Many patients with pathological formation of the gastrointestinal tract are often interested in the question - is it possible to cure a st...
Constipation is a condition that affects all our activities, just like with a headache. When the stool is broken, discomfort and severe pain ap...
Overeating, obesity, wearing tight clothes and belts create high pressure in the stomach, which triggers spontaneous release into the esophagus of ...
Dermatitis is a contact acute inflammatory lesion of skin tissue that occurs as a result of exposure to it of irritating factors of chemical, ph...
Ascariasis is a parasite-induced disease that affects people who have ascarids in their organisms( helminth parasites from the nematode group). ...
1 Pain localization When there is pressure on the eyes, it can talk about the inflammation of the meninges or meningitis. In this c...
A sudden strong sense of fear accompanied by tachycardia, chills, increased sweating and a whole host of unpleasant symptoms is usually called the...
1 Characteristics of the disease Migraine is a neurological disease. Migraine is characterized by acute, throbbing pain. It can occur ...
1 The purpose of the drug The main active substance of the pharmacological agent( drotaverina hydrochloride) effectively removes spasm...
Free flexion of the limb at the elbow is possible due to the presence of a special periarticular bag - the bursa. A small amount of special f...
22 Feb 2018
Stomach Ulcer
Is it possible to cure a stomach ulcer quickly? Does it cure completely?
Many patients with pathological formation of the gastrointestinal tract are often interested in the question - is it possible to cure a st...
22 Feb 2018
Sudden acute constipation, what to do, what laxatives( drugs) are used to treat?
Constipation is a condition that affects all our activities, just like with a headache. When the stool is broken, discomfort and severe pain ap...
22 Feb 2018
Reflux-esophagitis 1( A) degree and its treatment
Overeating, obesity, wearing tight clothes and belts create high pressure in the stomach, which triggers spontaneous release into the esophagus of ...
22 Feb 2018
Dermatitis in adults - treatment, symptoms, photos
Dermatitis is a contact acute inflammatory lesion of skin tissue that occurs as a result of exposure to it of irritating factors of chemical, ph...
22 Feb 2018
Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases
Ascaridosis in adults - symptoms and treatment, prevention
Ascariasis is a parasite-induced disease that affects people who have ascarids in their organisms( helminth parasites from the nematode group). ...
22 Feb 2018
Treatment of a pressing headache
1 Pain localization When there is pressure on the eyes, it can talk about the inflammation of the meninges or meningitis. In this c...
22 Feb 2018
Vegetative Vascular Dystonia
How to reduce the vegetative crisis - symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences
A sudden strong sense of fear accompanied by tachycardia, chills, increased sweating and a whole host of unpleasant symptoms is usually called the...
22 Feb 2018
How is migraine treated at home
1 Characteristics of the disease Migraine is a neurological disease. Migraine is characterized by acute, throbbing pain. It can occur ...
22 Feb 2018
Diagnosis And Treatment
Does the use of Drotaverin help a headache?
1 The purpose of the drug The main active substance of the pharmacological agent( drotaverina hydrochloride) effectively removes spasm...
22 Feb 2018
Traumatology And Orthopedics
Bursitis of the elbow joint
Free flexion of the limb at the elbow is possible due to the presence of a special periarticular bag - the bursa. A small amount of special f...