Under the influence of a number of external factors on the skin, there may be changes associated with a sharp reduction in the degree of elasticity of the skin, while there is an acceleration of the pathological process in the absence of therapeutic effect. The appearance of the skin deteriorates, foci appear, characterized by an unhealthy appearance of the upper layer of the epidermis, ulcers may appear on its surface. The modern classification of the pathological process in the skin makes it possible to classify the identified disease to a specific type, which involves carrying out a certain treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
The presence of characteristic symptoms makes it possible to detect changes in the skin already at the early stages of the pathological process, and the treatment allows to suspend it, preserving the health and attractive appearance of the skin. Defeat can occur at almost any age, but most often it is diagnosed during hormonal fluctuations. This may be the period of puberty, the time of gestation, lactation. Also, similar disorders in the skin condition are noted with a pronounced loss or set of mass, when longitudinal bands of characteristic whitish-pink color form on the surface of the skin. This pathology of the skin is dangerous because it can develop into malignant diseases, in particular, in skin cancer when the condition worsens.
What is skin atrophy
With the development of this pathology of the upper layer of the epidermis, there is a pronounced change in the composition and quantity of all layers of the skin. In this case, a violation of its functionality due to the loss of natural qualities of the destroyed layers. To such functions of separate layers of the epidermis should be attributed:
- protective function, which is endowed with subcutaneous tissue( it maintains body temperature, does not allow penetration into the organism of pathogenic microorganisms);
- transmission of nerve impulses - a function of neuroregulation;
- metabolic processes in which the upper layer of the epidermis participates( production of vitamin D by exposure to sunlight);
- the process of breathing due to pores in the skin.
The above functions of the skin with the aggravation of the pathological process with the development of skin atrophy cause significant disruption in the nutrition of epidermal cells, delivering the required amount of oxygen to them. This leads to a gradual deterioration in the condition of the skin, the cells of which cease to fully feed, their functions are limited. Atrophy is also expressed in the reduction of skin layers, inhibition of the circulatory process, which leads to the onset of inflammatory processes in the epidermis.
Skin atrophy after application of hormonal ointments( photo)
Classification of
Types of
Today several variants of classification of the considered disease are offered. However, the most informative is the division of pathology into a congenital type of disease and acquired, each of which also has its gradation depending on the symptomatology that is manifested.
The classification of skin atrophy is as follows:
- Congenital atrophy of the , at which dysplasia of the ectoderm( the part of the skin that is responsible for the process of formation of new skin cells) is observed, at which characteristic symptoms are detected not only in the upper layer of the epidermis, but also in the adjacent areas - the hair, sometimes in the nail plates. Congenital skin atrophy is subdivided into the following subspecies:
- hemiatrophy of the skin of the face , at which uneven( asymmetric) skin lesions occur on the face. In this case, it is noted that all layers of the epidermis are involved in the pathological process, as well as part of the muscle fibers;
- atrophic aplasia , which is characterized by the absence of a part of the skin, localized on the scalp;
- nevus atrophic is a benign neoplasm in the form of a birthmark that does not affect subcutaneous fatty tissue, but is located only in the epidermis and dermis. In this nevus has the appearance of a limited size plaque skin.
- Acquired atrophy form , characterized by the formation of certain external factors pathological changes in the skin and the upper layer of the epidermis. For the acquired form of the pathology under consideration, its subdivision into several species with certain external manifestations is characteristic:
- primary , which can arise without apparent external causes, the etiology of its manifestation is not completely studied;
- involutive , senile , which is wrinkles on the skin and manifests itself over time - in old age the number of wrinkles gradually increases due to loss of skin elasticity;
- secondary , in which skin cells are adversely affected by external factors such as solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation, mechanical effects, X-ray irradiation, chronic chronic diseases, which also negatively affect the skin condition.
The considered classification is considered the most informative because of the division of the skin disease into an innate and acquired variant, which differ fundamentally in the mechanism of origin.
Localization of
Atrophy of the skin can be detected almost anywhere in the body. Most often, its manifestations are noted in places where the skin is initially the most delicate and sensitive - skin of the face, area of the breast and mammary glands, thighs and buttocks, in some cases, skin atrophy was noted on the back and the shin area.
