How to get rid of opisthorchiasis at home by folk remedies alone?

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Opisthorchiasis is a very common parasitic disease that affects the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Symptoms of this disease are very difficult to recognize, because the disease is well disguised for other diseases. You can get infected by using an invasive fish. That is why all lovers of salted and dried fish of the family of carp should be examined. On the territory of Russia, especially in the region of Siberia, many infected with this disease, so they are concerned with the question, how can one get rid of opisthorchiasis?

An effective method of getting rid of opisthorchiasis

Traditional medicine offers a drug-free treatment with a proven treatment regimen that consists of several stages. To begin with, the patient's body is prepared for chemotherapy, which is carried out with an anthelmintic preparation. The infected person is given a specific treatment, he must take drugs to alleviate allergic reactions, choleretic preparations, adsorbents, anti-inflammatory and pain medications.

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The parasites are then disposed of with an anthelmintic preparation, mainly Praziquantel. Doctors give it to patients according to a certain scheme, treatment usually takes place in a hospital environment, since after the death of worms complications can arise, especially with a pronounced infection.

After de-worming, the patient needs a recovery period. Gepatoprotectors and cholagogue preparations are prescribed. In addition, it is necessary to do the procedure of duodenal non-probe sounding. It increases the outflow of bile and thereby removes dead worms from the body. Getting rid of opisthorchiasis is a long process.

Folk remedies for opisthorchiasis

Opisthorchiasis is a very dangerous disease, it can lead to complications such as liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peritonitis, and if it is very badly triggered, it could well be the cause of a malignant tumor. That's why you need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor. If he allows, then along with traditional therapy, you can use various collections of medicinal herbs.

How to get rid of opisthorchiasis at home? Over the years, people have invented many recipes based on herbs and medicinal plants that can help drive out parasites. Consider the most proven and effective of them:

  • Lime ash. You can get rid yourself of opisthorchiasis with this prescription. For cooking, you need to take lime twigs and set them on fire, then you need to collect the ash and put it in a clean container. In the morning, you must take 1 tsp on an empty stomach.ashes and dissolve in milk, preferably with heat. We need to drink everything, and then eat. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • Pine buds. How to get rid of opisthorchias folk remedies? It is very simple if you know the right recipe based on pine buds. You need to take a pound and pour alcohol( 500ml), and then let it brew for 10 days. Take this medicinal tincture every morning on an empty stomach for 50 ml, continue to drink it should be until the symptoms pass.
  • Juice agrimony. He well relieves opisthorhov. It is necessary for 30 ml of juice of this plant to drink in the mornings and only on an empty stomach. Course - 20 days.

Before you get rid of the opisthorch at home alone, you need to remember about possible complications. Any folk remedy, like a medicine, has its own side effects. In any case, herbal medicine should not be the main method, it can only complement the drug course.

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