Diarrhea with chicken pox in children

Varicella( chicken pox) is one of the infectious diseases. This infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is very easy to get it from another person.

Predominantly chickenpox are affected by small children. To treat this disease, children can use various antibiotic drugs. But prolonged use of antibiotics can cause side effects, namely, dysbiosis and, accordingly, diarrhea.

Antibiotics during this disease can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of other infectious diseases, since the body is very weak and susceptible to various infections.

In addition, diarrhea in chickenpox in children occurs due to the complications of this disease. Frequent diarrhea and profuse vomiting, as well as drowsiness and respiratory failure clearly indicate a complication of the disease and the need to consult a doctor. If children have these symptoms, do not hesitate and try to cope with the symptoms of chickenpox on your own, as this can be dangerous for a child's life.

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Treatment of diarrhea in chickenpox in a child

If it is known that the cause of diarrhea is the use of antibiotics, treatment can be carried out at home. To do this, stop taking medication to make it easier to cope with the treatment of diarrhea. The final decision on all changes in the treatment regime - replacement of the medicament, correction of the course of admission, additional medications - is taken by the attending physician.

In acute chickenpox, diarrhea is accompanied by high fever, nausea, abdominal pain. In the presence of symptoms of smallpox complications in children, an accurate diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, as well as prescribing the necessary medications that will help reduce the manifestation of such symptoms and improve the condition of the sick child. If the condition worsens, then it is necessary to leave the child under the supervision of specialists in the hospital, so as not to have any serious consequences.

If the diarrhea with chickenpox was very long and accompanied by vomiting, it is important to prevent dehydration, because at this age the body is weak and can lose fluid very quickly, as well as weight. Therefore, it is necessary to give the child water-salt( rehydration) solutions, and in small portions, but often. Also, you need to give the baby more fluids, and to eat only those foods that do not cause irritation of the intestine.

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