Can bananas with diarrhea, diarrhea, stomach upset?

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When diarrhea occurs, a person's plans change significantly due to the frequent manifestations of a loose stool associated with it. Since its appearance is due to abnormalities of the digestive tract, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Many products, vegetables and fruits are under strict prohibition for the entire period of the disease. Only this list does not include bananas. With diarrhea, you can use them in an untreated form.

The use of these fruits in the appearance of a liquid stool is very useful, because they contain a large amount of potassium, which is lost by the body more than other micronutrients during bowel dysfunction. To the patients' question about whether a banana is possible with diarrhea daily, the specialists will respond positively, as they contain a large amount of pectin, which absorbs excess moisture from the digestive organs, and does not irritate the intestines.

Also among the useful properties of a banana, it should be noted that in addition to the necessary nutrients weakened by diarrhea, there is a large amount of soluble fiber. Thanks to this, bananas with diarrhea contribute to the early restoration of the normal state of the affected intestine. Inulin, also found in these fruits, is a prebiotic substance. It helps to accelerate the growth of useful microflora in the digestive tract.

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But it should be remembered that a banana for diarrhea can be given to children only from the age of 3, since such food is unable to qualitatively digest by the imperfect digestive system of the child up to this age. Also, one should not get carried away by those who suffer from allergies or excess weight.

How do bananas help with stomach upset?

These fruits contain special substances that contribute to the fastest cure for diarrhea, as well as some of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract followed by it. In addition, they perfectly enrich the body with potassium, the lack of which provokes the development of symptoms of dehydration, arrhythmia and irregularities in the work of the heart. To eat bananas in case of stomach upset follows after the symptoms of diarrhea have passed. They will enrich the body with micronutrients lost during diarrhea. In addition, this fetus contributes to rapid hunger suppression, which makes it easier to work the inflamed bowel and positively affect the general condition of the human body. But all of the above applies only to the unripe bananas, which should be used for diarrhea. Ripe fruits, on the contrary, are a natural laxative.

Unripe fruit contains starch in large quantities, and it is digested for a long time by digestive organs. Also, tannic acid is present in them - the main reason for "anchoring" qualities. This substance, which is a part of bananas, has the property of compressing tissues. Because of this, the bowel movement is delayed and diarrhea stops. But with excessive use of their babies or elderly people is fraught with the fact that diarrhea can be replaced by constipation. Therefore, there are a limited number of them in these age groups. It is for them there is a special recipe for cooking green bananas, when even a small amount of this fruit will contribute to the fastest recovery of the body and the cessation of diarrhea, especially valuable during dysentery. To prepare it, the unripe fruit is mashed into a puree state with a small amount of salt until it dissolves completely. This remedy is used in small portions throughout the day. It is also recommended to add them to cooked rice porridge.

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