The impact of external factors largely determines the location of the localization of the pathological process;with the congenital form of the disease, the location of the sites of skin atrophy can vary significantly.
How to detect
Detection of this pathology is not difficult. And if at the initial stage of the disease the external manifestations of it can be insignificant and do not attract attention, then with a gradual aggravation the changes in the negative plan become a valid reason for conducting a complete examination of the skin in the lesions. Symptomatology of the disease can vary significantly depending on the type of pathology, but the appearance on the skin of places with a changed structure, thinning of the skin can be considered as common manifestations. Probably also some change in the pigmentation of the skin, under mechanical influence it can not take the original form for a long time.
The initial symptomatology of the disease is as follows:
- the affected foci of the disease acquire the appearance of the finest tissue paper that radiates the blood vessels, when squeezed, it easily contracts;
- skin in the lesions is very dry, it becomes invisible pores, fat and sebaceous glands;
- the color of such areas can vary significantly from light pink to white or red, even to burgundy. With further development of the pathological process, shades of the affected skin also change, with considerable thinning the skin becomes more and more light. It gets darker in places with a growing amount of connective tissue.
The development of the disease is characterized by the formation of parallel bands with alternating shade and skin density, in places with a darker color the connective tissue predominates, with lighter skin the skin becomes more thinning, its elasticity is lost. In accordance with the membership of a certain type, the difference in the current symptomatology is also likely, for example, with the appearance of pathology during puberty, there is a high probability of skin changes in the area of the mammary glands and hips, with the lesions located parallel to each other.
In pregnancy, lesions where the skin is atrophied to the greatest extent are located on the mammary glands due to an increase in their size. This is accompanied by the appearance on the surface of their skin whitish strips of worm-like species.
In the idiopathic version of the disease under consideration, changes in the skin of an atrophic nature appear on the face, mainly in the cheek area, where the places with a thinning skin have translucent skin on which are places with dark sebaceous plugs, while, in contrast to usual acne and acne, inflammatory processesin the skin of the cheeks are absent.
What kind of violations may indicate the symptom
The appearance of foci of skin atrophy indicates the presence of certain disorders in the body. Atrophy of the skin reflects the following diseases:
- xeroderma pigmentosa;
- actinic keratosis, or elastosis with loss of elasticity of the skin;
- varicolored;
- progression of facial hemiatrophy;
- tuberculosis;
- pyoderma;
- syphilis;
- cicatricial chromomycosis;
- ringworm in chronic form;
- acute radiation dermatitis;
- porphyrin disease;
- of the initial stage of the systemic lupus erythematosus.
Also characteristic manifestations may occur with prolonged use of a number of drugs for external use, in particular, hormonal ointments, which are often used against copious acne, furunculosis.
Treatment of
Treatment methods for detecting skin atrophy can vary significantly. Much in their choice depends on the degree of manifestation, neglect and duration of the course of the disease. The initial stages of the disease are amenable to some correction and stopping the pathological process in the skin cells, but with a significant neglect of the disease, this state becomes irreversible.
Modern methods of medical treatment allow to stop the current pathological process to a greater extent, improving the overall appearance of the skin, slowing its atrophy.
Elimination of the
symptom To eliminate the manifestations of the disease, drug therapy is used, consisting in the appointment of a doctor to drugs that increase the rate of tissue regeneration. These include, first of all, the drug xanthinol nicotinate, as well as nicotinic acid preparations. In complex therapy can also be used multivitamin complexes, funds with a high content of vitamin B1, which positively affects the condition of the skin.
Corticosteroid therapy is carried out for a long time with constant monitoring by a dermatologist to prevent adverse side effects. The end of this type of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.
Folk methods
The use of traditional medicine usually allows you to speed up the healing process and achieve a greater manifestation of the positive dynamics of treatment. The use of decoctions and infusions of herbs that stimulate the regeneration of tissues, as well as multicomponent drugs with a high content of vitamins, gives a good result for strengthening the ongoing treatment and eliminating manifestations of the disease.