In the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases, a special place is occupied by ultrasound, with the help of which it is possible to detect signs of dif...
The main problem arising in the development of pancreatitis in the elderly is that this ailment is often exacerbated and leads to additional ser...
When it comes to inflammation of the duodenal mucosa and the pyloric part of the stomach, gastroduodenitis is diagnosed, its types are classifi...
Laparoscopy is a diagnostic method that can detect the presence or absence of metastases of pancreatic cancer before surgery. This allows you to...
Often when a routine examination, polyps are found in the rectum. Symptoms at the first stages of neoplasm development are not manifested in an...
Patients who are diagnosed with acute pancreatitis know first-hand the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis are inextricably linked. The...
Such an inflammatory disease of the main digestive organ, like gastritis, usually occurs when the enzymatic capacity of the gastric mucosa chan...
Over the years it was the eggs that proved themselves as one and the most useful dietary products. However, in case of chronic pancreatitis, it ...
The appearance of uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms in the throat almost always indicates colds related to hypothermia, the activity of...
Traditional methods of treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis are applied along with traditional medicines. So, all patients are most intereste...
22 Feb 2018
Symptoms and echoes of diffuse pancreatic changes
In the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases, a special place is occupied by ultrasound, with the help of which it is possible to detect signs of dif...
22 Feb 2018
Age features of the pancreas - chronic pancreatitis in the elderly
The main problem arising in the development of pancreatitis in the elderly is that this ailment is often exacerbated and leads to additional ser...
22 Feb 2018
Gastroduodenitis according to ICD-10, code, classification and types
When it comes to inflammation of the duodenal mucosa and the pyloric part of the stomach, gastroduodenitis is diagnosed, its types are classifi...
22 Feb 2018
Pancreatic laparoscopy in pancreatitis
Laparoscopy is a diagnostic method that can detect the presence or absence of metastases of pancreatic cancer before surgery. This allows you to...
22 Feb 2018
Polyps in the rectum - symptoms and treatment, signs of polyposis, how to treat with candles?
Often when a routine examination, polyps are found in the rectum. Symptoms at the first stages of neoplasm development are not manifested in an...
22 Feb 2018
Types Of Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis: treatment, symptoms and diagnosis, how to treat chronic exacerbation, what is used, can it be cured?
Patients who are diagnosed with acute pancreatitis know first-hand the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis are inextricably linked. The...
22 Feb 2018
What acidity with gastritis is normal, zero, how to determine, to know?
Such an inflammatory disease of the main digestive organ, like gastritis, usually occurs when the enzymatic capacity of the gastric mucosa chan...
22 Feb 2018
Products |
Is it possible to eggs with pancreatitis: quail, boiled, raw, steam omelet, pancreas treatment
Over the years it was the eggs that proved themselves as one and the most useful dietary products. However, in case of chronic pancreatitis, it ...
22 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Tablets from a sore throat
The appearance of uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms in the throat almost always indicates colds related to hypothermia, the activity of...
22 Feb 2018
Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis by folk methods and methods - oak bark, starvation, ginger, tea mushroom and other recipes
Traditional methods of treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis are applied along with traditional medicines. So, all patients are most intereste...