One of the most unpleasant diseases is the paraproctitis in chronic form, which is the inflammatory process of the interspersed space and recta...
Spastic sigmoiditis is manifested when intestinal motility is disturbed, which is accompanied by spasms. These painful feelings are very distur...
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine is diagnosed very often when handling complaints of intestinal problems and the main...
This chronic pathology of the digestive tract, like Crohn's disease, can affect any department located in the digestive tract, but most often d...
Spasmodic colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine mucosa. There are 2 forms: acute and chronic. The causes of the appearance of spasm...
Pseudomembranous colitis is a common inflammatory disease. Its causes are inflammatory processes that occur with prolonged treatment with antib...
For such an inflammatory disease of the digestive organs, as ulcerative colitis, there is a whole galaxy of severe syndromes. They are expresse...
Paraproctitis is an acute or chronic inflammation in the cell membrane of the rectal cavity. According to the data, the frequency and disease i...
To prevent gastroenteritis, it is very important to prevent and reduce the possibility of infection. To reduce the likelihood of infection, it ...
The phenomenon of gas evolution, accompanied by unpleasant odors and specific sounds, not only causes a feeling of discomfort, but also creates...
24 Mar 2018
Paraproctitis - fistulas of the rectum, after surgery, treatment of chronic fistulous form of the disease
One of the most unpleasant diseases is the paraproctitis in chronic form, which is the inflammatory process of the interspersed space and recta...
25 Mar 2018
Spastic cigmoiditis and its treatment
Spastic sigmoiditis is manifested when intestinal motility is disturbed, which is accompanied by spasms. These painful feelings are very distur...
23 Mar 2018
Products for intestinal colitis - bananas, bran, mineral water, kefir
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine is diagnosed very often when handling complaints of intestinal problems and the main...
14 Feb 2018
Crohn's disease of the small intestine( small intestine)
This chronic pathology of the digestive tract, like Crohn's disease, can affect any department located in the digestive tract, but most often d...
10 Mar 2018
Spasmodic colitis of the intestine and its treatment
Spasmodic colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine mucosa. There are 2 forms: acute and chronic. The causes of the appearance of spasm...
28 Mar 2018
Pseudomembranous colitis( membranous, clostridial) - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment regimen, in children
Pseudomembranous colitis is a common inflammatory disease. Its causes are inflammatory processes that occur with prolonged treatment with antib...
11 Mar 2018
Syndromes of ulcerative colitis: pain, constipation, bleeding
For such an inflammatory disease of the digestive organs, as ulcerative colitis, there is a whole galaxy of severe syndromes. They are expresse...
16 Mar 2018
The causes of paraproctitis, from what happens?
Paraproctitis is an acute or chronic inflammation in the cell membrane of the rectal cavity. According to the data, the frequency and disease i...
10 Feb 2018
Prevention of gastroenteritis
To prevent gastroenteritis, it is very important to prevent and reduce the possibility of infection. To reduce the likelihood of infection, it ...
25 Mar 2018
Irritable bowel syndrome( IBS) with flatulence and bloating - diet and treatment, banned food, how to treat medicines?
The phenomenon of gas evolution, accompanied by unpleasant odors and specific sounds, not only causes a feeling of discomfort, but also creates...