Tazaroten: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

Tazarotene is a 3-generation retinoid, widely used both in the treatment of skin ailments like psoriasis or dermatitis, and in cosmetology - to reduce wrinkles.

Skin diseases are extremely diverse. Acne, which most people do not even pay attention to or psoriasis, do not pay attention, which is impossible - all this applies to the same category. Quite often, the same medicines are used to treat a variety of skin ailments.

Features of the drug

Tazarotene is a 3-generation retinoid and is one of the most effective drugs in its field. Its effectiveness is due to the mechanism of the effect of retinoids on human skin.

Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins for cellular processes. Vitamin-retinol itself and its retinoid analogues get into the body, which in the future are used in the process of processing for the synthesis of vitamin. In the treatment of retinoids are prescribed for external use, as well as internal.

Tazarotene is a synthetic retinoid. Its action on skin cells is similar to natural substances. Retinoids activate the basic functions of the cell, promote the growth of epithelial cells, prevent excessive production of sebum. In addition, the substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and are used for inflammations and skin irritations.

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Retinoids are a biologically active substance. Skin cells have receptors sensitive to retinoic acid. With external use, the receptors react to the tazarotene contained in the ointment and, accordingly, activate the cell functions. However, the effectiveness of the drug may become dangerous, since on the average the ointment contains a dose of retinoids, which exceeds the daily requirement by 20 times.

Dosage forms

The product is available as an ointment or gel. The difference is very conditional and is associated mainly with different parts of the active substance. Packaging - a tube weighing 15 g. Shelf life is 1 year from the date of production.

Composition of Tazarotene

A gel is usually called a formulation that contains 0.1% tazarotene, cream is a composition containing 0.05%.The auxiliary substance is benzyl alcohol on a gel basis.

The cost of

In Russia, tazarotene is not widely distributed, so it is not easy to find it. The price of the ointment is 800- 900 r. Its counterparts are zorak, tazorak with the same active substance, but from another manufacturer can be purchased for 1285-2610 р.

Pharmacological action of

Tazarotene when used externally acts the same as other retinoids. However, the effectiveness of the drug is often compared with glucocorticoid ointments.


Tazarotene acts on receptors of cells, sensitive to retinoic acid. Its action, however, is not at all to accelerating the renewal of the skin. With dermatitis and especially psoriasis, epithelial cells divide and so die too quickly, so the task of the medicine is not to accelerate the growth of cells, but, on the contrary, slow down, in order to restore the normal process of renewal and aging of the skin.

Tazaroten provides the following result:

  • cell differentiation - an obligatory part of the regenerative process is differentiation, that is, the acquisition of special functions performed by only one specific group of cells. Otherwise, the functionality of the tissue is significantly lost. Retinoids help to differentiate cells;
  • activation of the functions of the cells - the task of the upper skin epithelium is mechanical protection and preservation of moisture. Restoration of this function and causes such a wide application of retinoids in cosmetology;
  • stops the growth of the epithelium of the sebaceous glands. With excessive growth, dead cells clog the ducts, creating sebaceous plugs. They are the main cause of acne, pustules and so on. Tazaroten suppresses the excessive activity of cells, while the sebaceous ducts are released, and, accordingly, acne eruptions disappear;
  • all retinoids inhibit the activity of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin such a tool makes it more tender and soft, but for dry skin it can become a serious test. As a rule, substances are not used in the treatment of acne or dermatitis in people with dry, sensitive skin;
  • retinoids have an anti-inflammatory effect. In sebaceous sebaceous glands, sebum loses its disinfecting properties and the skin remains vulnerable to infection. Tazarotene prevents inflammation and possible infection.


The drug is low in toxicity and causes minimal irritation. This is explained by its low absorption. The substance does not accumulate in the skin or fatty tissues.

In the skin, tazarotene is transformed into tazarotenic acid, which is very rapidly metabolized, turning into hydrophilic compounds, easily excreted in the urine. The half-life is 18 hours.


In fact, tazarotene is prescribed for all skin ailments caused by vitamin A deficiency, malfunctions in the regeneration process and some autoimmune diseases.

  • Tazarotene is particularly effective in psoriasis, an autoimmune disease in which dry scaly patches form on the skin, forming large plaques. However, it is effective only with relatively mild forms of the disease.
  • The drug is used in the treatment of ichthyosis - a skin disease, in which the keratinization process is disrupted.
  • Apply ointment in the treatment of scars and acne - due to the ability of retinoids to accelerate the regenerative process.
  • The drug is used in the treatment of acne, especially with oily skin, since tazaroten suppresses the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • In cosmetology retinol is used as a means for smoothing wrinkles. Its effectiveness in this case is also due to the ability to accelerate the recovery process.
  • An ointment is also used in photoaging, as it stimulates the production of melanin.

Instructions for Use

Cream packaging includes detailed instructions for the use of the substance. However, it is not recommended to use the ointment alone: ​​tazarotene causes enough side effects and has a number of limitations.

Use of the cream is allowed only for patients over 12 years of age. The dosage of the drug depends on the form of the disease

When acne rashes

Usually, the drug is prescribed to patients with normal or oily skin. With dry skin, you need to combine the ointment with glucocorticoid drugs that can eliminate the irritant effect of retinoids.

