2 Contraindications and overdose If the dosage is not respected, the person may experience undesirable symptoms. Overdose of paracetamol ...
1 Medications You can get rid of the hangover symptoms with the help of a special phytopreparation Zenalk. This tool is easy to find i...
Hip arthrosis( coxarthrosis) is a chronic, progressively progressive disease, in the absence of timely and proper treatment can result in a comp...
Alveolitis of the alveolitis is an inflammatory process that can develop in a hole( alveolus) of a distant tooth( in connection with this it is ...
Genyantritis is a hidden disease, because the symptoms are very common and simple, so at the initial stages it is easily confused with an ordina...
Appendicitis in women is more common than in men, and it does not matter how old a woman is, appendicitis can occur in a 20-year-old girl and a ...
Our body is individual and reacts differently to the intake of various substances. Quite often people have food or drug intolerance, and some peop...
Among the people who often visit other countries with an unusual climate for the organism, a unique cuisine and other factors that can induce i...
In order to get rid of duodenitis - an inflammatory disease of the duodenum, it is not enough to stick to a diet and observe a healthy, calm li...
A flatulence is called meteorism, which begins to manifest when gases accumulate in the intestinal cavity. Gases in normal quantity accumulate ...
21 Feb 2018
Indications for use and reviews about the drug from migraine "Excerdin"
2 Contraindications and overdose If the dosage is not respected, the person may experience undesirable symptoms. Overdose of paracetamol ...
21 Feb 2018
Diagnosis And Treatment
Proven means for getting rid of a headache with a hangover
1 Medications You can get rid of the hangover symptoms with the help of a special phytopreparation Zenalk. This tool is easy to find i...
21 Feb 2018
Traumatology And Orthopedics
Osteoarthritis of the hip - symptoms and complex treatment
Hip arthrosis( coxarthrosis) is a chronic, progressively progressive disease, in the absence of timely and proper treatment can result in a comp...
21 Feb 2018
Alveolitis after tooth extraction - symptoms and treatment
Alveolitis of the alveolitis is an inflammatory process that can develop in a hole( alveolus) of a distant tooth( in connection with this it is ...
21 Feb 2018
Symptoms of sinusitis and treatment in adults at home
Genyantritis is a hidden disease, because the symptoms are very common and simple, so at the initial stages it is easily confused with an ordina...
21 Feb 2018
Symptoms Of Disease
Appendicitis in women: symptoms and early signs
Appendicitis in women is more common than in men, and it does not matter how old a woman is, appendicitis can occur in a 20-year-old girl and a ...
21 Feb 2018
Congenital, individual and acquired alcohol intolerance: symptoms, causes
Our body is individual and reacts differently to the intake of various substances. Quite often people have food or drug intolerance, and some peop...
21 Feb 2018
Diarrhea of travelers - treatment of a syndrome
Among the people who often visit other countries with an unusual climate for the organism, a unique cuisine and other factors that can induce i...
21 Feb 2018
Treatment of duodenitis with medications - tablets, medications, medicines, vitamins, antibiotics, De Nol
In order to get rid of duodenitis - an inflammatory disease of the duodenum, it is not enough to stick to a diet and observe a healthy, calm li...
21 Feb 2018
Flatulence in colitis
A flatulence is called meteorism, which begins to manifest when gases accumulate in the intestinal cavity. Gases in normal quantity accumulate ...