Folk remedies for diarrhea, treatment of diarrhea in adults by methods of alternative medicine, how to cure indigestion, how to stop liquid stool with medications?

In the case when diarrhea in adult patients is not caused by a serious disease, the stool is simply unformed and liquid, and in feces there are no admixtures of mucus or blood, you can use folk remedies against diarrhea without resorting to traditional medicine and medicines. Nontraditional methods, with which it is possible to stop a stomach upset in a short time to date, there are a great many, and patients often share with each other what and how it can be done quickly enough, and what folk methods for diarrhea are most effective. The treatment of diarrhea with home remedies not only helps with this ailment, but also does not cause side effects and complications, and is also available to anyone, because the components required to make the necessary preparations are always at hand.

Almost all the drugs used in this therapy were used by our great-grandmothers, but to this day the ageless prescriptions remain relevant, because they are based on long-term observations of the effects of the usual food and medicinal herbs. The methods of folk treatment of diarrhea are simple and at the same time so effective that with their help in the first hours a person can get rid of such an unpleasant syndrome as a loose stool. Stomach upset stops without causing serious complications, and in the body exhausting processes of it stop and it is self-healing. What products can be required when treating diarrhea with folk remedies? The list of them, as everyone knows, is wide enough. Here is just a small part of what can be cured diarrhea:

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  • Strong tea;
  • Black pepper;
  • Vodka with salt;
  • Pomegranate crusts;
  • Dried bilberries and cherry;
  • Oak bark;
  • Activated carbon.

All of the above mentioned tools are very well proven in the fight against diarrhea that has arisen in adults. For sure there is not a single house in which there was not even one of these folk remedies. In addition to them, with diarrhea will help and broths of herbs, which can be purchased in the phytoapteke. Therefore, if an adult has any contraindications to traditional drugs, he can easily cope with the manifestations of diarrhea with the help of centuries-old unconventional prescriptions.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

As a rule, diarrhea is most often caused by ingestion of toxic substances that provoke food poisoning, the use of raw water or unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as pathogenic viruses. Such a liquid chair does not require specific therapy, but its development should be stopped, otherwise it can easily provoke dehydration of the organism. To do this, it is required to carry out a set of measures, including complete purification of the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic microorganisms, protection from dehydration, and ensuring a sparing diet. All this, in the case of a non-severe form of the syndrome, can be achieved if the treatment of diarrhea is carried out with folk remedies. To do this, perform the following actions:

  • Cleaning the body will help get rid of bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea. To conduct it, you must use activated charcoal( at least 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which is taken orally or injected through an enema.
  • To combat dehydration, which is usually caused by diarrhea, such popular methods as the use of herbal teas on the basis of St. John's wort and chamomile, decoctions of rose hips or dried fruits without the addition of sugar. A good effect also has such a means, as a saline solution, prepared from 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of salt.

All folk remedies for diarrhea, as well as those used in traditional medicine, should be performed only if a special sparing diet facilitates the work of the digestive tract. But in the event that the described emergency methods of therapy do not give results and diarrhea does not stop, it is necessary to consult a specialist, because intestinal dysfunction can provoke serious illness.

What are the popular methods of treating diarrhea?

In many people, loose stools appear regularly even in the absence of any pathology in the digestive tract. The reason for this may be frequent nervous tension, stressful situations or lack of habit of personal hygiene. Patients are always interested in the question of how to quickly get rid of unpleasant manifestations without resorting to traditional medicines and how to cure diarrhea with folk remedies. Therapy of regular diarrhea consists in this case of several stages:

  • Identification and elimination of the underlying cause of chronic liquid stool. If he is constantly provoked by such a reason, as frequent errors in the observance of hygienic rules, then the way to stop watery feces appearing in a stomach disorder is only one - change your habits. In the same case, when the pathology of an adult person is due to psychoemotional factors, for the elimination of folk remedies of the root cause creating conditions for the appearance of diarrhea, a method such as the use of herbs will be required. On the patients 'question about what means of folk remedies are best suited to effectively relieve the nervous tension that causes diarrheal syndrome, you can recommend preparing broths from the motherwort or valerian and using them instead of tea in days of increased nervous stress, for example, students' sessions. Soothing herbs are very effective in fighting against neurogenic diarrhea;
  • The second goal pursued by folk medicine for diarrhea is the selection of funds to stop liquid stool and restore its normal periodicity. For this, in the treasury of folk wisdom there are a great many recipes for broths, infusions and tinctures, which are prepared on the basis of herbs, berries, roots and bark of plants;
  • And the third thing that needs to be done in case of such treatment is the improvement of the patient's body with folk remedies to prevent the further occurrence of diarrhea.

Prevention of diarrhea folk remedies

Any person, both an adult and a child, is prone to the periodic appearance of diarrhea. To avoid the need to often resort to various methods of treating diarrhea, you should adhere to certain preventive rules. Folk wisdom also keeps a lot of recipes suitable for this purpose.

Very good medicinal properties are known to all onions and garlic. The purification work done by them in the digestive tract is often more effective than the advertised medicines. The same goal can be achieved and jelly or juices made from berries such as black currant, cornelian, strawberry. It can destroy even dysenteric microorganisms, it is enough to drink half a glass before eating. Do not forget about the benefits of fixing tea used in folk medicine. Their use for preventive purposes also allows achieving excellent results.

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