Laryngitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process of the larynx arises. This process involves the mucous membranes of this organ, s...
Worms are a frequent causative agent of dysbiosis. This is due to a variety of different causes, for example, a decrease in immunity or exposur...
The causes of hair loss can be many - this and the wrong food, bad ecology, bad habits, intensive use of lacquers or hair gels, drying with a drye...
Golden root or pink root, all these names belong to the rhodiola rosea. With its healing properties, this plant is known since ancient time...
Lack of minerals can significantly affect a person's condition or even initiate a disease. Panangin is a drug that supports heart health, but like...
Detection of kidney pathologies in a patient begins with a survey, visual examination, listening to the organ( auscultation), as well as percussio...
Anthrax carbuncle( or pustula maligna) is a painless specific manifestation on the skin in the form of a necrotic inflammation focus in case of an...
Flemoxin soluteba is an antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of action. The active component of the substance is amoxicillin trihydrate. This...
Vomiting with signs of bleeding can signal a disease - Mallory Weiss syndrome. According to statistics, this diagnosis is stated in 10% of cases w...
1 Signs of the disease Before thinking about how to treat low-grade( normal) pressure glaucoma, you should familiarize yourself with t...
26 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Laryngitis: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults
Laryngitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process of the larynx arises. This process involves the mucous membranes of this organ, s...
26 Feb 2018
Worms with dysbiosis
Worms are a frequent causative agent of dysbiosis. This is due to a variety of different causes, for example, a decrease in immunity or exposur...
26 Feb 2018
Folk Recipes Of Beauty
Strengthening, moisturizing and nourishing masks for weakened hair at home
The causes of hair loss can be many - this and the wrong food, bad ecology, bad habits, intensive use of lacquers or hair gels, drying with a drye...
26 Feb 2018
Healing Herbs
Rhodiola rosea - photo
Golden root or pink root, all these names belong to the rhodiola rosea. With its healing properties, this plant is known since ancient time...
26 Feb 2018
Panangin: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, contraindications
Lack of minerals can significantly affect a person's condition or even initiate a disease. Panangin is a drug that supports heart health, but like...
26 Feb 2018
Instrumental Methods
Deep and superficial palpation of the kidneys and percussion: techniques, techniques, video
Detection of kidney pathologies in a patient begins with a survey, visual examination, listening to the organ( auscultation), as well as percussio...
26 Feb 2018
Anthrax: symptoms in humans, signs, treatment, prevention
Anthrax carbuncle( or pustula maligna) is a painless specific manifestation on the skin in the form of a necrotic inflammation focus in case of an...
26 Feb 2018
Antibiotic solutab: price, instruction, analogues, how to take during pregnancy, children
Flemoxin soluteba is an antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of action. The active component of the substance is amoxicillin trihydrate. This...
26 Feb 2018
The Mallory-Weiss Syndrome: Definition, ICD-10, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Forecast
Vomiting with signs of bleeding can signal a disease - Mallory Weiss syndrome. According to statistics, this diagnosis is stated in 10% of cases w...
26 Feb 2018
Secondary Headaches
Indicators of the norm of eye pressure in glaucoma and treatment of the disease
1 Signs of the disease Before thinking about how to treat low-grade( normal) pressure glaucoma, you should familiarize yourself with t...