Temporal arteritis, also called giant cell arteritis, belongs to the systemic vasculitis group, as does Takayasu. In fact, it is a granulomatous a...
Kidneys in the human body perform a number of functions: it is the regulation of the volume of blood and intercellular fluid, and the removal of d...
Follicular small convex red pryshchiki-tubercles in the area of the hair follicles due to blockage of the ducts by skin scales( "g...
Amoxiclav is an antibacterial drug based on a penicillin antibiotic and a protease inhibitor of bacterial cells. The drug allows you to destroy mo...
Esophageal cardiospasm is a complex disease. With it, inflammation of the esophagus occurs due to the shrinking of the walls. According to statist...
1 Hemorrhage under the spider web The human brain is very complicated. It consists of a parenchyma and membranes. There are only 3 of ...
Sometimes in the performance of FGS a polyp is found in a person in the stomach. These are benign neoplasms, but some of them are able to transfor...
Almost everyone knows about the benefits that an ordinary massage brings to a person's body. However, very few people know( and often even do no...
With the stagnation of blood in the veins in the area near the rectum and as a consequence of the increase in hemorrhoids, conditions are creat...
The problem of losing weight with an ulcer, of course, worries a much smaller number of people than the problem of making a diet to get all the...
26 Feb 2018
Vascular Cardiology
Temporal arteritis( Horton's disease): symptoms, causes, treatment, folk remedies
Temporal arteritis, also called giant cell arteritis, belongs to the systemic vasculitis group, as does Takayasu. In fact, it is a granulomatous a...
26 Feb 2018
General Information
General Information
General Information
Tuberculosis reabsorption: definition, species, rate, disorder
Kidneys in the human body perform a number of functions: it is the regulation of the volume of blood and intercellular fluid, and the removal of d...
26 Feb 2018
Symptoms Of Disease
Dyskeratosis: signs, symptoms, treatment, classification
Follicular small convex red pryshchiki-tubercles in the area of the hair follicles due to blockage of the ducts by skin scales( "g...
26 Feb 2018
Instructions for Amoxiclav: cheap analogs, dosage and form release
Amoxiclav is an antibacterial drug based on a penicillin antibiotic and a protease inhibitor of bacterial cells. The drug allows you to destroy mo...
26 Feb 2018
Esophageal cardiospasm: symptoms, causes, classification, diagnosis and treatment
Esophageal cardiospasm is a complex disease. With it, inflammation of the esophagus occurs due to the shrinking of the walls. According to statist...
26 Feb 2018
Secondary Headaches
Why develop and how does subarachnoid hemorrhage manifest?
1 Hemorrhage under the spider web The human brain is very complicated. It consists of a parenchyma and membranes. There are only 3 of ...
26 Feb 2018
Digestive System
To remove or not polyp in the stomach: the price of operations, reviews, treatment without surgery, diet
Sometimes in the performance of FGS a polyp is found in a person in the stomach. These are benign neoplasms, but some of them are able to transfor...
26 Feb 2018
Pancreas massage with pancreatitis, video
Almost everyone knows about the benefits that an ordinary massage brings to a person's body. However, very few people know( and often even do no...
26 Feb 2018
Inflammation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, treatment of swollen hemorrhoids, what threatens?
With the stagnation of blood in the veins in the area near the rectum and as a consequence of the increase in hemorrhoids, conditions are creat...
26 Feb 2018
Stomach Ulcer
Can I lose weight if I have a stomach ulcer?
The problem of losing weight with an ulcer, of course, worries a much smaller number of people than the problem of making a diet to get all the...