Complications and consequences of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is manifested by inflammation of the stomach and intestinal membranes. If the correct diagnosis is not made in time and the immediate treatment is not started immediately, the disease can lead to a number of complications. Especially severe consequences and complications of gastroenteritis are observed in children and older people, as well as in patients weakened by chronic and acute stages of other diseases.

The result of chronic diarrhea and repeated attacks of vomiting, as one of the frequent symptoms of the disease, is rapid dehydration of the body, which in the future can cause a decrease in intracellular pressure, including cardiac and cerebral activity, respiratory arrest and death. This is especially common in poor and developing countries, with inaccessible quality health care.

The common consequences of infectious gastroenteritis are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and the appearance of severe pain in his area. In feces can be observed blood inclusions and mucus. All these symptoms, inherent in the first stage of any of the diseases, are supplemented by high fever, which indicates the infectious form of the disease.

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Complications of gastroenteritis

The started acute form of the disease in the future leads to its transformation into a chronic form. In many cases, the disease leads to intestinal dysbiosis.

If in mild cases gastroenteritis can go away in a few days, then if it develops seriously, there is a risk of complications such as heart, liver, kidney and other important organs. The consequences of the disease can be the development of reactive arthritis, a decrease in the number of platelets and accelerated death of red blood cells in the blood.

Some of the viruses that cause gastroenteritis can lead to epilepsy in children.

Complications of gastroenteritis in severe form can be intestinal hemorrhages and necrotic phenomena in the small intestine, possibly damage to its individual sites and the development of peritonitis. About gastric bleeding is also indicated by the appearance of blood clots in the vomiting contents.

If symptoms of the disease develop, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, and in case of dizziness or fainting, immediately call him at home.

Only timely diagnostics and competent treatment will help to avoid complications of gastroenteritis and preserve your health.

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