What color of worms in man - yellow, green, dark, pink helminths

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The spread of helminthic invasions, when at least 80% of all people suffer at least once in their life from the presence of parasites in the body, more and more questions are raised about how the worms look and what color and how to recognize them in appearance. For helminths, the color of a deadly pale shade is natural. If nevertheless they are colored, the pigmentation of the outer covers depends on the food consumed or the chemical-physical composition of the environment. For example, the dark color of worms in humans can be caused by salts of heavy metals that enter the body along with incoming food. The color of trematodes, cestodes and nematodes also depend on the color of the eggs, which are yellow, brown or dark, almost black.

To hide their presence and continue to develop further at the expense of human vitality, parasites are very cleverly disguised. Their habitat is not only the intestines, although the bulk chooses it, but also any other organ. They can be found in the heart, the respiratory tract, the eyes, the brain, in the liver, bile ducts, and also in the muscles and joints, in the blood.

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To a large extent, color change is associated with the ability of parasites to adapt to the environment, acquiring the color of the main substance that they feed on. For example, adult individuals of the echinococcus parasite have a violet-red color. Despite its small size( 5 mm), it is dangerous for development from the larvae of the echinococcus bladder on various human organs. Suppuration or bursting of the bladder into the abdominal cavity leads to serious complications, up to a lethal outcome. The paragon, called still the pulmonary flukes, has an egg-shaped form and is covered with brown spines with a reddish tint.

Yellow worms

If the helminth is yellowish in color and fairly large in size - from ten to fifty centimeters, then most likely it is a withered head, and sometimes there may be ascarids. Yellowish-white color may be pinworms and hookworms of small size, which are several millimeters. A separate type of parasites - trematodes or flukes, have a different color. They feed on blood, mucus of the intestines and skin integuments. Eggs of nematodes are colored in color from light yellow to dark brown. The pancreatic flukes have a yellow color, and echinococci are dark worms.

Pink worms

With regard to large round worms, ascarids, which are among the most common, the opinions of researchers regarding color have been divided. Some consider them white, and others treat them as pink, reminiscent of the color of earthworms. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the organism in which these lower worms live. Pink shades can be schistosomes that feed on blood and can block the lumen of the vein.

Worms of green color

To say that any particular type of worms is green in color will be wrong. If someone noticed a green worm, then first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the products that were before that in the diet. The second reason for changing the shade of parasites is at what stage of development is the helminth. For example, banded parasites quite often come with a greenish tinge. Fluke or opisthorchiasis parasitizes in the bile ducts of the liver, so this worm, like its eggs and larvae, is green.

In general, irrespective of the color of the worm, it is necessary to determine the nature of the worm as soon as possible to determine the type of worms. The outcome of treatment will be favorable if the therapeutic course is started as soon as possible.

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