Shoulder dislocation: treatment after repositioning

Shoulder dislocation is the most common injury. More than 50% of patients are diagnosed with this condition. This statistic is justified by the fact that the joint performs many different movements, but the area of ​​contact of its surfaces is small. This trauma occurs in people of different ages, with a fall a person straightens his arm or pulls it aside. Incorrect movement promotes rupture of the capsule, in which the joint is located and displaced. This violation requires medication, as well as dislocation of the shoulder, treatment after re-infection lasts for a long time.

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    Treatment after dislocation

    Dislocationrequires urgent medical intervention. It is forbidden to conduct therapy at home, as this can lead to disability. Depending on the complexity of the injury, the patient will be advised of closed reduction or surgery. However, regardless of the degree of disruption, all patients need rehabilitation and long-term treatment. The period after correction is divided into several important stages:

    • joint repositioning;
    • immobilization of the affected area;
    • rehabilitation period.

    The diagnosis of a shoulder dislocation always has serious consequences. However, following the recommendations of the doctor, you can quickly restore the work of the damaged joint. Each period of recovery lasts different times, because this is affected by the severity of the injury.

    Often people have a relapse, and the dislocation is repeated after a short time. The cause of re-injury is the inability of the joint tissues to return to their original place. Its wrong position makes this connection very vulnerable even to the slightest wrong movements. If the patient has a relapse, then he is offered to undergo an operation. As a rule, an arthroscopic procedure is recommended, which allows, with the least damage to a person, to restore the operation of the shoulder.

    Rehabilitation period after injury

    The main goal of rehabilitation is to fully restore the functionality of the shoulder joint. Upon completion of the correction, the doctor gives the patient recommendations that help to restore health faster. As a rule, this period is divided into several main periods of time:

    • joint immobilization allows to correctly repair damaged tissues and restore the old functionality. The duration of this period is 3 weeks. If the dislocation has additional complications, then the patient is gypsum on the affected area. The duration of wearing depends on the severity of the injury, but it takes at least 2-3 months;
    • restoration of the joints can be achieved with the help of special gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures;
    • full recovery occurs in about 6 months.

    Important! Treatment after recovery in the elderly lasts longer. However, immobilization is designed for a shorter time. Over the years, tissues lose their mobility, and if the shoulder is permanently fixed in one position, it can lead to complete muscle atrophy.

    Before removing the bandage, the patient is always advised to undergo a series of examinations to study the recovery processes. As a rule, a person is given an X-ray and an MRI.If after receiving the data, it is obvious that the therapy gave good results, then the bandage is removed and the treatment continues without it. However, if the immobilization of the joint has not produced results, and the pathology is actively developing, the patient is recommended surgical intervention.

    Restorative gymnastics

    Thanks to a set of simple exercises the patient can quickly restore the lost range of movements, regain strength of muscles and stabilize the condition of the damaged joint.

    After a dislocation, for several weeks the joint will be immobilized. However, it is important to do uncomplicated physical exercises to prevent muscle atrophy and allow blood to circulate freely. For 3 weeks after the injury the patient should perform such exercises:

    • brush rotation;
    • compression of the hand into a fist, but without additional load;
    • strain the muscles of the shoulder without moving the hand.

    Starting from 4 weeks after the restoration of the shoulder joint, the patient is allowed to perform exercises that involve the shoulders. At this point, the articular bag and shoulder tissues are gradually restored, so you can give a little load. Beginning the bandage should be removed and you can start performing simple exercises:

    • movement of the shoulder forward, allows you to bend the joint;
    • movement of the shoulder back, allow to unbend the joint.

    These exercises need to be done 5 times a day, for 30 minutes. All movements should be done carefully and leisurely. This gymnastics will allow you to gradually restore the joint and ligaments.

    At 5-6 weeks fixing bandage is removed. During this period, exercise therapy is extremely important, but you need to be careful. It is wise to select exercises that will help to fully restore the functionality of the joint. Experts recommend performing such gymnastics:

    • active movement of shoulders back and forth;
    • flexion and extension of fingers and hands;
    • raising a damaged arm;
    • dilution of hands to the sides;
    • rotational movement by hand;
    • rearing the arms;
    • exercises that will lead to muscle tone;
    • outer and outer rotation of the shoulders.

    At the final stage of rehabilitation should increase the load and expand the amplitude of movements. However, it is important to exercise discretion, and not to overload the joint. Complete recovery after injury occurs only after a year.

    Physiotherapy after injury

    Always with a dislocation of the shoulder joint, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapy procedures. They are absolutely harmless and will help the patient to restore the damaged joint more quickly. Thanks to these measures, an excellent effect is achieved:

    • puffiness is removed;
    • reduces pain syndrome;
    • blood clots dissolve;
    • is stimulated by blood circulation;
    • all tissues are well saturated with oxygen;
    • promote the activation of protective functions of the body;
    • the healing and recovery process is faster.

    Physiotherapy treatment does not include medications, so all procedures do not cause harm to health. In the process of therapy, the injured joint has a beneficial effect, which allows you to recover from injury.

    1. High-intensity pulse magnetotherapy qualitatively removes the inflammatory process. This procedure is the only one that perfectly removes the pain syndrome. During the treatment, damaged tissues are restored, and ligaments and muscles are healed. Specialists recommend 10 procedures, the duration of each is not less than 15 minutes.
    2. Low-intensity pulse magnetotherapy stimulates protective tissues to work and restores damaged nerve endings. Effectively removes the inflammatory process, and also quickly eliminates swelling. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. As a rule, it is carried out daily for 10 days.
    3. Diadynamic therapy effectively anesthetizes the affected joint and improves blood circulation. Promotes high-grade oxygen nutrition of cells and tissues. During the procedure, muscle tone is maintained. Doctors prescribe daily sessions, for 10 days.
    4. Inductothermy helps to normalize blood flow and efficient nutrition of tissues with oxygen and useful components. Stimulates the work of the immune system and relieves pain syndrome. The procedure qualitatively eliminates inflammation and improves muscle tone. Usually it is recommended to be carried out daily, for 10 minutes for 7-10 days.
    5. Paraffin application allows to warm the damaged area evenly and for a long time. The procedure removes puffiness and pain. Improves blood flow and adjusts the nutrition of the tissues. It is recommended to carry out 10 procedures, each for 30-45 minutes.

    Important! All physiotherapeutic procedures have a number of contraindications. Only a doctor can prescribe or cancel this treatment.

    Drug therapy

    As a rule, the dislocation of the shoulder joint can be treated with gymnastic exercises and physiotherapy procedures. However, for the first time after the trauma, the patient will feel severe pain. To facilitate the condition, the doctor will prescribe a series of pain medications. All drugs are prescribed at different degrees of pain, so the doctor will assess the condition of the patient and select the best treatment. Usually, doctors recommend such medicines:

    • Tempalgin;
    • Spasmalgon;
    • Fentanyl;
    • Hydromorphone;
    • Lidocaine.

    During an injury, it is important to eliminate spasm in the muscles, so the doctor can recommend such drugs:

    • Diazepam;
    • Lorazepam;
    • Mindazolap.

    For the removal of puffiness and pain, it is important to use drugs for topical use. The rehabilitation process is quite painful, so it is important to use medicines. Perfectly suitable such ointments and gels:

    • Diclofenac;
    • Hydrocortisone;
    • Menovazine;
    • Heparin;
    • Apisatron;
    • Lyoton;
    • Traumeel;
    • Dolobien.

    During rehabilitation, the patient should carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations. Compliance with all the rules will allow you to quickly restore the performance of the shoulder joint. Be healthy!

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