Diarrhea with teething( cut, climb) in children( babies), temperature and loose stool in the child, what to do?

Short diarrhea with teething in infants is not a dangerous phenomenon, but it requires parents to pay special attention. As a rule, if a child has diarrhea, simultaneously with it there is a strong temperature. The baby, feeling uncomfortable, is very naughty, constantly nervous. When teeth are chopped, babies sleep badly. But they can be helped, greatly relieve the condition, understanding why teeth erupt with diarrhea and high fever.

Parents should be aware that the heat and diarrhea in the child's teething occur because the gums become inflamed and swollen. Since the oral cavity, stomach and intestine are part of one tract, the inflammation of the gums in the infants quickly spreads and goes to the lower sections of the tract, the local immunity decreases markedly, so diarrhea appears. When the teeth climb, a favorable environment for the development of intestinal infection is created. It proceeds very hard, with a high temperature and severe dehydration.

Diarrhea - a symptom of teething

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Parents should distinguish when the baby has diarrhea because teeth are chapped, and when this condition is associated with the development of intestinal infection. What signs indicate the phenomenon described?

  1. When teething begins, the baby becomes nervous, excitable.
  2. He does not eat well, often regurgitates.
  3. There is a strong salivation. Baby, when the incisors are climbing, trying to swallow saliva, while the stomach is quickly overfilled, so there may be a one-time vomiting.
  4. Severe diarrhea, when the teeth are climbing, does not appear in all children. If there is no intestinal infection, the loose stool has a habitual color, its odor does not change. In a day he can appear three to four times. Some have a loose stool up to 10 times. Understand whether this is a norm, or diarrhea with an intestinal infection, can only be a doctor. Parents are advised to doctors at a time when the incisors are climbing, more closely monitor the overall condition of the baby. If diarrhea with teething causes the child to decrease appetite, if it becomes lethargic, if the temperature rises very much, you should immediately call a doctor. The listed symptoms are signs of the development of intestinal infection, teething is not involved.
  5. The presence of infection can be indicated by a multiple liquid stool with mucus, with putrefactive odor, the color of the stool becomes green, sometimes blood streaks appear in it.
  6. With diarrhea and vomiting, children quickly lose fluid, dehydration develops - a very dangerous phenomenon for a baby, what to do in this situation? If you do not provide him with qualified help on time, the nervous system will suffer, severe convulsions begin, a strong palpitation will occur, kidneys and respiratory organs will suffer.

What should I do if my child's teeth and diarrhea come up?

When high fever and diarrhea are not associated with intestinal infection in children, it does not require any treatment. But in order to alleviate the condition of children, doctors recommend to reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines, what if the children are already on mixed feeding? It is necessary to reduce the amount of complementary foods and replace it with breast milk.

  • As a child with a teething constantly draws something into his mouth, it is necessary to try to wash the toys with which he plays more often, often wash his hands with a special soap. The dishes are useful for sterilizing.
  • At the first signs of the appearance of intestinal infection it is important not to engage in self-medication, what should I do? It is better to call a doctor at home and already make some decisions with him.
  • In the case when diarrhea occurs with teething, it is not dangerous, it is dangerous to combine diarrhea and signs of intestinal infection. If the teeth are chopped, the child has a strong gum. You can remove the pain by giving the child solid vegetables( chopped carrots or cucumber, for example).Massaging the gums help special toys, and what if the swelling appeared? You can remove them by trying to put cold napkins to the gums.
  • Many doctors, if teeth break through in children and there is severe discomfort, can recommend painkillers such as Panadol or Tylenol, or special gels Oragel, Kamistad. They well anesthetize, creating the effect of numbness of the gums. Ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they should always be at hand. Knowing what to do, and how to help your child, you can significantly ease the care of the baby in a difficult time.

Of course, diarrhea and fever with teething often happens, but these symptoms can arise as a result of the development of other dangerous pathologies. If the indicated signs have a long etymology, it is worth telling this to your pediatrician. Only he can pick up adequate treatment.

When the teeth are chapped and a loose stool appears in the infant, it usually passes for three days on its own. Against the background of pain reduction, there is also a temperature, another discomfort, which causes nervous disorders in children, whose treatment requires the involvement of specialists of the relevant specialization.

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