How to get rid of papillomas at home: folk remedies in the treatment of HPV

Growing in the open areas of the body viral formations - papillomas and warts are widely perceived as a cosmetic defect. The removal of these neoplasms is possible in several ways, including traditional medicine.

But before you start using "grandmother's recipes" in practice, you need to know exactly which papillomas can be removed by yourself and what you need to do so that they do not grow back again.

Why do they appear?

Papillomas appear due to infection of a person with the smallest microorganism - human papillomavirus or HPV.

There are several ways to get infected. This is a sexual, normal contact and from the mother to the fetus.

Infection with HPV does not always lead to unpleasant appearances.

To activate the pathogen, one of several negative factors - - a decrease in immunity, chronic diseases of the digestive tract, long-term stresses, hormonal failure of is necessary provoking effect.

Activation of the virus leads to the fact that it begins to actively multiply in the epithelium, changes the structure of the cells of this layer of skin, and as a result, a small tumor begins to appear on the body.

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It can take the form of flat or filiform papilloma, warts, genital warts grow genital warts, in the soles of plantar papillomas.

The main danger of the formation of papillomas on the body lies in the possibility of their injury and infection.

How to get rid of HPV at home?

You can get rid of papillomas on the body at home, using pharmaceutical products or some folk remedies. But before you start self-treatment, you need to make sure that the viral formation is not degenerated into a malignant tumor.

It can be suspected of rapid growth of the papilloma, the appearance of pain in it, the formation of ulcers and discharge on the surface of the build-up. Such warts can not be removed without prior examination of the doctor and examination.

If the build-up appeared on the face or neck, then it is necessary to carefully select the recipe, as some methods are not used to remove any lesions on the thin skin.

With the help of correctly selected folk recipes you can achieve two goals:

  • Remove the external defect from the skin.
  • Strengthen immunity, which prevents repeated recurrence of papilloma formation.

When choosing a treatment for papilloma at home, you need to prepare for the fact that it will take several days or even weeks. While the choice of modern methods of removal solves the problem more often at a time.

Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts ยป

Enhance immunity

Strengthening the immune system can be achieved independently in several ways, it is:

  • By changing the nature of your diet. It is necessary to reconsider the gustatory habits and predilection. The use of more vegetable, lactic-acid foods, cereals, lack of snacks and the rejection of sweets cardinally and for the better, changes the work of the digestive organs, which also has a positive effect on the protective forces. Do not forget about the observance of the drinking regime - in the day it is necessary to drink about two liters of plain water.
  • Vitaminotherapy. Increase of protective forces occurs also at course reception of vitamins and minerals most necessary for our organism.
  • Increased physical activity. Daily exercise, walking, active rest is all necessary for the proper and smooth operation of the immune system.
  • Course use of herbs , which have immunomodulatory properties. To this group of herbs include echinacea, nettle, aloe, ginseng root. Increase the protective forces can be using a delicious and useful tool, which is recommended for both children and adults. To make it, you need 300 grams of dried fruits such as dried apricots and raisins, as many walnuts and honey. Dried fruits and nuts are crushed through a meat grinder and poured with honey, one lemon is added to this mixture, it needs to be completely twisted. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, it needs to be eaten one large spoon before breakfast. It is advisable to drink this medicine with a rosehip broth, this effect will only increase.

Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

Judging by the works of ancient literature, the papillomas are known to mankind for a long time and therefore it is not surprising that hundreds of recipes from viral formations are found in the treasury of folk wisdom.

Most of them really work, and the earlier they are started, the faster the warts on the body go.

