Is it possible to combine alcohol and injections of immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis

The use of immunoglobulin with a tick bite is a mandatory measure that does not allow a person to become infected with a severe infection - tick-borne encephalitis. But many get a tick bite by being in nature and drinking alcohol. What to do in this situation, is it possible to combine the drug and alcohol?

What is immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis?

Antifuel immunoglobulin is a concentrated solution from the purified immunoglobulin fraction. These substances are extracted by alcohol method from blood serum or from plasma. To produce the drug, donor blood is used, in which there are antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus. For this, a person must either suffer from this pathology, or be vaccinated from encephalitis.

How does immunoglobulin affect the body? After administration, the drug helps neutralize the virus that has entered the body after a tick bite, since the immunoglobulin already has ready-made antibodies. Also, the drug enhances the nonspecific resistance of the body, thus, does not allow a serious disease to develop.

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Specific indications for the use of the drug:

  • Multiple tick bites.
  • Adherence of the tick to the skin of an unvaccinated person, if it is not possible to perform a special analysis of an insect.
  • Bite after 1-1,5 months after infection.

The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of a person - 0.1 mg.per kilogram of weight. It is forbidden to administer a remedy to those who have already had severe reactions to the use of blood products. In the presence of any allergic diseases, the immunoglobulin is administered concomitantly with the administration of antihistamines.

Compatibility with alcohol

To consume alcohol after a shot of such a serious drug as immunoglobulin from tick-borne encephalitis, it will not come to everyone's head. Nevertheless, such situations are quite possible, and it is worth exploring in detail what exactly will happen in the body with such a combination.

Alcohol, and all its types, is ethanol. This substance destroys all the protective mechanisms that previously worked in the body. Immunity of those who drink alcohol often, is strongly weakened, as well as the work of endocrine organs, liver, CNS.During the intake of alcohol, the liver begins to work hard to process and utilize ethanol. In the body there are toxins, because it develops alcohol intoxication.

If at this point to introduce into the blood a drug that causes a "surge" of the activity of the immune system and requires an adequate response of all organs and systems, it is easy to imagine that the reaction can be unpredictable. In abusing alcoholic people, the proper response of the immune system may not follow, or this response will be directed against one's own organism - in the form of autoimmune reactions. The same variant of development is often observed in those who already have allergic diseases - asthma, atopic dermatitis.


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Consequences of

Doctors say that the risk for a person with joint intake of alcohol and with the introduction of immunoglobulin is very high. These substances can be safely called antagonists, so you should prepare for serious and unpredictable consequences. Immunoglobulin in itself is often poorly tolerated by the body, and with "libation" the risk of side effects increases several times.

The following reactions are possible:

  • Severe headaches;
  • Pressure drop;
  • Severe local reactions;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Various allergic reactions - a rash, hives.

In severe cases, there is angioedema and anaphylactic shock, cases of death were recorded when immunoglobulin and alcohol were combined.

Through how much can you drink?

Immunoglobulin is injected into the muscle to prevent tick-borne encephalitis once. Therefore, experts note that immediately after the injection, you can not drink alcohol for at least 7 days( ideally - for a month, after all, so much protection against the drug lasts).If a month later was repeated injection after a new bite, then the same rules apply.


Based on the information provided, we can conclude: immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis is ambiguously perceived by the body, as it directly affects the immune system. It has side effects that occur quite often. If you take alcohol on the background of therapy, it will exacerbate the manifestations of "pobochek", and can cause a fatal outcome. Therefore, the joint intake of alcohol and immunoglobulin is strictly prohibited!

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