Is it possible to drink alcohol when taking Janine: compatibility, consequences, reviews

Contraception with hormones has long been popular with women who have an active sex life and want to have planned children. It is very convenient and simple - enough to take the pills once a day and there will be no problems with unnecessary pregnancy. How much at the same hormonal means are combined with the use of alcohol and will this effect not affect the contraceptive effect of tablets? Let's consider all aspects of this topic on the example of the "Jeanine" jelly.

Jeanine - a brief description of

The German drug Jeanine from Bayer Schering Pharma has two actions: contraceptive and antiandrogenic. The action of Jeanine as a means of preventing pregnancy consists in inhibiting ovulation and increasing the viscosity of the cervical fluid, so that fertilization can not occur in any case. Antiandrogenic action of the dragee is manifested in the suppression of the activity of the excessively secreted testosterone hormone, which eventually leads to a decrease in the growth of unwanted hair on the face and body of the girl, the disappearance of acne, and the adjustment of the menstrual cycle.

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Dragee placed in a convenient blister containing 21 tablets, which should be taken daily, preferably at the same time. After taking the last pill, a break is done for a week. During this time a woman has menstrual bleeding. On the eighth day of wanting to continue contraception, a woman should start taking pills again.

Janine should be taken strictly according to the instructions, which contain all the recommendations for proper protection. A break in the intake or use with other tablets of other drugs may reduce the effectiveness of the drug and lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, before taking Janine, it is necessary to thoroughly study the attached manual in the form of instructions.

The drug is not as safe as many ladies would like and has serious contraindications to admission.

Among such contraindications:

  • arterial and venous thromboses;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • presence of any tumor processes in the liver;
  • hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands or genital organs;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • is hypersensitive to any of the constituent dragĂ©es.

When taking Janine, the patient may experience undesirable effects, as a result of which the use of these tablets should be stopped:

  • tenderness and tension of the mammary glands and an increase in their size;
  • breakthrough bleeding from the genitals or spotting;
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • change in sex drive;
  • is an allergy.

Compatibility with alcohol

The drug Jeanine can be used by women of any age for quite some time. During contraception, you do not need to take any breaks, as was the case with previous generations of birth control pills. Taking Jeanine, women live their usual life, and alcohol in this life can quite take place.


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The following questions arise: Can I drink alcohol when I take Jeanin? Will the intake of strong drinks reduce the contraceptive effect of the pill? There are no instructions in this manual, but after consulting the gynecologists you can hear the following explanations.

Alcohol and Jeanin contraceptive are compatible in principle. This means that the contraceptive effect of the drug when taking alcohol will not lose its strength, and conception will not happen. However, it is worth to be very cautious - if you exceed the required dose of ethyl alcohol in the body, a protective gag reflex can arise, in which case the newly taken pill will simply be ripped from the stomach. Consequently, the contraceptive effect can be disrupted and you will need to think about other contraceptive methods.

In addition, you should remember about your liver, which is already working in an enhanced mode, removing toxins and metabolic products of the hormone drug. Do not deplete it with additional work in the form of oxidation of ethanol.

Possible consequences of

Of course, taking contraceptives is not a literal treatment. But nevertheless any chemically synthesized agent is a load for the body, and how internal organs can cope with such work - it is impossible to predict. The use of alcohol in unreasonable doses also depletes the body, negatively affecting the reproductive sphere of women. There is evidence that women who combine contraceptive reception with alcoholic beverages for a long time may later have problems with the conception of the child, whereas in non-drinking women the fertility is restored, a couple of months after the drug was discontinued.

Prolonged intake of the hormone drug Jeanine can affect liver function and kidney function, so doctors who recommend this drug as a contraceptive insist on a periodic examination to prevent possible complications and the appearance of undesirable effects from taking.

Rules for combining

I would like to draw attention to the rules of joint alcohol intake and Jeanine's dragees. They are as follows:

  1. Drinking alcohol is recommended in extremely small doses - no more than a glass of wine or half a liter of beer. In terms of more strong drinks - it's 50 grams of vodka.
  2. You can drink alcoholic beverages no earlier than 3 hours after the pill.

Following these recommendations, a woman will keep her body healthy, and the contraceptive effect of taking the pills will not decrease.


German means of protection from unwanted pregnancy Janine is not without reason considered a very reliable contraceptive with a lot of positive feedback from specialists. Its effectiveness is confirmed by the Perl index, which is less than 1. Nevertheless, the reliability of the preparation can be affected, in addition to improper intake of tablets, by frequent and excessive consumption of drinks containing ethanol. It will be most correct to avoid such a dangerous combination and not to expose your body to unreasonable risks.

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