Treatment of colitis in adults, how to treat the disease - methods, diet and nutrition, the scheme, which doctor heals, sanatorium, can the disease be cured forever?

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A patient with colitis should not only follow a diet, but also take various types of medications. Treatment is carried out under stationary conditions. Predominantly, the patient receives a description of the proper nutrition in a sparing regime, which can be performed on an outpatient basis. Hospitalized patients with colitis only in the most extreme cases, when the patient has a severe intoxication syndrome or complaints of bleeding from the intestine.

The treatment regimen for colitis in adults is very simple, however, each item can vary due to the individual characteristics of the patient's body. How to treat colitis, and what modern methods exist? To what doctor to go?

Diet - the basis for the treatment of colitis

As a basis for any treatment regimen of colitis is a specialized diet. It provides for the use of a sufficient amount of liquid, which significantly reduces the level of stress in the cavity of the large intestine, which helps in rest and restoration of the body's own forces.

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The main requirements for adherence to a diet for colitis are:

  • Eating too hot and cold foods, drinks and other things.
  • Do not drink too much. Canned fruit juices are replaced with fresh, pitted fruit, ground in puree.
  • The use of meat products, especially pork and beef, is limited to a minimum.
  • It is forbidden to eat fresh vegetables, salads, in particular this refers to white cabbage, which provokes intestinal swelling.
  • It is necessary to refrain from eating fatty and fried foods, especially from those where fats of animal origin were used in cooking.
  • I'll have to give up all the flour.
  • Moderate consumption of lamb, rabbit, chicken, vegetables, berries and fruit with a lack of seeds is allowed from meat.
  • Vegetables should be cooked for a couple, and the fruit should be baked.
  • Food should have gentle properties, and soups are rubbed in puree.
  • There is always a need to drink a glass of warm liquid for patients.

If you strictly follow the recommendations on dietary nutrition and follow all the recommendations on how to cure colitis forever, the symptoms will pass quickly enough. In the case of treatment of chronic colitis in adults, the gastroenterologist is recommended to adhere to the basic rules of the diet and the periodic holding of unloading weeks. Thanks to this treatment scheme, it is possible to prevent a seasonal exacerbation of the patient, which has an impact on improving the quality of life.

Drug treatment for colitis

After you have decided which doctor to go to, the diagnosis was performed, and the presence of inflammation was detected, you have to take medications at the initial stages, which can not only help get rid of the manifestations, but also cure the disease. Thanks to the medicamental method of treating colitis, it is possible to eliminate the causes of the appearance of a pathological symptom in adults. This includes taking medications. Along with therapy and proper nutrition, it is likely to use symptomatic methods that are aimed at eliminating pain, dyspepsia and other signs.

Infectious colitis in adults may require the appointment of additional antibacterial agents, in rare cases, rehydration methods are used. When the process of inflammation of the immune genesis requires specialized treatment with the use of drugs that suppress the immune complex. In some severe cases, patients can be transferred to hospital surgery.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis is recommended by combining drugs that help not only to get rid of the disease, but also provide substantial support to the immune system, and along with the diet, you will quickly get rid of the first symptoms.

How is colitis treated with surgery?

Surgical methods for treating colitis are a very extreme measure and can only be used if the patient's condition is severe enough. To this kind of situation can be attributed colitis ulcerative nonspecific and ischemic types, Crohn's disease and the development of gangrenous processes. The surgical intervention is based on partial or complete removal of part of the affected area of ​​the colon cavity, as well as to eliminate the manifestation of local peritonitis, as a solution to how to cure colitis for good.

Traditional methods of treating colitis

Sometimes you can take the recipes of traditional medicine. To date, you can find a large number of different diets and recipes for the treatment of colitis, however, in any case, it is worth consulting with the doctor who is monitoring you, on how to treat, since all patients have their own individual characteristics of the body. Along with a large number of recipes and methods of healing, do not rush headlong into the store to buy all the necessary tools, and try on yourself 1000 and 1 way to cure colitis.

The collection of folk recipes has a very effective scheme for treating colitis: 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds per 250 grams of boiling water is required. Infuse the mixture for half an hour, and then boldly use an infusion of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Many patients recognized that in the treatment of colitis in adults, a remedy for this prescription is well assisted: 100 grams of dried watermelon crusts are brewed with 500 ml of boiling water and drunk 100 ml four times a day.

This is not the entire list of very effective folk remedies, but it is worth remembering that before taking tinctures and herbs, it is worth consulting with a specialist who can tell how to treat and whether to use one or another recipe.

Additional methods of treating colitis

Along with the use of medications, patients can be prescribed such procedures to cure colitis forever:

  • Cleansing enema. Stimulates intestinal activity under water pressure, and with the subsequent introduction of vegetable oils or water-oily mixture.
  • Medicinal enemas provide an opportunity to influence the inflammation, while providing healing and enveloping effect. Chamomile infusion is predominantly used.
  • Breathing exercises or massage without hands stimulates intestinal activity. Scheme of implementation: the abdominal and undulating breath starting from the abdomen to the moment of thoracic expansion is used.
  • Therapeutic exercise strengthens abdominal muscles, improves blood circulation and intestinal motility, which is a very effective method. The order of the exercises is made by the doctor.
  • Self-massage is allowed. It helps in the recovery of motor intestinal functionality. It is carried out in the morning, thus it is not necessary to get out of bed, the stomach is massaged with the elongated legs, thus the massage movement of hands on an inspiration is carried out. For intestinal stimulation, such a scheme will also help: simple circular motions clockwise.

Treatment of colitis

Treatment of patients with colitis disease in a sanatorium provides for an action on the underlying pathogenetic mechanism that determines the cause of the disease. In this case, it concerns the influence on the violation of the intestinal function and inflammations in it, the microflora, the state of the nervous system and other digestive organs.

Patients with a functional disease such as colitis need to be given general restorative treatment with the appropriate diet. However, if there are not very pronounced signs of lesions of the intestinal cavity, neurotic disorders prevail, especially at a young age and with a short time of illness, such patients can be directed to climatic and seaside sanatoria. Especially effective is the consumption of a large number of fruits and vegetables, the observance of a diet that stimulate peristalsis and contribute to saturate the body with vitamin C.

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