What does the angiography of the vessels of the brain and neck show?

1 Indications for the appointment of

When abnormal processes occur in the human body, there are always symptoms that indicate that a person's health is deteriorating. The reasons for such changes can be several. In such cases, MR angiography of cerebral vessels is prescribed.

Indications for the procedure are the following symptoms:

  1. Headache and dizziness that do not go away at all. They do not get rid of them either with the help of pills or other methods.
  2. Noise in the ears.
  3. Permanent nausea and vomiting if there are no obvious causes.
  4. Head injuries.
  5. Diabetes mellitus.
  6. Suspicions of a tumor.
  7. Diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
  8. Complete or partial loss of hearing or vision.

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Thanks to MR angiography, aneurysms can be visualized, which is not always possible with tomography. The same applies to the widening or narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, anastomosis, stratification, malformation and other pathologies.

Angiography is used in such branches of medicine:

  1. Oncology. The technique helps visualize various tumors, formations and metastases.
  2. Phlebology. You can determine the places where the vessel is clogged or narrowed, various pathologies, blood clots, congenital or acquired changes, atherosclerosis develop.
  3. Vascular surgery. Angiography is used for surgical intervention in vessels, in order to accurately determine the location of the dislocation and various disorders.
  4. Neurology. It makes it possible to visualize hematomas, aneurysms, tumors in the brain, is used for hemorrhagic bleeding and stroke.
  5. Pulmonology. It is required for the diagnosis of various pathologies in the lungs, and also to find the source of bleeding.

Angiography can be either general or selective. In general, all vessels are examined. At selective - only the circulatory system of individual parts of the body. In this case, the individual vessels are contrasted.

Usually, MRI angiography is prescribed in cases where there are suspicions of:

  • of renal artery disease;
  • aneurysms;
  • aortic injury;
  • veins and arteries defects;
  • presence of blood clots in the duct of the pulmonary arteries( called thromboembolism);
  • deep vein thrombosis( the procedure will help determine the nature of the changes).

Angiography of the vessels of the neck and brain is performed in the presence of the following indications:

  • aneurysms;
  • tumors in the brain;
  • angiomas;
  • infarction;
  • stroke of hemorrhagic type;
  • vascular malformation;
  • hematoma;
  • injury. The indications for performing the procedure on the vessels of the lower extremities are:
    • atherosclerosis;
    • endarteritis of the spreading type;
    • thrombosis;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • thromboembolism;
    • various blood vessel injuries due to injuries;
    • aneurysms of exfoliating type;
    • monitoring of surgical intervention.

    Coronary angiography is administered with:

    • infarction;
    • ischemic heart disease;
    • atherosclerosis on such vessels;
    • pathology of the blood vessels, which is an inherent change.

2 Preparing for

procedure Magnetic resonance angiography of vessels is a technique that is used for both adult patients and children. To children such procedure is appointed not less often, than the adult. They are much easier to tolerate such a survey. This is because the blood vessels are more elastic. But the child will have to make a general anesthesia to conduct such a procedure.

To avoid negative consequences, it is required to tell the doctor about any chronic diseases, as well as provide a list, which lists all the drugs that the person is taking at the moment. Sometimes some medicines are canceled before the procedure. Also need to talk about any allergies, including painkillers, iodine, tranquilizers, etc.


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A pregnant woman should definitely indicate her condition, since for a baby the x-ray radiation is considered unsafe. It is in such cases, and preferably MRI angiography of the vessels of the brain or other parts of the body.

For a couple of weeks before the procedure, you need to completely abandon alcoholic beverages. One week before the procedure, you need to stop taking medications that are designed to dilute the blood.

For 5 days before the procedure should be done all the tests that the doctor appointed, perform examinations( ultrasound, electrocardiogram), blood testing( biochemical and general) is mandatory. Still need to know the blood group and Rh factor, do a blood test for hepatitis C, B, HIV, coagulogram.

A couple of days before the prescribed procedure, it is required to make an analysis for a contrast agent that will be used.

If an allergic reaction occurs, the study will not be conducted.

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The day before the examination it is recommended to clean the intestines. To do this, you need to make an enema or use a glycerine-type candle. In the place where the puncture will be made, you need to remove the hair in advance.

On the day when the procedure is performed, it is recommended to abandon water and food. When a contrast medium is injected, some people experience nausea, so the vomiting is not ruled out. Before the procedure, you need to empty the bladder. For people who suffer from chronic diseases, the doctor can prescribe individual training.

3 What is the procedure?

The procedure is only slightly different from the MRI of the brain. Its essence lies in the fact that data are transmitted. First, a tomograph sends signals to the brain, and then from it to the equipment. After that, all data is displayed as a snapshot. Then I need a transcript. Contrast substance allows you to make a three-dimensional image, so that all problems of blood circulation will be visible.

First the patient lays down on a special camera, which then closes. He injected a contrast agent. After that, the camera will need to be about half an hour and do not move. If the patient has various problems, claustrophobia or other nerve pathologies occur, then he is given general anesthesia.

The difference between MR angiography and MRI is that special programs are used on the computer. Their work is tuned only to blood vessels. When the procedure is over, you need to wait until the action of general anesthesia is over. The results of the study can be obtained immediately, which is another advantage of such a procedure. Usually it is necessary to wait 15 minutes to 1 hour. The patient receives a disk with the results, pictures and doctor's statement. Then the doctor will carefully consider all the images.

In some cases, this procedure is prohibited. Contraindications include:

  1. Diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.
  2. Mental problems.
  3. Heart failure. During the study, blood pressure may both rise and fall.
  4. Renal failure. Contrast substance sometimes causes kidney irritation.
  5. Hepatic failure of decompensated type. Contrast substance can even provoke a hepatic coma.
  6. Blood clotting problems.
  7. Thrombophlebitis.
  8. Allergy to iodine and preparations containing it. The patient may even develop Quincke's edema and other unpleasant and dangerous symptoms.
  9. Pregnancy.

4 General conclusion

The human brain consumes the most oxygen and other useful substances necessary for vital activity. Thanks to this organism can function fully. If there are problems with the transportation of these substances, serious pathologies develop which are difficult to cure.

To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in the early stages of the disease. This will help angiography of the vessels of the neck and brain. It is an informative, safe and effective method in which radiation irradiation is not applied, and it is possible to learn the diagnosis in a short time. In addition, this technique is used not only to determine the causes of blood flow disorders and problems of the vessels of the brain and neck, but also is used during treatment to track all changes and the effectiveness of therapy.

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