Several days( 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8-10) diarrhea( loose stools, diarrhea), in a child and adult, the reasons for what to do if the temperature and the stomach hurts?

If an adult patient has a few days of diarrhea, and has a stomach ache, there is not enough of him, which makes him happy. Experiencing a strong discomfort, it is difficult to lead a habitual way of life. In such situations, not all seek medical help during the first day of exacerbation, so the condition worsens, and dangerous complications arise. That is why, everyone should know what causes are capable of provoking a malaise, what to do, when diarrhea is tormented for several days, how to get rid of painful symptoms?

Why can a loose stool in an adult and children be tormented for several days? Any diarrhea without temperature is a sign that the stomach and intestines have failed in their work. When a child or an adult suffers from diarrhea for 2 days, and diarrhea is not accompanied by pain in the stomach, most likely there is an independent cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract from the products of putrefaction, mucus, toxins accumulated due to the formation of stagnant phenomena in the tract. Just a few days of diet - and the functional disorder will go away with itself.

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Painless diarrhea for 2 days can provoke alcohol poisoning, as well as indigestion caused by food poisoning. It is noticed that often 2-day diarrhea can occur during pregnancy and during menstruation in women. What to do in this situation? If the adult is ill, and he has no temperature, nothing, under such conditions, a loose stool helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body, diarrhea for 2 days helps the body to clear and very quickly come back to normal. Therefore, after a few days, the described symptoms also disappear with themselves.

In a small child any, 2, 3, 8-day diarrhea is a dangerous phenomenon. And all because there may be signs of dehydration, capable of provoking the development of dysfunction of all internal organs. Therefore, it is so important to closely monitor the general condition and immediately respond to any deviations from the norm. If diarrhea does not go away immediately and worries for several days, if your stomach hurts, call a doctor.

Even an ordinary person, knowing the features of the clinical picture of the most common childhood diseases, in which diarrhea can be observed for several days( 2 or more), can correctly react and know what to do before the doctor comes.

What to do when a child has a few days( 2 or more) of loose stools? Watch him. In the event that the stomach upset passes in a mild form, if there is no temperature, within a day the liquid stool appears 4-5 times no more, if the general condition does not suffer with a 2-day diarrhea, one can suspect a nonspecific diarrhea,(kidney juices, for example).In order to exclude another, more serious disease, it is worthwhile to show the child to the doctor. When the diagnosis is confirmed, 2-day diarrhea is treated with a diet, the complete elimination of all provocative factors helps to stop the malaise.

The third day of diarrhea, what should I do?

Observing a mild infant with a malaise that provoked the appearance of a loose stool for 2 days or more, it is good to learn how to ask yourself the right questions. How did diarrhea( acute or moderate) start, does the abdomen hurt, is there nausea and vomiting, what intensity do they have? It is useful to measure the body temperature, with positive answers to all the questions mentioned, it is possible to suspect viral gastroenteritis. What to do if there is a suspicion of the described disease? You can not wait for 3 days, you need to call a doctor immediately. And while he's on his way, try to help the child. The algorithm of the action is as follows:

  1. It is important to try to compensate for the loss of fluid and salts that go along with it with 3-day diarrhea. For these purposes, it is better to use Regidron, one pack of powder dissolves in a liter of water. Drinking is given several times( every fifteen minutes), the volume of a single dose is calculated by the formula 10 mg per kilogram of weight for a child up to a year and 20 mg for an older age.
  2. It is useful to provide bed rest and not to let the child eat before the arrival of the doctor.

If a child has a three-day loose stool with mucus or blood particles, if there is discomfort in the stomach, a bacterial intestinal infection may develop. It can be accompanied by vomiting or go without it, the patient often complains of high temperature. With intestinal infection, the clinic is as follows: the stomach hurts periodically, diarrhea does not stop for several days( three or more), but with proper treatment the symptoms quickly disappear, so if the child has diarrhea the third day, it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

Often, a loose stool lasts three days because of food poisoning. It provokes a general intoxication of the body, therefore, in addition to diarrhea, the patient can complain for several days for severe headache, constant nausea, frequent vomiting, and appearing resists that are paroxysmal. What to do with food poisoning? To significantly alleviate the condition of the patient helps wash the stomach, but to call the doctors, nevertheless, it is necessary.

