lives. The larva outside the host's organs can exist for a long time, easily transferring ultraviolet radiation or temperature changes.
  • Trematodes can live in the organs of the carrier for up to 2 years. Even in an unfavorable environment, they can exist up to 3 months. As a rule, these worms are discovered and removed earlier than they die themselves.
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