How to fix a loose stool( diarrhea)?

Such a nuisance, like a loose stool, can happen to every person. In the event that diarrhea is caused not by disease or poisoning, but by causes of a situational nature, then it is necessary to exclude all kinds of physical activities to provide the body with peace and psychological comfort. The next steps will be measures to stop the phenomena of diarrhea - refusal to eat, abundant drinking of water.

Strong abdominal pain can be suppressed by the reception of No-Shpa, broths of chamomile, oak bark and the like. As a rule, the strongest manifestations of diarrhea can be significantly weakened for one to two days. In the future, the task is to fix the loose stool and avoid relapse. It should be noted that antidiarrhoeic drugs are categorically forbidden for a long time, since in this case they increase the duration of the stool and can lead to serious disruptions in the digestive tract.

The liquid stool can be fixed by following a certain algorithm for improving the quality of life, including:

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  1. Treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms of a loose stool.
  2. Etiotropic therapy.
  3. Rehabilitation activities.

How to fix diarrhea?

Therapeutic methods of strengthening the liquid stool depend on the causes that provoked diarrhea. Antibacterial therapy is carried out with intoxication of the body, high temperature and the presence of traces of blood in the stool. With severe pain, antispasmodics and microclysters are prescribed. Considering that with prolonged liquid stool the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the administration of enzyme preparations is prescribed.

The therapeutic agents containing glucose, sugars and salts have a fixing effect. They contribute not only to stopping diarrhea, but also to restore the water-salt balance, which is disturbed by frequent acts of defecation. Medicinal preparations may be used simultaneously with such simple folk remedies as rice broth, starch solution. In general, in folk medicine, a huge number of fixing products of plant origin - broths of medicinal herbs, tinctures based on St. John's wort, bloodlettes, wormwood, elecampane and others.

A good effect is the powder from the films of dried chicken stomachs. In the complex of measures for fixing the liquid stool, the main place is occupied by the organization of proper nutrition and the introduction of the so-called fixing diet. Firstly, to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane, all decoctions and compotes must be carefully filtered to prevent fiber from entering the intestine.

To enhance the antiseptic effect, you can add lemon juice or red wine to the drink. Useful pear-oat broth, which, in addition to the effect of fixing, provides the necessary nutrients for the body. From the diet to fix the effect of therapeutic effects on diarrhea and prevent relapse should be eliminated, solid, fiber-rich food. Recommended liquid rice, oatmeal.

In the menu must necessarily include vegetable soups. Excellent helps the stomach to cope with the liquid stool of chicken broth with crackers. Natural dairy products( cheeses, cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir) have effective fixing properties. Due to good absorption, they have a positive effect on the normalization of the digestive process.

There are a lot of menu options that help to fix the liquid stool. The main thing, what should be guided in this process, so it does not engage in gluttony, gradually returning to the usual diet. It should be remembered that mixing different products, causing great harm to the body. You can consume drinks half an hour before meals and two hours after eating."Swallowing" of food leads to activation of the processes of fermentation in the intestines, which can revive diarrhea.

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