Myopia is a minus or plus

Vision can worsen at any age. From short-sightedness, office workers, students and schoolchildren suffer. Myopia - is it a minus or a plus? How to choose the correct glasses for vision correction?

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Why does myopia develop

With myopia( myopia), the picture does not reach the eye retina, but focuses at some distance from it. This is due to changes in the structure of the eyeball - the shape with a spherical changes to an oval shape.

The main symptoms:

  • myopia - is when you see badly into the distance;
  • contours of objects lose their clarity;
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  • eyesight does not get worse near, but often the eyes become very tired;
  • is difficult to translate the sight from near objects to things located far away and back;
  • sometimes develops an increased sensitivity to light, a distortion of color perception.

If myopia is combined with astigmatism, the main symptoms are added to the double vision and distortion of objects and images, straight lines become curved. The average length of the human eye from the cornea to the center of the retina is 23.5 mm. When the size is increased by 1 mm, 3 diopters of myopia are added.

If vision falls by 1 diopter every year, headaches often occur due to strong eye strain, rapid tissue degradation.

Myopia develops at constant excessive eye strain - if you have to work at the computer for a long time, you need to take a short break every hour. To provoke short-sightedness can improper therapy of eye diseases. Often, the disease develops if there is a violation of blood supply to the organs of vision, or the whole organism. Unbalanced nutrition, harmful habits can significantly worsen visual acuity.

Important! Myopia is hereditary, so often the disease is diagnosed in adolescence, when the tissues are not yet fully formed.

Degrees of myopia

Without proper therapy, nearsightedness is greatly progressing - in a short period of time vision can decrease very much. Depending on the degree of myopia, visual acuity varies from the fuzziness of the contours to the complete blurring of the image at a distant distance. People with a high degree of myopia see clearly only those objects that are located directly in front of the eyes.

Stages of myopia development:

  1. Weak - a person does not replace a particular visual impairment, the values ​​deviate from the normal one by 1-3 diopters.
  2. Medium - can adversely affect the ability to work, if the work requires constant peer-review. The deviation of vision is 3-6 diopters.
  3. High degree of myopia is how much? With a strong myopia, the deviation of the indices is 6-15 diopters, sometimes even more. At this stage, a person can not practically examine objects in the distance.

Important! If the progression of myopia is not stopped, then the eye will stretch to the maximum size - retinal detachment or its rupture, hemorrhage will begin.

False myopia develops with prolonged work at close range - this causes spasm of the ciliary muscle. For correction, negative lenses are used, but this pathology is not related to the size of the eye - therefore it is called a false form.

Glasses and lenses for myopia

Myopia is a minus. To correct vision, glasses and lenses with concave scattering glasses are selected - they are indicated by a minus sign. With their help, a ray of light is scattered, the focus is transferred further - the image falls clearly on the center of the retina, the vision improves. The figure next to the minus in the prescription for glasses or lenses means the optical power of the lenses, which is required so that a person can well distinguish the letters in the 10th line of the Golovin-Sivtsev table. The value of the lenses is indicated for each eye separately.

Do I need glasses for myopia? Doctors are actively arguing about this, but have not yet come to a consensus. The final decision remains most often for the patient - how convenient it is for him to wear glasses, can he do without them. But the recommendations of the doctor still need to listen - an ophthalmologist will advise in what cases glasses are really needed.

If myopia is rapidly progressing, then you can not do without glasses. But if the vision has stopped at a certain mark, then for the correction should be done special gymnastics for the eyes, which strengthens the muscles - with this form glasses can only hurt.

You should not choose your own glasses - this question should be handled by a specialist. Before the eyes are installed negative lenses of the smallest diopters, gradually try out more powerful lenses - while the doctor tracks how much the visual acuity changes. If with lenses of different strength a person sees equally well, then choose the weakest to avoid the development of hypermetropia.

How long should I wear glasses? If the disease progresses, then glasses should be worn constantly. From time to time you can wear glasses if myopia has been stopped.

Important! In glasses for myopia, the eyes look slightly smaller, this should be taken into account when applying make-up.

Treatment and prevention of myopia

Myopia is amenable to correction, especially if you start treatment at an early stage. You can restore and very weak vision, but this will require radical measures.

The main therapeutic measures for myopia:

  • use of lenses and glasses;
  • application of night lenses is constant - refractive therapy;
  • laser correction - can not be used to treat a high degree of myopia;
  • surgical removal of the lens, insertion of artificial elements;
  • installation of special hard lenses directly into the body of the eye - one of the most effective methods of treating severe myopia;
  • pharmacotherapy - timely and regular use of eye drops, complex vitamin preparations.

When diagnosing myopia, special attention is paid to examining the peripheral and central parts of the retina in order to prevent retinal detachment in a timely manner. If the ophthalmologist notices dangerous dystrophic manifestations, then a laser surgeon will need consultation - the problem can be solved only by laser retinal coagulation.

Important! In case of rupture and detachment of the retina, the natural delivery is contraindicated - the doctors conduct a cesarean section.

Every third pupil of primary school suffers from myopia, so prevention of myopia should be started from the first days of life - preschoolers should watch TV for no more than half an hour, write and draw only at the table in good light, and the correctness of posture should be monitored. With a genetic predisposition to short-sightedness, the child should be shown to the ophthalmologist every 6-12 months.

Adults should not read lying down or in transport, every 40 minutes you need to give your eyes rest - just look a few minutes away, often blink your eyes. Frequent outdoor walks and good lighting can help prevent visual impairment.

Myopia significantly impairs the quality of life, the disease has the property of progressing. To stabilize the eyesight, it is necessary to perform a set of special exercises every day, to use medicinal preparations. But you can completely restore your eyesight only with the help of laser correction.

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