What to do with diarrhea with blood, treatment of diarrhea, how to treat?

When a person has such an unpleasant and terrible symptom as diarrhea with blood, what to do in this case becomes a priority for him. Frequent liquefied or watery stools are a rather dangerous phenomenon, and the accompanying symptoms in most cases are very severe. They are able to significantly disturb the life of man by their manifestations. Diarrhea with watery calves of red color is always an alarming sign that requires immediate consultation of a doctor to choose an adequate treatment.

This kind of liquid stool is the most formidable of all, as it indicates that bleeding continues in the cavity of the digestive tract. This type of diarrhea is most often characterized not only for severe intestinal infections that result in destruction of the mucous membrane, but also for decaying tumors. What to do in this case, can only be solved by a specialist after carrying out the necessary diagnostics. All the therapeutic measures required to get rid of this pathology are carried out exclusively in the hospital. Basically, they are aimed at eliminating the root cause that caused this ailment.

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What should I do for diarrhea with blood?

Severe bleeding always leads to severe consequences, and if it is combined with diarrhea, there is a very high risk for life. Therefore, the very first thing to do when this pathology occurs is an emergency call. But it is necessary, before the doctor's arrival, to take emergency measures that facilitate the patient's condition. Since during diarrhea, which is not an independent disease, but as a manifestation of some other disease, a person loses a large amount of liquid, a bloody diarrhea that has arisen can very well lead to dehydration of the body, which can lead to death. What should I do to prevent this? Before the initial medical examination and the decision of the diagnosis, the following measures should be taken:

  • A person who has diarrhea with blood, it is necessary to restore the disturbed water-salt balance. To do this, drink as much liquid as possible. The best option is still mineral water. But what to do in any case is not worth it, so it is to use any sweet fizzy drinks or alcohol. Both can lead to even more dehydration;
  • In the event that diarrhea with blood has appeared as a result of poisoning by poor-quality food, it is necessary to do so as soon as possible to remove from the body all toxins, poisons and pathogenic microorganisms. For this, the patient must urgently take sorbents( Polyphepanum, Enterosgel or Smektu);
  • A good first aid for diarrhea with blood can be and folk medicine. What to do and what means to choose, so as not to cause more damage to the body? Effectively and quickly stop the diluted stool will help the decoction of the purified rice, cooked for at least 40 minutes, until a sticky mass is obtained. The primary independent treatment of diarrhea with the blood of this remedy is the fixing effect present in the rice grains. Thanks to it, it is possible to quickly stop watery discharge, and therefore to prevent the threat of dehydration. Broths from alder cones, camomile flowers, oak bark and cherry fruits are also good.

How to treat diarrhea with blood?

What to do in this case does not follow, so it's on your own to get rid of dysfunction of the intestine, developing in this type. If you just drown out the manifestations of the liquid stool, then from the pathology that caused it, you can not get rid of it. Treatment of diarrhea with blood should eliminate the root cause of the disease. Before choosing the necessary therapeutic methods, a specialist will necessarily conduct a diagnostic study that will help to choose the right course of rehabilitation, and avoid the transition of diarrhea to a chronic stage.

Any patient with such symptoms has a question: what will the doctor do to stop the development of pathology, what therapeutic methods can be taken? The specialist will make the necessary appointments only based on the results of a diagnostic study that will help determine the disease that contributed to the onset of diarrhea with blood:

  • In the event that a specialist detects ulcers, the patient will be prescribed appropriate medications and recommended compliance with a special dietary diet that will help cicatrize the wound;
  • If it is determined that diarrhea with blood is caused by an infectious agent, the treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs.

But on the patient's question about what to do, if the development of pathology caused malignant neoplasms, the answer will be one. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in this case it is possible only with the intervention of the surgeon.

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