Why there is diarrhea, from what begins a loose stool in an adult, why there is an upset stomach, what can be diarrhea in a person?

One who often encounters an intestinal disorder wants to know why there is diarrhea( diarrhea), what can be associated with this phenomenon, what causes can provoke its formation. The mechanism of diarrhea formation is quite simple. There appears a loose stool in the case of an increase in the amount of water in the stools( up to 90% versus the usual 60%).To understand why there is an upset stomach, you can, considering how much water and electrolyte fluids are daily absorbed by the small and large intestine in humans.

Together with food and drink daily in the body of an adult gets about two liters of water, in addition to the gastrointestinal tract receives endogenous fluids( those that produce the body itself).This is a half liter of saliva, two and a half liters of gastric juice, one and a half liters of pancreatic juice, a liter of digestive intestinal juice. If you add up the entire volume, you get about nine liters of water.2% of this volume comes out together with feces. Up to 80% of the fluid is absorbed by the walls of the small intestine, and only two liters are ingested together with the calves into the large intestine, where they are also safely absorbed.

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What causes diarrhea?

So why in some cases the absorption process is broken and diarrhea begins? The fact is that in the intestine, along with food, there are various trace elements: chlorine, sodium and potassium, among others. It is the sodium ions responsible for the process of absorption of fluid inside the large intestine. Answering the question why there is diarrhea in an adult person, experts pay attention to four main reasons:

  1. Excessive secretion of intestinal secretions.
  2. Increases diffuse pressure within a hollow organ.
  3. Disturbance of motor-evacuation functions of the intestine.
  4. Intestinal leakage through the intestinal wall.

These mechanisms are able to explain why and why stomach upset occurs, a loose stool appears. Identification of a deviation helps to formulate the etiology of the disease, to identify the cause of the described phenomenon and to develop effective treatment. Knowing about what happens to diarrhea, from what it can be, it's easy to try to prevent the emergence of a loose stool.

What are diarrhea?

When talking about diarrhea, experts pay attention to the main symptoms that can accompany the onset of diarrhea.

So, for example, if diarrhea begins without pain in the abdominal area, with abundant release of watery stool( up to a liter daily), if the stool masses are green or bright yellow, cholera diarrhea or secretory diarrhea is most likely. Why does this happen? Because a large amount of water and electrolytic solutions are actively released into the intestinal lumen, which stimulate an increase in the secretion of sodium. The bacterial toxins, enteropathogenic rods, strong laxatives, which contain anthrone glycosides, as well as substances with biological activity( serotonin or calcitonin) can trigger the development of cholera diarrhea.

To understand why there can still be a loose stool in a person, why indigestion helps the description of the mechanism of osmolar diarrhea formation. The osmolar form is diagnosed when parts of undigested food come out with the feces. This kind of diarrhea is characterized by an increase in osmotic pressure, why can it form? There are several explanations:

  • First, the osmotic pressure can form a violation of the processes of cleavage of disaccharides, why is this happening? It occurs when lactose intolerant, for example.
  • Secondly, high pressure is formed due to disturbances in the absorption of fluid by the walls of the intestinal tract.
  • Third, to provoke high osmotic pressure and indigestion, excessive use of laxatives containing phosphorus or magnesium ions, preparations of antacids, sorbitol, and other substances with osmotic activity may occur.

When the hyper- or hypokinetic form of diarrhea begins, the loose stool is not abundant, the feces have a consistency of gruel, and osmotic pressure in the gut is absent. To understand why such a form of diarrhea arises in an adult, why the feces become liquid, will help to know the physiological processes of the intestine itself.

There are times when the motor functions of the organ described are violated due to external factors, why is this happening? Because an overdose of laxatives can provoke an increase in peristalsis, in teenagers and in children, functional diarrhea often occurs as a reaction to severe stress.

Diarrhea often occurs due to the development of inflammation or erosive-ulcerative damage to the intestinal walls. These pathologies lead to the fact that the lumen of the hollow organ is released by proteins, along with water and electrolytes. Exudative diarrhea almost always happens with Crohn's disease, intestinal tuberculosis, acute intestinal infection( salmonellosis, dysentery).

Knowing why stomach upset occurs, why the loose stool begins, in what form it is expressed, it is easy to choose an effective treatment that will help to eliminate the cause of the pathological condition.

There are also medicinal causes of diarrhea. There are a number of drugs that can be responsible for the appearance of a loose stool. And it's not just laxatives. Many antibiotics lead to a violation of the natural intestinal microflora, such drugs have side effects that eliminate cardiac arrhythmia, synthetic sugar substitutes, anthropodeoxycholic acid, cholestyramine, sulfasalazine, anticoagulants. Assuming that there is an upset stomach, from which drug there was diarrhea, you can cancel it and restore the work of the digestive tract.

How do I know why there is a loose stool and an upset stomach in an adult? There are several ways to solve this problem. As a rule, a doctor:

  1. Hears patient complaints, carefully collects anamnesis.
  2. After this, assigns a physical diagnostic procedure.
  3. Proctologic examination.
  4. Assigns a macro and microscopic examination of a loose stool.

Collecting the data of the studies made, one can explain why diarrhea can occur, and also make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe an effective treatment.

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