How to fully live with IBS, how long does the irritable bowel syndrome when smoking, do they join him in the army?

Living with irritable bowel syndrome is a real meal for a person. Patients are always concerned with the question of how much time will have to suffer discomfort? You have to constantly think about whether the stomach is ill the next day or you can spend it fully, without thinking about the negative feelings."How long does irritable bowel syndrome last?"- this issue also worries patients.

IBS is a complex of disorders that lasts no less than 3 months per year. During this period, the patient's life turns into real torture, as there are severe pain and discomfort in the abdomen, the chair is broken. Everyone who has experienced such a symptomatology will necessarily think about how to fully live with IBS and what needs to be done in order to reduce the anguish?

  • Those who suffer from IBS, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment of pathology;
  • When taking this or that food, you should listen to your body. Food, which can cause a symptomatology of a person with irritable bowel syndrome, is individual for everyone. As soon as the patient discovers products provoking his IBS, he must exclude them from his diet or eat in minimum quantities;
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  • You should increase the intake of fiber in the body - for this you need to eat foods that are rich in it. In this way, it is possible to increase the volume of the stool. It is necessary to include wheat bread in your diet. The same goes for vegetable salads and fresh fruits;
  • Those who have this pathology of the digestive system should give up their bad habits - alcohol and smoking. Since nicotine stimulates and aggravates the sensitivity of the muscles of the digestive tract and provokes this development of symptoms of IBS, it is necessary to forget about smoking for the rest of your life;
  • You should eat only healthy food, and portions should be small. If you eat in large amounts, this will lead to an exacerbation of IBS symptoms;
  • To fully live with IBS, you should regularly exercise. Performing various exercises will help the body to get rid of stress. How much time do I have to do? At least a little, but every day, regularly;
  • In order to cope with stress, one of the causes of irritable bowel syndrome, it is useful to practice yoga, meditate;
  • In the event that a diet or lifestyle change does not give effective results in the fight against this pathology of the digestive organs, it is necessary to take medications that are prescribed by the doctor. It can be a medicine that reduces bowel activity or soothing.

IBS can be caused in some people by lactose intolerance. In this case, for a while you should give up dairy products and watch your body, will there be or not signs of improvement, and is it possible in this case to live fully, without pain and discomfort?

Is the army taken with irritable bowel syndrome?

This question is of concern to many recruits, so you should focus on it. People suffering from manifestations of IBS need a special diet for most of their life, and army food for all is the same. Even on this basis, it becomes clear that it is very difficult to serve such people in the army, as there can be serious health problems. How long does the service in the Russian army last? In recent years, 12 months. To experience constant torment, caused by the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, seems simply unbearable.

Do they take this army with such a disease? It turns out that for the medical examination formally this ailment is an insignificant temporary disorder. And, then, they take the army with the SSC.But how to survive a man with such a disease for a year, eating unsuitable food for him? No one gives an answer to this. According to the law, only half a year's delay is imposed on the conscript with aggravation.

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