Very often young moms are frightened by the situation when a baby has diarrhea after the first feeding. To save them from unnecessary fears in this situation, it should be explained that liquid stools are a very frequent reaction of the baby's body to the introduction of solid foods into the diet. This is due to the fact that the digestive organs of the baby are used exclusively to liquid food - milk or mixtures, and are not ready to perceive and process a new product. That is why there is a change in stool. Proceeding from this, it should be noted that the expansion of the baby's diet should not occur before he is ready for it. Physiological readiness in most cases occurs at 6 months, or after the baby has become interested in adult food, and not the process of eating.
When parents complain that their child has had diarrhea during feeding, they need to be reassured and give some recommendations that can save them from this problem. New food in the baby's diet is introduced by months, each time supplemented by one type of product. Begin the lure of the child follows with vegetable puree, which is given at lunch. Any new products should be used in the nutrition of children not later than this time, in case of a negative reaction of the body and the appearance of a liquid stool, to have time to sleep at night to take emergency measures to stop it. It is necessary for young parents to remember the following truths, which can facilitate the addiction of the baby to new products:
- Too early introduction of complementary foods is a direct way to the appearance of a liquid stool, the development of allergic reactions and intolerance of certain foods;
- If new dishes contain large amounts of carbohydrates and fat, it will also weaken the stool and can lead to obesity;
- Later introduction to the diet of solid foods is also fraught with various pathologies in the baby, as it will develop protein-calorie deficiency.
Do not allow the newly introduced products to provoke the appearance of a liquid stool, can only be using a very responsible approach to the issue of expanding the baby's diet. It is best to consult a pediatrician before this.
How to get rid of liquid stools from complementary foods?
New products introduced into the baby's diet are best absorbed if the food is cooked on the basis of breast milk. That is, it should become the main component of puree or mash. In addition, in order to avoid diarrhea after feeding, several basic rules should be observed:
- The initial products, in order to avoid the appearance of a liquid stool from complementary foods, must be thoroughly washed before cooking, or, best of all, pre-soaked in water;
- It is necessary to comply with all hygienic requirements when preparing complementary foods - both hands and dishes should be clean;
- For the very first addition to the feeding of a dish in order to prevent the appearance of a liquid stool, only one product should be used. If the gruel is from one cereal, and for vegetable mashed potatoes one type of vegetable is taken;
- Beginning to add new food to the baby's diet should be from very small portions - no more than a tea spoon. Increase the amount needed only if the reaction of the body to a new product is good.
For the first complementary food, puree from fruit is not at all suitable, as they are very aggressive for a baby's unstable baby's ventricle and after eating them the crumbs may not only have a loose stool, but also an allergy. If, after the introduction of a new product, diarrhea has occurred, then use it should be postponed until the baby's stools are again formed.