Heartburn and diarrhea( diarrhea) at the same time, nausea and vomiting, belching, temperature, loose stool, what are the causes?

Deviations from the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract accompany a person throughout life, accordingly, belching, diarrhea, heartburn and other unpleasant phenomena can be observed in both the infant and an adult. In principle, such unpleasant symptoms as a loose stool, heartburn and nausea are familiar to many, but far from everyone knows why they appear. Heartburn, vomiting and diarrhea very often appear as a result of a violation in the diet.

The right diet, which many follow, involves only one simple principle - to consume the maximum amount of foods that have not undergone any industrial treatment and do not contain preservatives and colorants. Often, the increased acidity of the stomach, as a result of which heartburn occurs, and sometimes both diarrhea and vomiting, is associated with the use of a large percentage of poorly processed or inferior foods. Fermentation of food in the stomach leads to the appearance of gases, and as the final result of malnutrition is the appearance of diarrhea.

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Some food products, on the contrary, should not be subjected to heat treatment. In this case, they will retain a greater number of beneficial substances by which the appearance of negative symptoms, expressed in nausea, vomiting and eructation, is prevented. Such products include the following:

  • All fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Sprouted grains;
  • Nuts.

Causes of heartburn, diarrhea and temperature

Far from being the last place in the formation of unpleasant symptoms, like heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting and burping, poisoning takes place with poor-quality products. Manifestations of exposure to toxins are especially dangerous if, together with other symptoms, a high temperature is observed. In addition to the intoxication of the body, it is also possible to infect it with infections that enter the body through poorly washed fruits and vegetables, as well as poor quality, expiring, or not veterinarily tested meat and fish. In this case diarrhea will be the first sign of poisoning, which should prompt the patient to consult a doctor.

Heartburn and loose stools may also occur due to abnormal gastrointestinal function. If, in the presence of the patient's diarrhea, the analysis of the gastrointestinal tract was performed and it is established that there is no intoxication, it is possible that diarrhea and heartburn are directly related to poor absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Another reason - the presence of enterovirus, which appears due to non-compliance with basic rules of hygiene. Against this background, nausea and fever may occur. Reduction or strengthening of intestinal motility also can serve as an excuse for digestive disorders. Such processes are typical for people who are prone to frequent psychoemotional disorders and stress, against which there is irritable bowel syndrome and, as a result, frequent diarrhea.

Heartburn occurs and because of serious gastrointestinal pathologies. The most stable symptoms of heartburn are manifested in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the case when the balance of acidity is disturbed. Not always at the same time with it there are diarrhea and nausea, not to mention the heat. Most often heartburn is indicative of a duodenal ulcer, esophagitis, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis and other disorders of digestive organs. There are ways of the so-called artificially created heartburn, which occurs against the background of pregnancy, severe weight loss, stressful situations. Often, stress is also the main factor for the appearance of diarrhea, against which general weakness of the body may come, as diarrhea, as everyone knows, dehydrates the body and does not spare the immune system.

Against the background of taking strong drugs( antibiotics), too, there is nausea and a special type of increased acidity, which can not be cured by any means. It is only the cessation of the use of drugs that helps. Simultaneously with it, diarrhea may occur with fever.

How to treat heartburn and diarrhea?

Before determining the way to get rid of diarrhea, increased acidity and discomfort in the abdominal area, it is necessary to determine the nature of their appearance. A prerequisite is checking the gastrointestinal tract, as well as examining the feces if the intestinal disorders manifest too often. After the correct diagnosis, the therapy will be carried out in two directions:

  • Designing the right diet, which will remove heartburn and diarrhea, as well as normalize acidity;
  • The appointment of medications, if you cope with the help of proper nutrition will not work.

In the event that the liquid stool was accompanied by bloating and heartburn, most of the foods most likely will have to be removed from the diet for a while. These include legumes, milk, sour and simple cabbage, rye bread. In the case of increased acidity, you will have to abandon the rich soups, deliberately sour dishes and sweets.

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