Hyperplastic polyps of the stomach, thick, straight, sigmoid and duodenum, intestines, esophagus, hyperplasia, dentate type

The tumors emerging on the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus and intestine, which are genetically altered cells of the mucosa, are called polyps. They can be flat on a wide base or oval, hemispherical on the stem. Most often, their location is noted in the sigmoid, 12-finger, thick and rectum, a little less common in the stomach. By species, they are divided into:

  • hyperplastic type;
  • hamartomic;
  • adenomatous.

Polyp of hyperplastic type

This type of neoplasm is formed due to active division of cells of the mucous membrane and, as a rule, they have small dimensions. Polyposis of the intestine is a fairly common disease and is more common in men over the age of forty years. The causes of the hyperplastic polyp of the intestine is a gastritis infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. In addition, they can develop in people genetically predisposed and with chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane.

At the onset of the disease, especially when the growths are small and occupy a small area, there are no symptoms. Moreover, in one third of patients the disease is asymptomatic. Therefore, hyperplastic polyps are found accidentally, with suspicions of gastritis or ulcers. Basically, the need for an examination is associated with complaints of pain in the epigastric region, bloating, nausea, eructations, heartburn. Hyperplasia-based polyps by medical qualification refer to precancerous conditions and are characterized by a large accumulation of hyperplasia-like polyps. Hyperplasia-based polyps are treated only surgically.

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Hyperplastic polyp of stomach

To determine the shape and nature of the lesion on the surface of the gastric mucosa, an X-ray examination together with gastroscopy is performed. X-rays allow you to determine the area of ​​the disease when examining with contrast fluid, carefully study the mucosal relief. Taken under FGDS, the material is studied for malignant cell changes.

In the presence of overgrowth of the cell more than 2-3 centimeters, the treatment of the hyperplastic polyp of the stomach is carried out by operative removal. If the patient refuses to polypectomy, then diet therapy is prescribed. People's remedies are also effective, but mainly to prevent relapse after surgery, or as a preventive measure.

If it is established that the cause of the hyperplastic polyp of the stomach is the microorganisms Helicobacter, then they take special preparations that block harmful bacteria and help to get rid of the disease caused by them. Currently, treatment of Helicobacter pylori is carried out with antibiotics and with a strict diet.

Hyperplastic polyp of large intestine

Of all the locations of this type of neoplasm, the large intestine ranks first. The essence of the disease lies in the fact that the maturation of the normal epithelium of the mucous membrane is disturbed. Usually they grow small in size, do not exceed five millimeters. They can be single and multiple, and the multiple form prevails.

The frequency of detection of the disease directly depends on age and most often hyperplastic tumors occur in the elderly. The definition of this type of disease is difficult because of the complete absence of symptoms. Against the background of a normal mucosa, neoplasms are distinguished by the whitish coloration of a smooth spherical surface.

Depending on the characteristics of the structure and form of benign epithelial formation, the following are distinguished:

  1. Inflammatory-hyperplastic polyp, which is formed by inflammation of the rectal mucosa. In this case there is a reorganization of the mucosa, there are specific "independent cells".
  2. Hyperplastic, based on excessive overgrowth of intestinal tissue.
  3. Neoplastic formations with proliferation of abnormal cells, which can be both benign and malignant.

The causes of hyperplastic polyps of the colon have not been studied to date, but most believe that the development of the disease is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle or a genetic predisposition. Treatment of them consists in removal by an endoscopic method. Prevent the growth of tumors and even destroy them, drugs from celandine, sea buckthorn oil, berries of Kalina.

Hyperplastic polyp of the rectum

The problem of outgrowths in the rectum is quite common. The neoplasm is a spherical, branching, mushroom-shaped growth on the stem or broad base slightly elevating above the level of the rectal mucosa. The color of the soft consistency varies from yellowish to dark red, and it is always covered with mucus.

The disease progresses asymptomatically, but with the development of the inflammatory process or at large sizes, the polyp breaks the walls of the intestine and there is pain in the anus, defecation passes with mucus and bleeding, and painful pains in the lower back are noted. Treatment should be carried out immediately to prevent overgrowth in a cancerous tumor. If the hyperplastic neoplasm is not located too deep, then transanal excision with a scalpel is performed, in other cases the removal is carried out using endoscopic equipment.

Toothed polyp

Small jagged growths located in the lower part of the colon are hyperplastic and the risk of their degeneration into malignant tumors is negligible. With an increase in size and located in the upper part of the organ, they are classified as a precancerous condition, however, in the formation itself, no changes in the cell occur.

Hyperplastic polyps of the esophagus can be found in any area, but most often they are diagnosed in the region of the gastrointestinal sphincter or in the upper part of the esophagus. Among other types of formations, there is a hyperplastic polyps of the sigmoid colon, which, according to the frequency of spreading, occurs immediately behind the rectum. Usually, such a tumor has a plaque shape with deep crypts. At a microscopic examination inside of the crypt there are localized at the entrance papillary growths, small folds of epithelium.

For the hyperplastic polyp of the duodenum, the intestine is prominent in the lumen of the gut with respect to the normal mucosa, macroscopic formation. Over time, this protrusion can ulcerate, and bleeding occurs. In themselves, they are not dangerous, but in the presence of gastric metaplasia and conversion into an adenomatous type, polyps significantly increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended not conservative, but operative treatment by the method of polypectomy.

Symptoms of the disease are similar to those characteristic of neoplasms in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients complain of heartburn, bouts of nausea, aching pain in the abdomen after a while after eating, a burning sensation behind the sternum. With latent bleeding, weakness, rapid fatigue, sudden dizziness are noted.

Predisposing factors are alcohol abuse, smoking, the presence of neoplasms in relatives, malnutrition. After surgery and removal of polyps, there is always the risk of recurrence and re-development of tumors. Therefore, lifelong observation by a doctor and adherence to recommendations for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is recommended.

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