Klostilbegit and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, reviews, whether it is possible to combine

Infertility is becoming a big problem for many couples. The inability of a woman to become pregnant depends on many factors. One of the reasons can be the absence of ovulation. Correct this condition doctors have learned with the drug "Klostilbegit."Treatment of infertility sometimes takes a long time and, naturally, during this period the couple can go to a restaurant for a romantic dinner, meet friends or go dancing to the club. Often such amusements end with the use of alcoholic beverages. Then the woman suffers from experiences, whether it was necessary to drink alcohol at treatment such serious preparation.

Clostilbegit - drug for infertility treatment

Klostilbegit is based on the active substance clomiphene in a dosage of 50 mg per tablet.

Assign Clostilbegit in pathologies such as:

  • infertility due to lack of ovulation;
  • absence of menstruation in women;
  • menstrual cycle lasting more than 40 days;
  • polycystic ovary;
  • absence of menstruation as a consequence of taking oral contraceptives;
  • oligospermia in men.
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Take Klostilbegit after taking certain tests and according to a scheme specially developed for patients by the treating doctor.

In addition to this pathology, you should not take the medicine in such cases:

  • thyroid problems;
  • neoplasm in the genitals;
  • visual impairment;
  • presence of endometriosis;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • changes in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • intolerance to lactose and other components of the drug.

When taking Klostilbegit is mandatory to monitor the health of both women and men. Women are ultrasound, men will have to take a spermogram.

When taking Klostilbegit can have such side effects:

  • changes in the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, bloating, increased hunger;
  • drowsiness, headaches, often overexcitement of the nervous system and related insomnia;
  • vision impairment;
  • abdominal pain;
  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • mammary gland tightening;
  • rapid urination;

In women, taking clomiphene can lead to multiple pregnancies.
On the video, the principle of action of the drug Klostilbegit:

Compatibility with alcohol

As a rule, when planning pregnancy, couples are careful not to take alcohol, as conception can occur at any time, and the birth of a child born in a drunken state threatens with deviations in its development and conditionhealth.


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But there are cases when the treatment of infertility lasts a long time, and the holiday really wants, and then the patient allows himself to relax over a mug of another foamy drink or to drink a glass of good wine at dinner. It is especially difficult for people to take long-term refusal to drink alcohol, after all, the treatment course for male infertility is almost two months. Accordingly, the question arises whether it is possible to drink alcohol during therapy.

Men, aimed at the appearance in their family of healthy offspring, should not drink alcohol at all, especially during pregnancy planning. And during the treatment with Clostilbegit alcohol is completely banned!

Ethanol is known to be oxidized in the liver. Klostilbegit is also split there. Which of the substances begins to be metabolized before, and which will have to wait - is unknown. If it is a medicinal product, its therapeutic effect will significantly decrease, and given the rather high price of Klostilbegit, the result of treatment will be the emission of a decent amount to the wind. In addition, the simultaneous use of drugs and alcohol always adversely affects the function of the liver, such a symbiosis sooner or later will lead to drug-induced hepatitis instead of restoring health.

It is proved that the combination of alcohol and clomiphene leads to an increase in the side effects of the latter. There may be a strong intoxication of the body, increased nausea, headaches, decreased vision.

Rules for admission

A couple who aspire to become parents in the near future should not be asked at all about when they will be able to drink alcohol. During pregnancy, a woman is strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol, and when treatment with clostilbugite, the probability of pregnancy is significantly increased.

In case such questions still arise, patients should be aware that the period of excretion of the drug from the human body is very long and is approximately 7 days. This means that not less than a week after the end of the course of therapy is not recommended to drink!


According to the statistical data and the doctors' reviews, therapy with Klostilbegit significantly increases the likelihood of the appearance of a child in couples undergoing treatment for infertility. The use of alcohol in the treatment of infertility suggests that the family is not quite ready for the birth of healthy offspring. Any doctor who observes patients who have problems with the reproductive system refers to the use of alcohol at the time of pregnancy planning is strongly negative, not to mention the process of treatment. Therefore, we conclude that anyone who dreams of a healthy child and wants to quickly implement their place, should be as early as possible completely refuse to drink alcohol.

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