Diarrhea from candles Viferon

The drug Viferon is based on human recombinant interferon alpha-2.Interferons were discovered more than half a century ago, when the property of a virus-infected group of cells was established, it produces a special protein. This protein, called interferon, protects the body from a viral infection, making the cell immune to the invading virus. Interferon can be divided into the following types:

  • alpha;
  • beta;
  • gamma.

For the production of antiviral agents, alpha-interferon was used based on human blood. In the future, an artificial interferon, called human recombinant, was created by genetic engineering. Viferon additionally has in its composition vitamins E and C, which enhance the antiviral activity of the drug and immunomodulatory effect.

The antiviral immunomodulatory and antiproliferative action of the drug is based on the following properties:

  1. Prevents further virus multiplication in the cell.
  2. Displays viral particles outside the affected cell, and also facilitates their destruction by other immune agents.
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Viferon is used for complex therapy:

  1. Acute respiratory viral diseases.
  2. Pneumonia caused by viruses, bacteria, chlamydia.
  3. Viral and bacterial meningitis.
  4. Intrauterine, enterovirus infections, sepsis and candidiasis.

Despite the fact that the drug is positioned as a drug that does not have any side effects, Viferon can cause diarrhea.

The drug for the treatment of viral infections is used in the form of ointment, gel for external use and rectal suppositories. With external application due to low adsorption of Viferon, side reactions in the form of diarrhea are absent. However, diarrhea from candles Viferon can be caused by both an overdose and an allergic reaction to the components that make up the candles.

Diarrhea from Viferon can be caused by the fact that the composition of the ointment includes cocoa butter, which has a strong allergic effect. Many people are indignant that after several days of using the drug in children, and sometimes in adults, diarrhea begins. However, the cause of diarrhea in this case is not a medicine, but a failure to comply with the diet. With any viral infection, the body is weakened and requires a decrease in the load on the digestive tract and failure to comply with these conditions leads to diarrhea.

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