How to quickly cure diarrhea - fast treatment of diarrhea

Observing the rules of personal hygiene and eating properly, it is easy to prevent diarrhea if it is not associated with diseases of internal organs or is not a reaction of the body to stress, some products and medicines. However, if there was such a nuisance, especially at the wrong time and unexpectedly, what to do to quickly treat diarrhea?

In case of stomach upset, motor activity increases, when food is not digested, and transit passes to the exit from the body, trapping water along the way, which should ensure the normal operation of the entire gastrointestinal tract. For quick treatment of diarrhea, there are several methods. The main means in getting rid of diarrhea quickly are the recipes of folk medicine.

In adults, vodka with salt is an effective remedy. Having dissolved in a glass of vodka 1 teaspoon of salt it is necessary to drink this mixture without snacks and washing down. In a few hours, the symptoms of diarrhea will disappear without a trace. However, this method is acceptable only to a healthy person. Excellent fixing effect in both adults and children gives a rice decoction, which is taken half a cup before meals. As a meal you can use porridge after decanting the broth.

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In general, after diarrhea, it is necessary at least one day to completely refrain from any food. Among the folk remedies that provide the opportunity to quickly cure diarrhea, a special place is occupied by tea and decoctions on medicinal herbs. For example:

  1. Grated walnut leaves brewed like tea. Take this tincture in the form of warm tea with slow sips and a small amount, in several portions.
  2. Broth of dogrose( 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) boil for 15 minutes and insist for forty minutes and drink in a warm form.
  3. Decoction of sunflower seeds.

An effective home remedy to help get rid of diarrhea quickly is apple cider vinegar. Possessing antibacterial properties, it actively influences the destruction of bacteria provoking diarrhea and acts as a protection of the mucous membrane. Dilute 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of boiled water and drink twice a day until the signs of indigestion disappear completely.

Solve the problem of loose stools by sitting on an apple or banana diet. In bananas, besides the high content of pectins, there is a large amount of potassium, making up for its rapid loss with diarrhea.

Rapid treatment of diarrhea

The choice of drugs for eliminating stomach upset depends on the causes that caused it. When poisoning with the best drugs are Smecta or activated charcoal. If activated charcoal should be used with caution, and it does not suit everyone, Smecta, with its excellent adsorbent properties, is recommended for pregnant women and infants. With disorders of the gastrointestinal tract quickly cure diarrhea, both adults and children will help decoction of leaves and branches of sea-buckthorn. For this it is enough to insist half an hour, boiled for 5 minutes a glass of cold water with a tablespoon of finely chopped leaves and branches of sea-buckthorn, and take it at a time.

A unique and safe drug for the treatment of liquid stool of any origin, and very quickly improving the patient's condition, is Galavit. It is available in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and for intramuscular injection. To get rid of the liquid stool enough for 2-3 days, but it is not recommended for pregnant women and children under six. The possibility of a wide choice of remedies and ways to eliminate the manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders is very helpful in quickly curing diarrhea.

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