Infographics of sychosomatic causes of migraine

psychosomatics of migraineMigraine refers to pathologies that do not have an organic substrate; in its development, the vascular reaction to some stimuli is of great importance. Some of them are known (triggers), but most of these factors remain a mystery to modern medical researchers.

Experts adhering to a psychosomatic approach to this disease, argue that emotional overload associated with type of personality and the possibility of its adaptation to the environment, can be one of the reasons for the occurrence of an intense pulsating head pain.

F. Alexander, G. Wulff et al. researchers describe a person prone to pain syndrome in this way:

  1. High intelligence with low emotional development.
  2. Difficulty separating from mother and transition to independent life, deep emotional attachment to parents.
  3. People with a tendency to perfectionism, have an ambitious character and love competition.
  4. Difficulty in distributing responsibility both in the family and at work (I will do everything myself), but at the same time, pronounced resentment.
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The combination of this type of personality with the formulation of difficult tasks, constant tension, fatigue pours out into a tangle of negative emotions (anger-resentment-anxiety), which become the cause of an attack migraine. Researchers note the rapid relief of headaches during a session of psychoanalysis and work with negative emotions.

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