Hepatomegaly and fatty hepatosis of the pancreas and liver, signs, treatment of pancreatitis

Heart failure often promotes stagnation in the liver( venous).He is accompanied by ascites, jaundice or hepatitis joins( with rheumatism).Hepatomegaly refers to any inflammatory processes and diffuse liver changes, for example, an increase. Often, hepatomegaly is dangerous for the pancreas, because the organs are borderline.

Diagnosis of pancreatic hepatomegaly

Best results are obtained by screening, antithography and rheography. These methods of research make it possible to clarify the size and localization, the nature of the disease is determined by analyzes. Symptoms are constipation, reaching up to the infection of the intestines, hard feces are observed once a day and a half. Painful sensations appear on palpation, vascular collapse, irritation of the peritoneum, a general picture of the clinic is severe. A 100% detection of the cause gives a comprehensive examination:

  • fetal biopsy with laparoscopy
  • MRI
  • Tomography on computer
  • US
  • Biochemistry of blood
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Treatment of hepatomegaly and pancreas

Palliative symptomatic treatment is prescribed if it is impossible to correct the cause. Diet is an important part of the course, the patient is informed about the signs of possible complications( bleeding, insufficiency, decompensation).The most complex operation is a liver transplantation, in less severe cases, prescribe vitamins, diuretics, hepatoprotectors, which reduce the fat layer inside the organ.

Diagnosis of hepatosis for the protection of the pancreas

Only in the liver there is hepatosis, this disease does not directly affect the pancreas, but border organs always take more risks than others. The main problem is the degeneration of the body's working cells into fat deposits, painless and asymptomatic at the initial stage. Avalanche-like progress is due to failure of neighboring organs, an increase in the flow of toxins from the intestine to the diseased organ, and deterioration of blood circulation. Symptoms of the disease:

  • flatulence
  • heaviness in the spoon
  • pain in the hypochondrium( right)
  • nausea

Ensures the occurrence of the disease a prolonged load of toxic or fatty character. The liver tolerates it up to forty and a few years, then begins to give up. In severe cases, the content of triglycerides can reach half the volume of the liver, which turns into a piece of meat without the possibility of recovery.

Treatment of hepatosis for pancreatic recovery

The hepatosan fatty hepatosis is most effectively cured by Hepatosan, which is useful for the pancreas. The medication showing the best result in comparison with Silymarin, Heptor, Essleyer and UDCA.Reducing pain and discomfort, returning the body to its previous size, reducing encephalopathy and hypertension is observed in 90% of cases. The drug raises in the blood albumin and protein, reduces the rate of AST and ALT.Take Hepatosan in a place with Enterosanum according to the scheme:

  • a couple of capsules of Hepatosan for a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day
  • Enterosana capsule for a third of an hour before meals four times a day
  • course not less than a month( usually, forty days)
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