Treatment of worms at home, how to treat and quickly cure, what are the prescriptions for adults?

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Many people with suspicion of helminthiosis or when confirming the diagnosis begin to hide it. The illness is considered to be "shameful", as in society there was an opinion that worms are affected only by representatives of disadvantaged groups of society who live in unsanitary conditions. However, parasites are not interested in the level of income or the social status of the person in whose organism they settle. And the risk of getting infected with worms in everyday life is very high.

Helminthiasis causes disgust and ridicule, so many people do not resort to examination and drug treatment, but decide to eliminate the delicate problem at home, especially since there are enough folk remedies for expelling worms at home.

How to cure worms at home?

Traditional medicine has an impressive arsenal of ingredients that allow you to get rid of parasites. Natural remedies that can be easily used from worms at home were used by our distant ancestors at a time when the pharmacological industry was completely undeveloped. Of course, home remedies do not provide 100% guarantee of the possibility to recover from parasites, but the natural components are safe and in the majority can be used for pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and children.

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A significant part of flat and round worms selects the intestine as a habitat, so you can get rid of them by filling it with medium, intolerable parasites. In this case, "filling" can be carried out in different ways.

A proven method of getting rid of round and flat worms at home are enemas. The procedure is considered absolutely harmless to the body, so it is often applied to young children. Enemas from special compounds not only "drive away uninvited guests", but also "wash out" the intestinal products of the vital activity of worms, which are toxic to the body.

A garlic-milk enema or enema from the collection of medicinal herbs is put three times with a periodicity of three days. To liter of liquid, you need to add up to 7 large cloves of garlic, which must first be thoroughly crushed. In milk or herbal decoction, you can add a little salt, which helps get rid of worms at home. The liquid( milk or broth) should have a temperature of 36 ° C.An enema can be placed both for an adult and for a child.

Home remedies for worms

An effective method of parasites, which can be used at home, is garlic tincture. The method is very popular. He came to us from Tibetan monks. The composition is used as a medicine for worms at home and as an elixir of longevity. Infusion cleanses the intestines from toxins, promotes toxins, improves metabolic processes. The mixture is an excellent way to prevent heart disease. The universal remedy has many other healing properties. But for an effective result, its regular use is required. At the same time tincture quickly "drives" worms and it is easy to cook at home.

If you suspect parasites, take a kilogram of garlic and 200 alcohol. Mix the chopped garlic with alcohol and insist in a dark place for two weeks. Strain the tincture, having cleared it of garlic gruel, leave it in a dark place for another week. Home tincture from worms is ready. Yes, the preparation of the product takes a certain time, but as a result of the reception, you can quickly recover from the worms. Reception of the drug is as follows: it is taken on an empty stomach, start with a single drop, adding each drop by drop. During the day, you need to drink the formula three times. That is, for the day the dose is increased by three drops, until it reaches 25 drops. This is the maximum allowable volume for a one-time admission. To neutralize the aggressive action of alcohol and garlic for the stomach, it is recommended to drink it with milk. And parsley and cloves will help to "kill" an unpleasant smell. This drug is suitable only for adults, and the treatment course is a month once a year.

Raw onions are an excellent remedy that helps get rid of worms at home. The method is designed for adults, as for the treatment of children it will be too aggressive. The recipe is simple: in the evening, grate on a grater a large onion. Kashitsu pour in 200 gr. Boil and leave until the morning. Start the next day with the reception. For this, on an empty stomach, take both the gruel and the liquid. Treatment is carried out at home during the week. It's not recommended to skip the tricks.

Herring from herring is considered an effective way to get rid of worms at home. The recipe is this: pass through a meat grinder a large salted herring, add a raw egg yolk of one egg, 50 gr.millet and a head of garlic, pre-cleaned and finely ground. Ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, pour cold milk. The mass should have a consistency of thick sour cream. Take the recommended composition of 50 gr.three times a day a week. This is an effective way to get rid of worms at home, which is contraindicated in the medical treatment of parasites, for example, pregnant women.

Quickly drives the worm enema with the addition of coffee. The natural instant coffee is bred in warm water in a ratio of 3 tbsp.tablespoons per liter. The solution is not suitable for children, as it can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Coffee enema as a cure for worms at home should be used every 2 days for a fortnight.

Also the treatment of worms at home is carried out with the help of walnut partitions. To prepare the product you need 2 full tablespoons of dry partitions and a glass of boiling water. The ingredients are mixed and infused for an hour. Home treatment of worms is the use of infusion of half a glass twice a day. Treatment lasts two weeks.

Quickly cure worms at home will help tincture of bitter wormwood.100 grams of dried herbs are poured with a glass of food alcohol. Insist means follows a week. This method is suitable only for adults. The medicine is taken 20 drops before meals three times a day.

Worms are effectively treated if you use herbal remedies as a herbal remedy. In equal shares, one should mix a thousand-thousandth, valerian, elecampane, birch buds, St. John's wort, wormwood and tansy. This is a well-known method of folk medicine, passed on by our ancestors from generation to generation. Collection pour boiling water in a ratio of 2 tbsp.spoons of herbs on a glass of water. Insist, drain. At home, treatment is 4 days in a row: just drink a tincture of 50 grams.several times during the day.

Pumpkin seed treatment is also allowed for children. The product is absolutely safe for everyone. Pumpkin seeds have a pleasant taste and have no side effects. Peeled raw peel seeds, grind, mix with honey. They should be taken on an empty stomach at least five times a day for 2-3 tbsp.spoons. He who cures this substance in sufficient quantity will be cured of worms. From the pumpkin seeds you can prepare and decoction. To do this, 3 tbsp. Spoons of peeled seeds are poured 200 gr.milk, add crushed garlic( 1-2 cloves) and 20 grams.(a spoonful) of tansy flowers. The recipe regulates all this boil for 2-3 minutes. Take should be 50 gr.three times a day for a week.

Some more short home recipes from worms:

  • A few days on an empty stomach drink carrot juice with honey and lemon.
  • An effective remedy for worms at home is a milk soup with grated carrots.
  • A good method of worms at home - the use of coconut. Coconut is broken, all milk and flesh should be eaten. Treatment is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • If an adult can easily take even a disagreeable drug, then the kids are more difficult. You can drive out worms at home by offering a child lemonade with garlic.
  • Quickly cure worms at home will help pears, which should be eaten a whole week in the morning on an empty stomach along with the seeds.
  • The following way - broth of nettle( 2 items of a spoon of a drug nettle on 200 gr. Of boiled water), which it is necessary to drink half a cup three times a day a week.
  • Leaves of sorrel on an empty stomach - a great way to expel parasites.
  • A pomegranate cake helps the worms well. Pour half a cup of peel with boiling water. When the mixture is infused, take it on an empty stomach on a teaspoon three times a day.

Everyone decides whether to treat worms at home or seek the help of a specialist. If you are a supporter of home improvement, then do not forget to consult with your doctor before applying any folk methods. Self-medication can lead to serious complications. Many of the remedies from the worms listed above may have contraindications. Treatment of worms at home should be done with caution.

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