Symptoms of poisoning are similar to several symptoms of parasitic infection. And with this diagnosis, 3-day diarrhea is possible, it can appear after the end of this period, accompanied by a strong swelling, a slight increase in temperature, painful spasms. They are provoked by increased gas formation. Treat infestations yourself, folk remedies can not. To obtain an effect, complex therapy is important, which will allow to get rid of parasites and from the products of their vital activity, and perform rehabilitation, which will restore the functions of the affected organs, so in some cases hospitalization will be required.

Procrastination is dangerous for those with:

  • Diarrhea lasts a second day.
  • If the diet does not help to eliminate loose stool for 3 days in a child and 5 for an adult.
  • If the stomach aches with diarrhea.
  • If a liquid stool of dark color is attached, if there is blood in it, a large amount of mucus.
  • If acute diarrhea has occurred in a child who is not yet a year old, or an elderly person.
  • The stools are troubled for more than 3 days and are accompanied by high fever.
  • When 2-day diarrhea occurs with an enviable periodicity with no apparent prerequisites for that.

Solve the question of what to do, to hospitalize a patient or not, the doctor decides after collecting an anamnesis.

Diarrhea 4 days

Diarrhea more than 3 days is called lingering. There are several reasons for its occurrence. The most common is insufficient digestion of food. What symptoms does this malaise? Diarrhea lasts 4 days or more, the stool is thin, enlarged, it has a light color, but it smells very bad. Symptoms are worse after eating certain foods. In adults, diarrhea on the fourth day is accompanied by increased gas production. At the child in the presence of insufficient digestion occurs, insignificant weight gain( a couple of hundred grams).

Severe diarrhea 4 days without a fever can last because of prolonged use of antibiotics. As a rule, with the withdrawal of drugs, the liquid stool is normalized. But to consult with the pediatrician, especially if during the reception of medications the stomach hurts, nevertheless, it is necessary, he will make an adjustment of treatment and will advise what to do, than to replace the medicine.

Diarrhea 5 days

When a child or an adult has an upset stomach and a fifth consecutive day of severe diarrhea, it makes sense to go to a polyclinic and pass the test for bacterial culture. It will help confirm or deny the presence of bacterial and viral infections. Prolonged diarrhea( up to 5 days and longer without fever) can be a signal of exacerbation of a chronic stomach or bowel disease. Often diarrhea with a liquid stool for more than 5 days appears due to a violation of the intestinal microflora. It is dysbiosis that is the most common factor provocateur of a 5-day sickness. Confirm the diagnosis will help several tests, the results will help understand what to do, how to eliminate the cause of the disease state.

Diarrhea 6 days in a child

In an infant, diarrhea within 6 days may indicate the onset of a teething process, in an adult a described malaise of 6 days may last due to nervous overstrain or severe emotional stress. There may appear a loose stool due to vitamin deficiency. Especially dangerous is the deficiency of vitamin B2 and niacin, which helps control cholesterol, high fever, and abdominal pain.

Diarrhea 10 days

If an adult patient has diarrhea 10 days, many diseases can be suspected. As a rule, it is ten days that the acute phase of diarrhea lasts, if the treatment does not help, the malaise passes into a chronic stage, it indicates the presence of various serious failures in the body. Diarrhea of ​​10 days can be caused by Crohn's disease, colitis, colorectal cancer, malabsorption syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome. All these reasons are quite serious. What to do when stating such diagnoses? Treat the underlying disease.

How to prevent diarrhea for a few days?

Any functional malaise that disturbs a person for more than 2 days can be easily prevented by complying with existing rules and personal hygiene standards.

In order to prevent upset stomach and the appearance of severe diarrhea for several days, it is useful to monitor what gets into the stomach. You can not eat overdue foods, drink unsterilized milk, raw eggs. Any meat and fish must be heat treated. After use, knives and kitchen boards should be thoroughly washed with detergents. Ready meals after complete cooling, it is important to clean in the refrigerator, if they stay in a warm room for a long time, bacteria grow on them very quickly, they will easily provoke diarrhea, which will torment for several days. Each of us knows what to do with expired products.

When traveling to other countries and adults and children, you can not drink raw water, you should buy bottled water for drinking, the reputation of the manufacturer should not be doubted. In exotic countries, eating fruits, they need not only to wash, but also completely peel the skin. In Central Asia it is useful to refuse to buy melons and watermelons. Often there to increase the weight pumped large berries with raw water. The use of such a product will accurately show the described malaise, which will bother for several days.

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