Fruit in colitis, can you banana, pomegranate, apples, sea buckthorn?

With such a disease as colitis, strict adherence to the diet is required. Only it can alleviate the work of the inflamed intestine and enhance the effectiveness of ongoing medical therapy. Limitations in patients with this disease relate to many foods. That's why at a time when the fruit season is coming, very often you can hear the question of whether fruits and berries are possible with this disease and which ones, so as not to harm the inflamed intestine?

This question is asked not in vain, because everyone knows that bowel diseases are supposed to have 2 types of flow, in the first case they are associated with constipation, and in the second - with diarrhea. But it also happens that one patient, suffering from colitis, can have both symptoms, replacing each other. That's why the question of the availability of fruits in dietary nutrition in this disease is very urgent.

Benefits and harm from fruits in colitis

Fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which is necessary for the digestive organs. Only it is necessary to remember that for the inflamed intestine it is necessary to dissolve its variety, and the insoluble is capable to cause the big harm, having strengthened heavy symptomatology of disease. Therefore, experts recommend that with such intestinal pathology, as colitis fruits, berries and vegetables should be used with great care.

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Some of them are allowed in fresh form, some after heat treatment( baking or boiling), but there are also those that are completely banned. But during periods of exacerbation of the disease from fruits and other things should be completely abandoned. At this time, they are harmful to the patient, as they contribute to the intensification of the inflammatory process in the intestines, and at the same time severe symptomatology.

In any case, when you include in the menu of a person suffering from colitis, any fruits and berries should consult with a specialist, so as not to bring instead of benefit the body additional harm to the damaged intestinal mucosa.

Most of the questions come from patients with colitis about such fruits and berries as pomegranates, bananas, apples and sea buckthorn. To find out their benefit and the harm caused by the inflammatory pathology damaged to the intestines, and also the possibility of its treatment with the help of them, we should dwell on each of them in more detail.

Treatment of colitis with pomegranate

These fruits deserve many positive reviews, and therefore they are recommended to include in the diet of a person who has an IBD.They are useful for any pathology of the digestive organs. In the people grenades are not in vain called the orderlies of the intestines. They have the ability to inhibit the growth of any pathogenic bacteria, while the useful ones do not touch. Use this fruit and in the treatment of colitis as a great folk remedy.

For this purpose, they prepare a decoction or water infusion. Only the therapeutic effect they have in the case when the disease of the intestines is accompanied by diarrhea, as they have excellent astringent properties. In addition, the substances contained in the pomegranate cakes also have anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory properties, thus contributing to the early healing of the damaged mucous digestive organs.

But it should be remembered that, no matter how useful the pomegranate juice is, use it in its pure form to patients with colitis is contraindicated, since it acts irritatingly on the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, patients with IBD should first dilute the juice of this fruit with water and drink only very slowly, through a straw. In this case, treatment of patients with inflammation of the intestine, as well as the prevention of this disease with it, will have the greatest effectiveness.

Can bananas be given in colitis?

Most patients are interested in the effect on the injured intestine and this all-favorite fruit. Here we should say that there are no contraindications to its use for patients with IBD.The banana is very soft, completely non-irritating to the mucous fruit. Therefore, bananas can be eaten even during exacerbation of colitis. And in fresh form, without subjecting to heat treatment.

The benefit of a banana in colitis is that its flesh is capable of enveloping the walls of the intestine, which protects them from external irritation and significantly reduces the patient's pain. In addition, the benefits of these fruits for patients is that they are well digested and easily digested by the digestive system, rather than quickly soften the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Thanks to the enveloping and softening effect of bananas in patients with diseases of the intestine, treatment passes much faster, as they very well normalize the activity of the intestine. And thanks to the fact that they contain pectin, they quickly cope with constipation.

Apples in colitis

This fruit also has a curative effect on bowel diseases. It is explained by the fact that in apples are present as pectin substances, which help to normalize the patient's stool and digestion process, as well as phytoncides, which contribute to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

In colitis, which are accompanied by diarrhea, one should use fully ripened fruit, or juices with pulp, cooked from them. In the same case, when the disease occurs against a background of constipation, preference should be given to baked apples of acidic varieties, which should be eaten on an empty stomach. But in any case, these fruits should be peeled, as it contains insoluble fiber, which is harmful to the damaged intestine.

Seabuckthorn with colitis

About this berry, we can say that in its fresh form it is very harmful for patients with colitis, as it has irritating properties, so it is not worth to drink sea buckthorn juice in its pure form. But, at the same time, it has many useful properties that are necessary in the treatment of diseases of the digestive organs. Therefore, from this berry is prepared sea buckthorn oil, which should be ingested orally in 1 tablespoon, or based on its microclysters, which contribute to the speedy healing of the intestine.

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