That diarrhea, then constipation, after a liquid stool, causes alternation, why diarrhea in a child is replaced by a hard chair, what should I do?

When diarrhea alternates with constipation, it can indicate the presence of various kinds of diseases. Most often it indicates irritable bowel syndrome, infectious( viral or bacterial) intestinal lesions, a lack of nicotinic acid, hereditary or acquired problems with the formation of enzymes, as well as a banal dysbiosis, which is usually a consequence of other diseases. To find out why the patient has such dysfunction, in which the liquid stool is replaced by a hard one, an examination of the gastroenterologist is necessary. Also, a specialist will answer a question of concern to a person about what to do if a diagnosis is found.

The alternation of diarrhea and constipation is most often a sign of IBS.It is with this disease that the greatest number of situations are noted, when suddenly appeared liquid stool is replaced by constipation. In this case, diarrhea can be accompanied by attacks of pain in the abdomen, similar to contractions. Also for such an ailment the following symptoms are typical:

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  • Fecal masses may contain mucus, and the stool itself is liquid or watery;
  • In the presence of constipation, blistering and formation of gases are very characteristic. There may be complaints about nausea;
  • Symptoms of indigestion and eructation may appear;
  • Strong intestinal cramps, against which there is diarrhea and frequent urge to urinate;
  • For IBS, the emergence of any set of symptoms immediately after eating, and liquid stools usually occur in the morning, while during the day it changes into hard or constipation.

If we talk about the causes that cause irritable bowel syndrome, then it is necessary to designate the following:

  • Psychoemotional factors, stress and chronic fatigue;
  • Eating foods that are themselves capable of causing constipation first, then diarrhea, provided such a GIT reaction;
  • Change in intestinal microflora. The reasons for this vary, ranging from low-quality products and ending with the intake of potent drugs. This phenomenon is most often observed in a child when using antibiotics. Diarrhea can be preceded by constipation and vice versa;
  • Hereditary predisposition, when close relatives have no stable stool, is also the cause of this syndrome.

Constipation and diarrhea concomitantly with dysentery

Another reasonably easily curable reason that liquid stools can be replaced by constipation is the presence of a history of amoebic dysentery in the anamnesis. Constipation and diarrhea can occur simultaneously, since the nature of the development of the disease is quite rapid. Why does such a disease occur in a person and acts very quickly?

The causes lie in the infection of the infection, which is caused by a unicellular bacterium - amoeba. In this case, one symptom is replaced by another lightning-fast, if not taken in time, then it is possible to get exhaustion of the organism, which, in turn, will start irreversible processes. Do not search in unverified sources of treatment methods, especially if there is a suspicion of such a diagnosis in the child. It is necessary urgently to address to the expert.

Alternation of diarrhea and constipation

In the case of an operation for resection of the stomach, a person can also experience a state where constipation is replaced by diarrhea. It is called dumping syndrome. This is due to the fact that a lump of food too quickly passes the place where it used to stay, when there was a stomach. If we talk about the causes of this ailment, they look rather difficult for an ordinary person, but the way out of the situation when there is a chair is liquid, then it is not, it is quite simple: eating fruits in large quantities. Eat in this situation should be divided, often and in small portions, while it is desirable to have a horizontal position after each meal.

Constipation after diarrhea may indicate a possible acute appendicitis. Among his symptoms are often indicated alternation of liquid and solid feces, as well as a number of other signs, such as pain syndromes, as with diarrhea. If we talk about why such an ailment occurs, then there are a number of reasons, each of which can appear as one, and simultaneously with the other:

  • Presence of infection;
  • Mechanical effects;
  • Trophic disturbances in the walls;
  • Incorrect food.

If the stool is hard at first, then liquid, chronic cholecystitis is possible. Among the main signs of the disease, which proceeds in chronic form, is the phenomenon when diarrhea occurs simultaneously with constipation. This symptomatology indicates a worsening of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which does not cope with its activities, as before. In this regard, you can observe a picture when the chair is liquid, or it is not at all. Why is this happening? The answer is simple: poor nutrition, lack of balance in female hormones, excess weight, stressful situations and some infectious diseases lead to the development of cholecystitis.

It is considered that the alternation of diarrhea and constipation, and then the appearance of vomiting, can not be caused by the presence of only this ailment, as a rule, it is accompanied by gastritis. Recognize cholecystitis will help not only diarrhea and unstable liquid stool, but also the presence of general weakness of the body, as well as reduced efficiency and irritability.

If, after diarrhea, constipation, the patient may have Crohn's disease. It is quite a serious ailment that affects absolutely any part of the gastrointestinal tract. With this pathology, all the walls of the intestine are involved in the inflammatory process. Symptoms of Crohn's disease are as follows:

  • Joint manifestation of a first delayed bowel movement, constipation, then a loose stool;Often, diarrhea flows with blood. The frequency of diarrhea can vary from three to ten times a day;
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity does not differ in intensity, they are rather periodic, cramping;
  • The appearance of a rash and a decrease in vision are characteristic.

Despite the fact that the causes of this ailment are strictly individual, often its symptoms are intertwined with ulcerative colitis, therefore the exact diagnosis must be made by a specialist. Also, only the doctor will be able to answer the patient's question about what to do if after a diarrhea constipation.

If the patient has noticed signs, when the diarrhea becomes constipated, and it happens constantly and simultaneously with pain for a week or more, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such symptoms may indicate cancer of the rectum. In such a situation, the bill can go on for hours, and diagnose such a pathology should be immediately, as long as the medical intervention is still valid. For prevention purposes, a regular examination of the rectum and abdominal cavity should be carried out, as this will make it possible to detect the cancer in the early stages, when it is still amenable to treatment with medicinal and surgical means.

Also it is necessary to be immediately alert, if diarrhea and delay of defecation occur simultaneously at the child, as the children's organism is weaker than the adult. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration of the baby, recovery after which takes a very long time. A rare defecation or frequent diarrhea in a child is always a consequence of any malfunction in the body.

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