Is it possible to cure dizziness with folk remedies?

1 Medical treatment

If a person is very dizzy, first of all it must be put in bed and ensure the flow of fresh air. To improve the patient's well-being, 10 drops of atropine solution 0.1% can be used.

The main treatment directly depends on the causes of dizziness. In most cases, the patient is prescribed Betahistine, which improves microcirculation, stabilizes the formation of histamine in the body, and is able to affect precapillary sphincters. In addition, it increases precapillary blood flow.

The main contraindications for its use are hypersensitivity, bronchial asthma, pregnancy( in particular, I trimester, in the II and III trimester, the drug is possible, but strictly in limited quantities and on the recommendation of the treating doctor).In addition, this medicine is not used to treat dizziness in children.

Betamistin should not be used if peptic ulcer is present, and when breastfeeding.

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Gastrointestinal disorders( presence of vomiting, nausea), headache, skin rashes and even itching may occur as side effects.

Please be aware that when interacting with other drugs( eg, antihistamines), the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

If you independently started taking the drug without consulting the doctor, then without calculating the dosage, you may encounter severe headache, flushing of the face, dizziness and even tachycardia.

By the way, the active substance betahistine is contained in Betaserc, Betacentin, Vasoserk, Asnitone and other drugs, which should be prescribed only by a doctor. Buy drugs on the advice of friends is not worth it, because in each case, both the type of drug and its dosage will be individual.

2 Useful tips for

With frequent dizziness, several important rules should be followed that will help to normalize the state of this unpleasant phenomenon:

  1. When vertex experts advise drinking as much liquid as possible. The thing is that water does not allow dehydration to develop and promotes normal arterial pressure.
  2. It is important to stop smoking, alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  3. If there is dizziness, do not drive the vehicle. This can lead to very serious consequences.
  4. To overcome anxiety, you can use the relaxation technique. Improve your health will help slow and deep breathing.
  5. When approaching an attack, experts advise not to close their eyes. It is necessary to focus the vision on any fixed object. This technique will help reduce discomfort.

If dizziness occurs too often and is accompanied by visual impairment, hearing and weakness in the legs and hands, then this is an obvious reason to seek help from specialists.

3 Treatment with herbs

Nowadays, people's dasgs are very popular. Prepared such funds, as a rule, very quickly and easily.

Home remedies are considered very effective, the main ingredient of which are medicinal plants and herbs. The composition of medicinal plants includes a large number of nutrients that can cope with severe dizziness.


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  1. It is very popular to collect from an equal number of flowers of a thicket of vesolithic, hawthorn, motherwort grass and hips.
  2. All the ingredients must be mixed, pour 1 liter of boiling water and put aside for 24 hours. Take this drug is necessary for 1 glass three times a day before meals. To be treated by the above-described collection follows during a month. If the positive results do not appear, then the course of treatment can be continued.
  3. No less effective is tea, which is prepared from ground parsley seeds.
  4. Such a medical drink is prepared quite easily. At least 1 small spoonful of seeds should account for at least 350 ml of water. The resulting drug should be insisted in a dark place about 6-7 hours and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  5. At home, you can also cook not only very useful, but also very tasty tea, consisting of an equal amount of lemon balm, lime-colored and mint.
  6. 1 spoonful of collection should be steamed in 400 ml of water until completely cooled. Drink such a drug should be in a warm form throughout the day.
  7. Another effective remedy for vertigo is tea from the clover inflorescences.
  8. 1 clover must be filled with 500 ml of boiling water and put aside for a quarter of an hour. To drink such tea follows several times a day for 30 days.
  9. 1 spoonful of dried nettle grass should be brewed in half a glass of boiling water.
  10. A bowl of medicinal liquid should be wrapped in a warm blanket and set aside for 4 hours. The finished product must be filtered and mixed with an equal amount of apple juice. Drink this tincture is necessary for 150 ml three times a day before meals. The rest of the medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.
  11. 50 g of finely chopped white peony root should be mixed with 75 g of ground lime blossom and 100 g of mint grass.
  12. 2 spoons of raw materials you need to fall asleep in a thermos, pour boiling water and insist throughout the night. Drink such a remedy should be 100 ml four times a day before meals.
  13. 100 g of hawthorn flowers should be poured with 1 liter of hot water and insist until it cools. To drink such a liquid you need in a warm form for the whole day instead of tea.
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4 Other popular folk recipes

The following home remedy can be used for the treatment of vertigo: 100 ml of 10% camphor oil should be mixed with 30 ml of fir oil and 10 ml of juniper oil. All ingredients must be mixed well. The resulting mixture should be used externally. She needs to lubricate all the lymph nodes on her head. A sense of relief, as a rule, appears after 15-20 minutes. Keep the remaining mixture in a dark place.

Natural juices from vertego are very popular. When the above-described unpleasant symptoms appear, experts advise drinking freshly squeezed juice of carrots, beets or pomegranate. Pomegranate juice helps to increase hemoglobin. These drinks should be drunk on an empty stomach. The desired result will appear in a fairly short time.

50 g finely chopped plantain leaf should be brewed in 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes. In the finished liquid, you should add 1 spoonful of honey and drink before going to bed. In total there should be 10 receptions of the given medicine. Positive results appear, as a rule, in 2 weeks.

500 g of chopped chestnut buds should be poured with 1 liter of Cahors and cook over low heat for about half an hour.

In the resulting consistency, add 30 g of honey and 5 g of vanillin. To consume this drug you need a quarter of a glass each time before eating.

Despite the fact that dizziness in itself does not pose a serious threat to human health, do not ignore this symptom. Sometimes vertego indicates the presence in the human body of any serious disease. Specialists do not advise using folk remedies to treat the above-described unpleasant phenomenon without consulting a doctor. Home remedies are ideally used along with medication. Exclusively with the help of traditional medicine, in most cases, it is difficult to combat vertigo.

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