  1. It is essential to cleanse the face before use. Use the usual means, but it is desirable to choose those that do not contain alcohols, and, therefore, do not dry.
  2. For dry skin, it is desirable first to lubricate the affected area with a moisturizing cream, and after absorbing it, use a medicinal ointment.
  3. Thin layer of tazarotene is applied to the affected area, rubbed with soft massaging movements until completely absorbed. The volume of a single dose of ointment is comparable to the size of a pea.
  4. Avoid getting the cream on the area around the eyes or mouth, since the skin is too sensitive.
  5. It is recommended to perform the procedure in the evening before going to bed. The course usually lasts 4-5 months. In the first weeks, the ointment is used daily. When the effect is achieved - usually after 12 weeks, the frequency of the procedure is reduced to 1-2 per week.

With ichthyosis and psoriasis

In this case, skin lesions are noticeably stronger and more dangerous, and therefore they apply the drug somewhat differently. The dose and dosage form should be chosen by the doctor.

  1. Ointment is applied in the usual way: a thin layer on the affected area. Rub the cream almost to full absorption, trying to avoid painful sensations.
  2. An important limitation is the maximum dose of the substance - no more than 2 mg of active substance per 1 sq. Km.see the skin, as well as the maximum body area, on which you can apply the ointment - not more than 20%.
  3. Avoid applying cream to areas around the eyes and mouth.
  4. For dry skin, a moisturizing cream must be applied beforehand.
  5. The procedure is carried out once a day, usually before bedtime. The course lasts at least six months. Usually the result becomes noticeable after 10-12 weeks of use.

It is mandatory to apply sunscreen before going out.


Tazarotene necessarily causes some skin irritation, especially in the first weeks of use. This feature is one of the main contraindications in the application.

  • Pregnancy and lactation - although tazarotene does not belong to glucocorticoids, it has a strong effect on the skin, and the skin reaction at this time is unpredictable. The danger of forming an allergy is great.
  • Children under 12 years are not allowed to prescribe this drug for the same reason - the risk of forming an allergic reaction.
  • Open lesions - wounds, severe burns, ulcers.
  • Photosensitivity - excessive skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light often causes inflammation. Retinoids enhance this property.
  • When rosacea - rosacea, the drug is also not used.
  • If there is an allergy to any component of the drug, it is prohibited to use it.

Side effects of

  • Literally, the mandatory side effects of tazarotene are irritation and reddening of the skin at the first stages of application. As a rule, itching is also observed, the skin is noticeably dried and the first 2 weeks are severely scaly. Virtually no one can manage without this stage.
  • Ointment can cause the appearance of rashes, the application of the cream can be accompanied by a burning sensation. If such symptoms persist for no more than 3 weeks, the drug continues to be used.
  • However, tazarotene can cause more severe side effects: contact dermatitis, eczema, an increase in psoriatic plaques, the appearance of local inflammation and edema. In this case, the use of the drug should be discarded.

Special instructions

To minimize possible side effects, several recommendations should be observed:

  • should be selected by the doctor, both at the first stage of treatment, and to prevent repetitions;
  • it is impossible to apply the cream on the area around the eyes or mouth, and even more so that the ointment gets on the mucous - the irritation will be very strong;
  • if the drug causes severe itching, redness or flaking, the number of procedures reduces or reduces the concentration. However, this decision must also be taken by a dermatologist;
  • during treatment it is necessary to refuse any kind of caring means, drying out skin-lotions on an alcohol basis, soap;
  • should avoid exposure to frost, strong wind, intense sun exposure;
  • is mandatory use of sunscreen.

Interaction with other medicines and alcohol

  • There is no information on the interaction of tazarotene with alcohol or medications. The substance is absorbed to a small extent and already in the skin turns into tazarotenic acid, easily excreted in the urine.
  • Since retinoids increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light, during treatment should abandon drugs with a similar effect.


Tazarotene is a 3-generation retinoid, which means not only high efficacy, but also greater drug safety. The side effects of the ointment are limited only by the application area - the top layer of the skin, and does not threaten the health and life of the patient.

The effectiveness of tazarotene is noted not only by doctors, but also by patients themselves. With psoriasis and ichthyosis of light and medium severity, the ointment really allows to significantly reduce the intensity of manifestations. Especially it is noticeable in those cases when there is a constant progression without remissions. The drug allows you to localize psoriasis and suppress the intensity of the symptoms.


Analogues of the drug are much better known in Russia than the drug itself.

  • Tarzet gel - contains 0.05% active substance. The cost of the drug is about 1900 r.
  • Zorak - 0.05% of tazarotene costs from 2610 rubles.for 15 g.
  • Tazorak - 0.1% cream. The cost varies from 2200 to 2610 rubles.

Tazarotene is a 3-generation retinoid that guarantees not only significant relief of symptoms of severe illnesses such as ichthyosis or psoriasis, but also a minimum of side effects. However, the drug is potent, and therefore can be prescribed only by a dermatologist.

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