Folk remedies to reduce papillomas on the body:

  • Purity - this plant knowingly has such a name. Leaves and juice since ancient times used to remove various growths on the skin. In order to get rid of the papilloma, it is necessary to drip fresh celandine juice every day, squeezed out of its stem. After this, the papilloma is closed from above with a plaster. To remove fresh formations it takes at least 10 days, the old ones can take several weeks. Purity for the treatment of papillomas harvested and for future use. To do this, fresh plant, along with the leaves and the stem, must be crushed well and poured with olive oil. The ratio of ingredients is 1: 1.To insist this oily liquid should be a month. After that, it is filtered and used to lubricate the warts up to three times a day.
  • Ointment from walnuts. It takes three or four green nuts, they are ground and poured with purified kerosene, so that the creamy mass is obtained. This ointment is applied to the top of the wart, it should be put a plastic wrap and secure with a bandage or band-aid. The compress is held for half an hour, repeated daily for 7-10 days.
  • It is necessary to take 2.5 grams of aspirin, two grams of boric acid and 5% of iodine in a volume of 2.5 ml. Aspirin is crushed, the rest of the medication and another 100 grams of alcohol are added to it. All this is mixed and used to lubricate the warts three to four times a day. Shake the mixture before use.
  • Eggshell. It will take a shell from two eggs, preferably take home. The shell is heated in the oven at a temperature of 250 degrees for at least 30 minutes. Then it can be grinded in a coffee grinder or in some other way, but so that a fine powder is obtained. It is poured on the papilloma, from above it must be covered with fleece and fixed with adhesive plaster. The dressing changes every two days, and the treatment continues for three weeks.
  • Vinegar. It is necessary to make a ball from a small amount of flour and table vinegar, fix it on top of the papilloma. This method is best used to remove plantar warts.

If within one month of using one of the methods of traditional medicine did not give the desired result, then you need to come to an appointment with a dermatologist. After the examination, the doctor will choose one of the most effective ways to get rid of HPV.

How to remove papillomas with castor oil?

Castor oil is obtained from castor seeds. This product is widely used in cosmetology, oil softens the skin, brightens pigmented spots and freckles, promotes the healing of microcracks and gives elasticity to the skin.

Castor oil also helps with papillomas, as in oil there are some antiviral components and substances that promote cell renewal.

There are two ways to use oil from viral formations on the body:

  • The first way is rubbing castor oil into the surface of the formation. The more often this is done, the faster it will decrease, and then the skin growth will disappear completely.
  • The second method is to apply castor oil to the papilloma and to fix the adhesive plaster on top. So act once a day.

Burning with Superclean

Superchistotel is an alkaline aqueous solution, the medicine does not contain the extract of celandine, and is named so because its effect on effect is comparable with the use of juice from the plant.

The preparation has a cauterizing property, and in order not to cause damage to healthy tissues and to obtain the desired result it is necessary to follow all stages of treatment:

  • Initially, the skin formation should be well steam out in hot water.
  • Then the skin around the papilloma is lubricated with a dense layer of petroleum jelly or baby cream.
  • One or two drops of Super Chistotel are dripping into the center of education.
  • The applied agent should dry naturally. Close the papilloma does not need anything.

After drying, black dots may appear at the base of the formation, which indicates the beginning of the build-up destroying action. Papillomas can disappear in three to four sessions, plantar warts in 6-7 sessions.

Mining with mountain celandine

Mountain celandine is a preparation containing several plant components in addition to celandine. It is used as a balm and is used not only from papillomas, but also from psoriatic plaques and calluses.

The mountain celandine is applied to the papilloma with a match or a cotton swab, care must be taken so that the product does not get on the surrounding skin.

The face and neck of the papilloma should be treated within 7-10 minutes, with their localization on the neck procedure should be up to 10 minutes. As the drying, the stick needs to be moistened in the balm. Papillomas and warts are treated twice a day, it can take up to 10 days to remove them.


Katia, 25 years old:

The mountain cleanness was used when the papilloma appeared in the armpit. The drug is happy, this build-up disappeared after about five days, that is, one morning I simply did not find it, probably flew away. The only thing that strained me was not a very pleasant smell.

Olga, 34 years old:

Filiform formations on the upper part of the thighs near the groin appeared after a serious illness. The doctor suggested removing using radio waves, but with finances it was tight and therefore began to look for external medicines. At first I used oxolin ointment, there was no result. On superchistotel came across accidentally in the pharmacy, the result appeared on the third day. And in a week from my problem there is no trace left.

Video on how to get rid of papillomas folk remedies:

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