Lung cyst: symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Many of us are used to treating our health as something eternal. The appearance of the disease is not usually included in our plans, but since it arose and develops, it is necessary to know about it as much as possible in order to cope with this disease more quickly. Today we will talk about the lung cyst.

Light cyst

A lung cyst in medicine is usually called unnatural formation in the cavity of one of the lungs, filled with air or liquid.

Initially, when the cyst begins to form, its development occurs imperceptibly for its owner. However, such a pathology is very dangerous due to the development of complications that can lead to death.

Cysts of the lung are found in patients of both sexes equally often.

Classification of

In pulmonology it is common to separate cystic formations in the lungs by their origin on:

  1. Congenital. Pathology arises from the violation of prenatal development. Such neoplasms are usually located in one lung, mostly the left, in the upper part. Cysts are single - they occur in an earlier period of intrauterine development of the fetus - and multiple, called polycystosis. The internal surface of congenital cysts is always lined with epithelial tissue. The existence of such formations can not be suspect at all, but sometimes the cyst manifests itself in the form of permanent pneumonia. Congenital cystic formations include: a microcystic lung, an additional lung, a giant cyst in newborns, and polycystic pulmonary disease.
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  2. Acquired retention cyst of the lung. Such cystic pathologies appear due to past lung diseases - tuberculosis, lung abscess, or trauma. In cases with acquired pathology, the doctor can put one of these diagnoses: echinococcal cyst of the lung, pneumocoel, tuberculous cavern, bullous emphysema.

There is another type of congenital pathology of the pulmonary system, in which the formation of cysts occurs - these are dysontogenetic cysts. With this pathology, the cyst itself begins to develop already in the newborn, but the disease itself originates from the developmental defects in the prenatal period.

Dysontogenetic pathologies include dermoid cyst, bronchogenic cyst, solitary bronchogenic lung kystadenoma.

Pulmonologists can classify cysts for a number of other symptoms:

  • for the number of cavities - single and multiple cysts;
  • for the presence of content - air or filled cysts;
  • in size - small, medium and large cavities;
  • on the course of the disease - complicated and uncomplicated;
  • at the location - open, that is, communicating with the bronchi, and closed.

Causes of

The prerequisites for developing a congenital cyst in the lung in a newborn are various vices in the period of its prenatal development.

Why there is a delay in the development of the pulmonary system in the baby - it is unclear to the end, maybe some genetic damage may be the cause, or the future mother, who led an unhealthy lifestyle, should be blamed for everything. The final answer to the question of the origin of congenital cysts in doctors is not yet available.

The development of acquired pathological formations originates from already cured or untreated diseases of the pulmonary system:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, the patient is very contagious and should be isolated from others;
  • abscess of pulmonary tissue. With such an inflammatory disease cysts are most often filled with purulent contents, which the patient constantly coughs up. Abscess of the lung is considered a serious complication arising after the transferred pneumonia and requires urgent treatment in a hospital environment;
  • of gangrene of lung;
  • parasitic cysts. These include echinococci and ascarids. Echinococcal cysts develop and proceed without pronounced symptomatology and are detected only when passing the next physical examination;
  • syphilitic gums. In this case, the cyst looks like a cavity filled with contents;
  • fungi. The appearance of fungal cysts is observed in persons with lack of immunity;
  • lung cancer;
  • emphysema in smokers. In this case, the cysts are found in the form of highly expanded and air-filled alveoli.

Symptoms of

Single small lung cysts usually do not cause any discomfort to its owner. They can be detected only by fluorography or x-ray.

It is hard for a patient to miss a large cyst. It causes symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, dry cough.

As for the complicated course of the disease, it can cause such harmless at first glance illnesses as ARVI.Inflammation of the lungs can also become a provoking factor in the development of suppuration of cystic education.

With this course, the symptomatology may be as follows:

  • cough with separation of gray purulent sputum in large quantities;
  • fever;
  • weakness.

With the breakthrough of such a purulent cyst in the pleural cavity, the patient may develop pneumothorax or pyotorax. This extremely difficult condition, accompanied by severe pain in the chest, a heavy barking cough, high fever and blue lips. There may be hemoptysis.

In case of a rupture of the purulent cyst, the patient should immediately be hospitalized.


The cause for examination of the patient for cystic formations are complaints of shortness of breath and chest pain.

In the presence of this type of symptomatology, patients are referred to the chest radiograph, where the pulmonologist can examine pathological formations.

The doctor can put a more accurate diagnosis on the basis of a high-precision method of spiral computed tomography, which allows one hundred percent to determine what kind of education arose in the lungs, to separate cystic pathologies from malignant neoplasms, echinococcosis and other lung diseases.

The diagnosis is facilitated by a diagnostic method such as videotorakoskopiya, in which the pleural cavity of the patient is examined using a special tool, injected under anesthesia through small punctures of the chest.

Suspecting a patient for echinococcosis, the doctor can prescribe in addition to the rest of the analysis a non-syncope study of the abdominal cavity and allergic tests.

Treatment of lung cysts

Almost all patients are shown surgical cyst treatment. Drug treatment can be performed solely for the purpose of removing the inflammatory process and severe manifestations of intoxication and for preparing the patient for surgery.

The extent of the intervention depends on the condition of the patient, the location of the lesion and its size.

In uncomplicated cysts, surgeons tend to perform an operation without removing lobes by performing a cystectomy-removing the cyst shell. However, a third of patients still have to remove one or two parts of the organ.

In the case of pneumothorax or pyothorax, the patient is drained of the pleural cavity, and then therapy is given antibacterial drugs. If the cyst has sharply increased in size, the patient will undergo a puncture, followed by the drainage of the cyst under the control of the ultrasound apparatus.

Forecast of

Survival of patients after surgery is about 95%.At the same time, the capacity for work remains in 75% of patients.

Some patients may die before surgery due to respiratory failure or cardiovascular pathologies. The process of recovery depends entirely on the timely diagnosis of neoplasms and the correct approach to treatment.

This video shows the operation to remove the giant cyst of the upper lobe of the right lung:

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