To ensure that the treatment of a disease is the most successful, you need to consult a doctor who is engaged in practice in this area. However,...
Diverticula are protrusions of different shapes resembling small sacs. They are located on the inside of the intestine and bulge outward. Diver...
For people suffering from such a delicate disease as varicose veins in the pelvic area, the questions: whether it is allowed to drink with hemo...
Traditionally, one of the important methods of therapy and rehabilitation of patients is diet 1 with gastric ulcer. The effect is provided not ...
Many people are familiar with such a delicate problem as constipation. They try to keep silent about it even with the closest people. The first...
Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis( GERD) is a chronic disease that is associated with the ingestion of stomach contents into the esophag...
Nail fungus is now very easy to obtain. A quarter of the world's population have certain signs of mycosis of the nails. Self-medication, the ...
Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by viruses of the herpes family. A distinctive feature - rashes on the skin in the form of smal...
1 Classification of craniocerebral injuries Craniocerebral trauma( CCT) is a complex of contact( soft facial and scalp tissues, bones ...
People with sleep disorders experience serious problems in their daily lives. They often can not fully fulfill their professional duties and risk ...
21 Feb 2018
A doctor who treats the pancreas, who treats pancreatitis, to whom to address, who is engaged?
To ensure that the treatment of a disease is the most successful, you need to consult a doctor who is engaged in practice in this area. However,...
21 Feb 2018
The false diverticulum
Diverticula are protrusions of different shapes resembling small sacs. They are located on the inside of the intestine and bulge outward. Diver...
21 Feb 2018
Whether it is possible to drink at a hemorrhoids, whether it is possible to use alcohol - beer, wine, vodka, influence spirton on sites after excision and at treatment
For people suffering from such a delicate disease as varicose veins in the pelvic area, the questions: whether it is allowed to drink with hemo...
21 Feb 2018
Stomach Ulcer
Diet 1 and 1 a - table with peptic ulcer disease
Traditionally, one of the important methods of therapy and rehabilitation of patients is diet 1 with gastric ulcer. The effect is provided not ...
21 Feb 2018
Constipation of feces in adults - disease( disease, syndrome) GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, code on ICD-10, photos and videos, what does this disorder of the chair mean?
Many people are familiar with such a delicate problem as constipation. They try to keep silent about it even with the closest people. The first...
21 Feb 2018
Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis, treatment of GERD disease
Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis( GERD) is a chronic disease that is associated with the ingestion of stomach contents into the esophag...
21 Feb 2018
How to get rid of nail fungus in neglected form?
Nail fungus is now very easy to obtain. A quarter of the world's population have certain signs of mycosis of the nails. Self-medication, the ...
21 Feb 2018
Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases
Chickenpox - photos, symptoms and treatment in children at home
Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by viruses of the herpes family. A distinctive feature - rashes on the skin in the form of smal...
21 Feb 2018
Possible consequences of head trauma
1 Classification of craniocerebral injuries Craniocerebral trauma( CCT) is a complex of contact( soft facial and scalp tissues, bones ...
21 Feb 2018
Idiopathic hypersomnia: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
People with sleep disorders experience serious problems in their daily lives. They often can not fully fulfill their professional duties and risk ...