Normobakt for diarrhea, probiotics for diarrhea

Pathological changes in the internal organs are often signaled by diarrhea. Regardless of the causes that caused diarrhea, there are violations of the balance of harmful and beneficial microbes in the intestine. The shift of the intestinal microflora towards harmful microorganisms increases the effect of unfavorable factors and the severity of the disease. To get rid of poisonous substances and excess of harmful microorganisms, there are antidiarrhoeal preparations and other means, which are determined by the nature of diarrhea.

The direction of treatment of diarrhea is promising, allowing to increase the number of non-pathogenic organisms that do not allow the development of harmful microorganisms in excessive quantities. Such useful microorganisms are called probiotics.

Representing living bacteria such as lacto- and bifidobacteria, probiotics simultaneously with the inhibition of the growth of pathogenic bacteria, positively influence the increase of immunity and the improvement of the physiological functions of the human body. Probiotics can be contained in some products, but can be artificially created in the form of dietary supplements. The sources of living bacteria are:

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  • bio-yogurt;
  • acidophilus and buttermilk;
  • cheddar, cheese with mold, aged cheeses with live cultures;
  • soybean paste, fermented soybean;
  • sauerkraut.

The effect of using dietary supplements to eliminate diarrhea is the combination of probiotics with prebiotics, which serve as a kind of food for beneficial microbes, allowing them to solidify in the walls of the intestine. Especially effective are probiotics for diarrhea caused by the intake of antibiotics, and for diarrhea in young children. The use of probiotics in diarrhea in conjunction with standard rehydration measures reduces the duration of the pathology and the intensity of its manifestation.

Normobakt with diarrhea

The most effective treatment for diarrhea in children and the elderly is the probiotic Normobakt. Its composition in equal parts includes strains of living bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and Bifidocterium BB-12Y.By participating in the restoration of useful intestinal microflora, bacteria inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The use of Normobakt in the recovery period after treatment of infectious bowel disease for eliminating the effects of diarrhea is shown.

Apply Normobakt for diarrhea caused by:

  1. Food allergy.
  2. Change of climate, habitual food and water.

You can take Normobakt from six months, and in some cases, doctors recommend the drug even to newborns. A biologically active additive containing a probiotic in the form of a stick weighing 3 grams is produced. Before consumption, the powder is dissolved in water, compote, juice, in general in any drink. Some mothers mix the drug in a mash or baby puree, but the temperature should not exceed 40 ° C. Mixing the drug with yogurt, yogurt or fermented baked milk can improve its assimilation.

Each Normobakt sachet contains up to 4 billion lacto- and bifidobacteria, which literally burn the E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, shigella and other harmful microorganisms. The number of doses and the timing of taking Normobakta are calculated by the doctor individually depending on the age and state of health. Especially for children Normobakt is released in tablets in the form of a bear cub containing, in addition to the preparation, natural flavor, emulsifier and powdered milk. Adverse reactions are possible in the form of allergy, flatulence. The drug is contraindicated with special sensitivity to the components. It should be taken carefully in pregnant women, during lactation and when taking children with congenital heart disease and a weakened immune system.

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