Diet in deprivation: recommendations, a list of products, a menu for a week

Lishay - an ailment that brings significant discomfort to the life of the sick. It is important to follow the doctor's instructions for the therapy of the disease, and also observe the rules of nutrition in this pathology.

General rules for feeding

What will be your diet, depends on the type of depriving, but the general nutrition is rich in calcium and iron, fresh seasonal vegetables and herbs will be useful. Pay attention to who and where fruits and vegetables are grown.

  • Eat grain cereals and do not forget about dairy products that can normalize the intestinal microflora and reduce the allergic reaction.
  • Be sure to have breakfast and do not make too long breaks between meals.
  • Drink plenty of liquids, especially table mineral water.
  • To maintain immunity, cook meat and fish of low-fat varieties.

Diet during exacerbation of depriving

Authorized products

To be used in deprivation, such products are recommended:

  • unleavened or whole-grain bread;
  • instagram viewer
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and corn porridge;
  • fermented baked milk, kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • vegetables and greens.

Prohibited products

If you have been diagnosed with lichen, you will have to discard:

  • spices in the form of mustard, horseradish and pepper;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • spicy dishes;
  • alcohol.


Limit in your diet:

  • strong broths and meat sauces;
  • smoked meat;
  • fatty fish and broths of them;
  • kidney, liver, heart;
  • canned food;
  • fast food;
  • fried fish;
  • sharp cheeses;
  • caviar.

Whatever diet you do not adhere to, it should be appropriate. That proper nutrition is an important component of treatment and helps the body cope with the disease without additional stress on the digestive system.

Diet for different types of ailment

Foods are differentiated depending on the specific type of lichen.

  • But in aid will be dogrose and wheat, prunes and nuts, squid and oatmeal.
  • Drink clean water to speed up metabolic processes and eliminate toxins.

For a start, we learn about a diet with a pink deer Zhibera in humans.

Diet with pink depriveda

  • Pink lichen suggests a hypoallergenic diet for 2-3 weeks and an increased amount of dairy and plant products.
  • Children are recommended to diet from 7 to 10 days.

The diet of mother and child with pink deprive is examined in this video:

Do not eat

Remove allergens:

  • citrus;
  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • red fruit;
  • nuts;
  • bakery products;
  • eggs;
  • aromatic additives;
  • spices;
  • fresh milk;
  • alcohol;
  • tea and coffee.

Eliminate the consumption of sweet carbonated drinks with dyes, confectionery products with cream, preserves and smoked products. Drink compotes or herbal tea.

You can eat

And what can you eat during a diet with pink deprive? Useful products with pink deprive:

  • meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • cereals( rice, oats, semolina);
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • honey.

Restrict on time: potatoes and buckwheat, currant, watermelons, peaches and bananas, broths, beans, offal, salted cheese.

Next, a diet with red flat lishy on the body is subject to consideration.

Red lichen

In nutrition with red flat lichen( including warty, atrophic) there is one problem - the lack of specific products that cause the appearance of rashes. It is impossible to compile the recommended products for improvement, but there are general rules that you should pay attention to.

If the lichen has spread to the mouth, some foods will bring discomfort and pain, irritating the damaged mucous membrane. In this case, avoid:

  • acute;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • hot.

After any meal, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse your mouth and remove the leftovers from your mouth.

This video reviews treatment and diet for shingles in adults and children:


When identifying shingles recommend:

  • nuts( pistachios and hazelnuts, raisins, almonds and cashews, peanuts and walnuts);
  • dried fruits( dried apricots, prunes)
  • berries( viburnum, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, dog-rose);
  • fish and seafood( eel, salmon, squid, pikeperch);
  • greens( sorrel, spinach);
  • fruit( apples, apricots, plums, cherries, cherries,
  • wheat germ, oatmeal, seeds, barley cereals, vegetable oil);
  • vegetables( onion, red bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, eggplant, corn, carrots).

What does a diet for pityriasis deprive? Let's find out more.


What kind of diet is necessary for pityriasis caused by fungal microorganisms? You will need to restrict or exclude products that contribute to the rapid reproduction of the fungus.

Among them:

  • sweets( they can be replaced with a small amount of honey);
  • bakery products;
  • alcohol.

In the diet should be present:

  • fats of animal origin, 1/3 vegetable and fish oil;
  • bread with bran or whole grains;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • compotes and clean water, can be mineral without gas.

The work of your gastrointestinal tract is immediately displayed on the skin condition. Therefore, spare it, exclude harmful products and prolong remission.

This video reviews treatment and a diet with ringworm:

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