Approximate medical menu for pancreatitis( disease, inflammation of the pancreas) in children and adults

Eating pancreatic disease should not cause a feeling of satiety after eating. Doses are reduced, the frequency of reception is increased to six to five times. The intervals between them should be within four or three hours. The menu for pancreatitis consists of:

  • breakfast - liquid porridges useful for pancreas, providing mechanical shchazhenie gland
  • second breakfast - puree, mineral water
  • lunch - soup with cereals, allowed for this disease to the child, cereal or puree
  • snack - kefir, curdled milkor juice with unsweetened biscuits
  • dinner - mashed cereal without sugar on water
  • of the second supper - broth, kissel, honey with warm water, useful patient

The aggravation of the disease completely prohibits food intake, the approximate menu for pancreatitis inthis point is the following:

  • nutrients injected parenterally
  • uses a plentiful drink with alkali elements
  • from the moment of improvement, hourly reception of half a glass of curdled milk begins
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Then the pancreas of an adult patient and child is able to cope with a pack of cottage cheese that must necessarily be fresh( ideally -home).In the chronic stage of the menu for the patient, pancreatitis again changes, the diet for this disease becomes the following:

  • for breakfast allowed normalizing flora of the gastric tract of the banana
  • for lunch and dinner in the second dishes appears chicken, meat or fish safe for the disease

Children's menu for patientspancreatitis is characterized by very small doses, since the main reason for the appearance of the disease in a child is considered to be an allergy to medications and diet products. Therefore, check the tolerability of each of them without exacerbating the disease. The menu of the child with pancreatitis should provide a comfortable regime( chemical and mechanical), the diet includes liquid and mashed cereals and soups. Disease at an early age is tolerated more easily, weeks are enough for the patient to enter remission.

May and should vary within reasonable limits of the menu for a week with pancreatitis from month to month. Protein diet allows you to replace fatty foods without reducing caloric content of the table, which has a positive effect on stopping the development of the child's illness. During the period of remission, the menu with irreversible changes in the pancreas increases daily proteins by one hundred grams due to the reduction in the same amount of fats. The diet uses carbohydrates of easy assimilation in the disease, the restriction of salt is fifty grams per week per patient. Thus, the menu for pancreatic disease becomes acceptable for the gland of the child and adult:

  • lunch - puree carrots or potatoes and pearl barley soup with a piece of meat or meatball, tea with milk( useful for the patient)
  • dinner - liquid porridge on milk( unsweetened, without tea), tea with cracker
  • afternoon snack - omelette with mineral water( with or without an average gas content)
  • breakfast - souffle of cottage cheese and milk porridge in any order( alternating)
  • at night - juice, kissel, Morse

Skyshie concessions are permissible in the menu for the pancreas with a long remission, while iron is loaded, but it is not dangerous for the progress of the disease. A child can supplement the diet every week with vegetable fiber, which is present in fruits and vegetables without heat treatment. The menu with additions for pancreatic disease consists of products:

  • fish baked
  • pieces of meat cooked
  • sausage doctoral
  • neutral cheeses( useful for large gland and intestinal tract)
  • small pasta( a couple of times a week)
  • slightly crumbly porridge( in large quantitiescan cause disease progress)
  • vegetarian soup without the wiped ingredients

The temperature of the diet in pancreatitis should not exceed 55 ° C and 20 ° C( hot and cold, respectively).This is optimal for the pancreas, which does not harm the gland and nearby organs. In the menu for a week should regularly make adjustments for the variety of the table. It should be taken into account the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, total caloric value.

Menu # 5 with pancreatitis

In case of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, complete refusal of food is recommended. It is necessary to observe fasting from one to three days. During this period, it is allowed to drink mineral non-carbonated water, a broth of wild rose or a slightly brewed tea without sugar.

At the end of this period, the patient is assigned a menu number 5 in pancreatitis, it is divided into two options. The first - the use of mashed foods, such a diet is recommended to observe for two weeks. After that, you can go to the second version of menu number 5, with her allowed to eat unprocessed food in the period from six months to eight months.

With diet number 5 on the third day after fasting, the patient is allowed to eat, but the food itself is low in calories.

  • It is possible: to use liquid unsalted food, enriched with carbohydrates. This includes honey, fruit juice, fruit drinks, broth of wild rose, sugar.
  • Forbidden: fatty, fried and salty foods.

On the fifth day, the calorie intake increases to 800 kcal, fats are also excluded. On the sixth-ninth day of diet number 5, the calorie content of dishes increases to 1000 kcal.

From the tenth day the calorie content of dishes can exceed 1000 kcal. Two weeks after the exacerbation of pancreatitis, the patient is assigned a menu number 5, the second option, with it, the food is served all also without salt, its calorie content gradually increases.

Menu for children( baby food) with pancreatitis

At first glance, the menu for children with pancreatitis seems quite strict, as in adults. But actually it is not. For example, patients are allowed to eat candy, limiting the amount. Basically, in children's food, eating fatty foods is limited, and so many do not like it.

Parents should minimize the consumption of beef by children. It is best to serve fish, for example, perch or cod, their meat is dietary. You can not drink milk, even fat-free, you can add it in small amounts in cereals. The use of fermented milk products( yogurt, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.) should be reduced to 20 grams per day. Prohibitions can be attributed to the consumption of fatty foods and oils, including vegetable.

Therapeutic menu for inflammation of the pancreas

For inflammation of the pancreas, the patient must completely exclude from his diet the following products:

  • alcohol;
  • carbonated beverages;
  • fatty foods;
  • spicy food;
  • canned food;
  • pickles;
  • fried foods;
  • sweets.

In addition, it is necessary to comply with the therapeutic diet. The main rule of such a nutrition menu is to crush food into parts. Use it should be small portions, always avoiding overeating and observing the interval between meals at three or four hours.

It is recommended to prepare food for a couple, it should be served only in a warm form. With a curative diet, in this case, it is required to prepare meals enriched with protein. As for drinks, the patient can drink mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, slightly brewed teas at room temperature.

Menu for pancreatitis and diabetes

When pancreatitis the patient should provide complete physiological peace for the pancreas. That is why, in the first days of an exacerbation, only drinking is allowed in the diet, excluding the ingestion of food. As drinks can act mineral waters, slightly boiled tea or broth of a dogrose. Drink them in small doses in a warm form. After fasting, the doctor prescribes a sparing diet, at which fatty, fried, salted and spicy dishes are banned.

As for the curative menu for pancreatitis and diabetes, in this case, first of all, it is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body. These include sugar, honey, berries, fruit, jam, muffins and sweets. With severe disease, these products should be completely eliminated. With an average and light form, their use should be limited, while controlling the blood sugar from time to time.

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